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Nangong Liuyun sighed and smiled in the throat, he felt that the friends of the Soviet Union did not seem to be nothing, barely staying and not killing.

"Roll!" Nangong Liuyun burst into a burst of water, like a blue sky, a strong killing attack hit Li Manman.

Li Mann’s whole body is like being acupuncture points. The whole body is stiff, his body is shaking, his lips are lingering... The power of death is terrible.

Although there is only one word, how can Li Manman not know who he is?

Nangong demon!

How did she forget the Nangong adults who have a strong sense of existence? There is a Nangong adult, how can there be something to fall? Now she seems to wake up Nangong adults to sleep...

Li Manman immediately ran away with a light hand.

Su Luo struggled to go, Nan Gong Liu Yun said: "What did you promise?"

Su Luo: "..."

No sleep for one night.

When the sky was bright, Su Luo fell asleep.

There is only one feeling in her heart: Xiaonangong is even stronger than Da Nangong!

In the next few days, Nangong Liuyun did not mention anything back.

When he came to see him, he ignored it.

Even the elders, he is all looking at his face, and he or she simply finished the matter in one or two sentences.

For the rest of the time, he was tired of the fall.

Su Luo came to the upper reaches of the mountain for half a year, but in the past six months she was not chased or upgraded and continued to be on the way to be chased... so I have not yet visited the upstream mountain.

In these few days, two people held hands and the fairy gods walked freely around the upper mountain.

On this day, two people are returning from the auction house, but see the worry-free fairy standing next to the rockery, eyes staring straight at Nangong Liuyun.

In the heart of Su Luo’s heart, he was disgusted, and he subconsciously took up the arm of Nangong’s flowing clouds and walked over.

"Su Luo." The worry-free fairy called her, "I have something to tell you."

Su Luo smiled and smiled at the end of his eyes: "What? Tell me."

The worry-free fairy saw Nangong Liuyun, and the bottom of his eyes was an unclear smile: "Private privately."

"Then don't say it." Su Luo sneered, pulling the Nangong Liuyun and leaving.

Seeing that Su Luo really wants to go away, there is a cold mang in the worry-free fairy. Her voice is sharp: "Your Luo brother is so good to you, don't you really see you die?"

This sentence, let Su Li stayed in the footsteps.

Nangong Liuyun's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled and urged the Soviet Union: "Go."

However, Su Luo broke away from his arm and walked toward the worry-free fairy. He finally stood in front of the worry-free fairy, and his face was cold and severe: "What do you mean by this?"

The worry-free fairy hooks his eyes: "Speak privately."

"You think, what do you believe in what you say?" Su Luo smiled.

However, the worry-free fairy took out a token and shook it in front of the Soviet Union. "Oh, clearly, this thing is what you gave to your brother Luo?"

That is a bottle of top quality water.

Because he knew that Luo Shixiong was going to the battlefield outside the field, Su Luo was afraid of his accident, so he took out the Shangpin Tianling water and poured a pot into Luo Shixiong.

But now, this empty kettle appears in front of the Soviet Union.

Sue remembers very clearly that this blue kettle is indeed hers.

Why do the brothers of Luo Shi’s brother appear in the hands of the worry-free fairy? What happened to Luo Brother? Will there be any accidents?

After all, the extraterritorial battlefield is fighting the Mozu, and it is extremely dangerous. The situation is constantly changing.

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