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Nangong Liuyun’s words came out, and suddenly the audience was stunned!

Before they saw the worry-free fairy, the suggestion, all thought that Nangong Liuyun and the worry-free fairy are better, who would have thought that the people in the Nangong Liuyun do not know who the worry-free fairy is!

At this moment, everyone looks at the eyes of the worry-free fairy, with a hint of unclear smile.

The worry-free fairy has a thick face and can't stand the red at the moment.

"Nangong, you..." The worry-free fairy has a beautiful pair of sorrows, and looks like a sly gaze at Nangong Liuyun.

However, there was only one Sulu in the eyes of Nangong Liuyun. The rest of the people were all wood in his eyes. Did he still talk to the wood?

Therefore, even if the worry-free fairy makes a seduce of the man's all-in-one solution, the charm, and the Nangong Liuyun will not be heard, but she has nothing to lose.

Su’s heart has long been laughing, but the face is still quiet. She calmly and slyly gestures: “Don’t you give her a robe with your own hands? How can you not even know people?”

Nangong Liuyun looked down at Su’s line of sight and saw the ink-colored robe at a glance.

"Is it yours?" Su Luo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yeah." Nangong Liuyun admitted, and then frowned, puzzled: "The robe was pulled over the sleeve by this woman, so I just took it off and threw it away, how is it still?"

After listening to the words of Nangong Liuyun, Su Luo almost laughed and sprayed, but fortunately her willpower was amazing, and she was hard to resist.

But the willpower of others is not so good.

"Hello, hahahaha - the original robe was thrown away by Master Nangong."

"I really thought that it was the Nangong young master who gave the worry-free fairy."

"Isn't it a suggestion to all of us before the worry-free fairy?"

"Hey, it’s really laughing at me, my stomach is smashing~~"

For a time, the surrounding people talked about it, and when they said it, they would have no problem with the worry-free fairy.

The road is an unclear smile, and the worry-free fairy is almost angry and angry!

It was at this time that suddenly, the four elders came over personally.

He had a tray in his hand, but covered with red silk, no one could see what was inside.

The four elders had a friendly attitude. When they faced Nangong Liuyun, they paid a tribute: "This is your reward for passing customs. Put it away."

Nangong Liuyun thought and didn't want to, and pointed to the direction of the Soviet Union: "Give her."

The four elders took a trace of surprise. He did not expect that the relationship between Nangong Liuyun and Su Luo would be so close. You must know that this tray is...

Su Luo holds the tray and curiously asks Nan Gong Liu Yun: "Should it be a lottery? How can it be a reward?"

Su Luo reached out and touched it and snorted: "Two?"

Four elders have a good temper explanation: "The system reward has a potential rule. First, it starts from the genius training camp and continues to the dragon list. If each mountain can break the record, then no lottery is needed, and the system **** will automatically give away A gift. Second, if these records are reached within one month, then the system **** will give another gift. These two gifts can be chosen without having to draw lots."

The four elders who are rare and high will patiently finish such a long passage.

After the fall, he stunned.

It is no wonder that Nangong Liuyun passed through the customs all the way, and broke the record for the second time. It turned out that he came for the reward.

"Open it, do you like it?" Nan Gong Liu Yun’s long body stood in front of the Soviet Union and gently looked at her.


PS: The worry-free fairy is so unlucky, don't come to the reward of the reward, the recommendation ticket, the monthly ticket, is it really good?

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