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"Of course, it will be fair." Su Luo smiled and smiled. When he reached out, he gave the cold knife to his hand. He turned to Zhang Wang and said, "Brother, I want this thing."

Zhang Wang’s brother smiled and nodded: “You have to take it away, polite.”

What kind of polite? ? ? Li Yuming’s forehead must be blasted on the forehead! This is obviously what everyone has found, and what it is for what it wants! This is not fair!

Li Yuming was so angry that he yelled, but he had no waves on the old wells of Zhang Wang’s brother... He suddenly stunned.

The ice fairy can't see it: "Captain, are you so protected?"

Master Wang Wang said frankly: "It is the last pass that she brought in. It is the last level she has ever passed. If you feel that you have contributed more than her, you can stand up and take this cold moon sword away. ”

Everyone: "..."

Bingqing Fairy reached for the second piece of ground level weapon, which is a dark blue jade needle. Even if it is a holy step, once it is shot, it is also a seal.

The Soviet Union was faster than the hand of the Ice Fairy. Before the Ice Fairy, the Jade Needle was taken away.

The ice fairy is raging and screaming: "Give me the jade needle!"

Su Luo smiled and looked at her: "I didn't say before the ice fairy, except for the inheritance, the rest of the baby are all not, how, the fairy has to grab us?"

The ice fairy was stunned.

At this time, she only remembered that she did say this before she came in, but at the time she thought that there was inheritance, so she could not look at anything else.

As for this jade needle, it is not her own use.

"You already have a ground-level weapon, and give this piece to Li Yuming." Bingqing fairy stared coldly at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo put the jade needle in the hands of Zhang Wang’s brother and said with a smile: "Zhang Wang’s brother is the captain. Whoever you are present believes that the strength is stronger than him, and the output is more than him, even though he stood up and took the jade needle. ""

The one that Su Luo said is a straightforward one, of course.

Li Yuming has a few big eyes, but he is unable to refute...

Who told Su Luo what is the truth?

Zhang Wang’s brother is indeed the strongest, and the leader of the World of Warcraft is also killing him. He took a piece of ground-level weapon or was wronged. Who would dare to fight with him?

This time, two pieces of ground level weapons are all gone.

Li Yuming was anxious to die. He looked at Su’s cold moon knife and looked at Zhang’s brother’s jade needle, all kinds of envy and hatred.

Although Ouyang interest did not say anything, but he looked at Su's eyes more and more with a deep disappointment.

Between the same door, in order to divide the baby to make a big hit, this is unacceptable for Ouyang.

"I abstained." Ouyang looked at the human-level weapons in that place and slammed openly.

Before the ice fairy, it was already abstained, so the remaining eight human weapons are the things of the Lord.

When Li Yuming heard it, he suddenly felt shining.

He stroked his hands forward and directly put all eight weapons into his arms.

At the first sight, it’s got it?

Human-level weapons are not bad at all? Get the upstream mountain auction house, that is at least a few million points starting price, why is it cheaper Li Yuming this nuisance?

What's more, Beichen Zixiao stupid big sisters, they also have no hand-to-hand weapons, why should Li Yuming pull all the way?

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