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The feelings of these two people look very good, and the mountain has no ambition to courage with the monarchy, but in fact, there are many loopholes to drill.

Su's request for Nangong Liuyun is taken for granted.

Nangong Liuyun’s feelings for the Soviet Union have lost a bit of tolerance.

This is doomed to be inserted by the third party, and can stir the wind and stir the rain, breaking their feelings.

The worry-free fairy feels that she is the third person who calls for the rain, and the man she looks at must be her!

Looking at the background of their departure, the smile of the corner of the worry-free fairy is getting brighter.

Nangong Liuyun took the Sulu all the way and strode away.

Go back to the castle.

After Nangong Liuyun threw the Sulu there, he turned and left.

Su Luo stopped him, but this time, it was not a small trick to calm his anger.

Nangong Liuyun pushed her away and only said to him faintly: "Go in."

Then he left.

Su Luo looked at the long back of his decisive departure, and his heart was uncomfortable. The heart position was like a big hand, kneading into various shapes, and she was almost suffocating.

Su Luo was alone in the room, and he was languid and unhappy all day.

He was in a hurry as he left, and Su was once thought that he had left the upstream mountain and stabbed it.

However, when that happened, she knew that he had never left.

A letter from the worry-free fairy to the Soviet Union.

Li Manman took the letter and didn't know if he would give it to Su Luo because she always felt the embarrassment of this letter.

"What letter?" When Su was out, he saw Li long walking around the door of her room and continually chanting something in her mouth.

Li Manman handed the letter over: "The worry-free fairy sent people, and with this letter, there is this--"

Li Manman handed a tearful pearl from the East China Sea to the Soviet Union.

This East China Sea tears tears...

Su Luo took it in his hand, his body shape shook, and he couldn’t open his mouth for a while.

"What's wrong?" Li long saw that Su Luo was completely stupid, and suddenly supported the crumbling Soviet. "What happened to you? Don't scare me! If you have something, Nangong adults will not spare me!"

When I heard the words of Nangong adults, the heart of Su Luo was even more closely picked up.

She took a deep breath to calm her mood and started a quick reading.

"Want to know his news, come to Huanhuan."

The letter of the worry-free fairy is only so short and twelve words.

But these twelve words are so obvious.

"His news? Who's the news? Luo's brother's news?" Li Manman also knows that Luo brother brother lost contact, see this eagerly asked.

The lips of the Soviet Union moved, but they did not say a word.

Worry-free fairy is this deliberately confused?

This, he refers to Luo brother, or Nangong Liuyun?

Even the Soviet Union did not find out that her heart was blocked by a large stone, and the blue veins of the back of the hand suddenly jumped and the heart rate rose to the highest.

If it is in the past, she naturally does not believe, but as soon as she thinks about the eyes of Nangong Liuyun when she leaves, she will feel a little hairy.

Nangong Liuyun loves to be angry. She is afraid that he will be angry and make things that will make each other irreparable...

"When was this letter sent?" Su Luo asked nervously.

Li Longman thought for a moment: "Before half an hour, I have been thinking about whether to give the letter to you..."

After all, the worry-free fairy represents two words of trouble.

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