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Going a little further, Su Luo asked Zhang Wang brother: "Let's go now, or do you want to go back?"

If you leave immediately, it is not impossible. The Soviet Union noticed the route from the beginning. From here to the east is a cliff. Jumping from the cliff is a big river. You can run far away along the river.

Zhang Wang brother nodded: "Leave it, pretend to be killed by the enemy target." Zhang Wang did not want to let the fall again risk, after all, her life is too important to withstand the risks.

The so-called enemy goal naturally refers to Zhang Wang and Su himself.

Two people looked at each other and had a smile on their lips.

The two quietly headed east, but not far away, there was a voice in front.

"I am so hungry... oh..."

When I heard this sound, Su Luo was not good for the whole person!

What luck is this Nima!

The valley is so big, so vast, how to turn around, how can I meet the big rhinoceros fat man! ! !

Can't bear it!

The Soviet Union made a sound of a molar!

"Who!" The Mozu had a natural sensitivity to the breath, and the Su was captured by the other party with only a little breath.

"There are four people on the other side, go quickly!" Zhang Wang brother knows that he is not good, and he is ready to run when he pulls down.

However, who knows that the Mozu actually attacked before and after.

There are four people in front, and there are still four people in the back. This will surround the Soviet Union and Zhang Wang’s brothers.

Although it is in the dark, the darkness is like a white to these people, no difference.

"Hey! You, the stinger?" A little wolf in the Mozu screamed.

Su Luo and Zhang Wang’s brothers looked at each other.

It’s hard to meet the Mozu, it’s time to do it.

So they decided to count.

Su Luo snorted, hands on his hips, Yaowu Yangwei: "You, the Mozu? Here, we are stabbing, rolling!"

On weekdays, when humans see the Mozu, do they run like a ghost? Now, both of them dare to yell at such a group of people? When did humans eat the daring leopard?

When the sound of the Soviet Union came out, the breath was revealed, and suddenly -

The demon king of the Mozu usually pulls out the crowd, and the shells rush out. It is like a fanatic fan, excited to go to the Soviet Union: "Wow! It's you! It's you!!!"

Su is full of black lines.

She ignored the fanatic fan, just waiting for the little wolf: "Not ready to go away!"

When the little wolf saw this, it was not right.

The little master of his own family is swaying his tail, excited and excitedly wandering around the human black man. This situation... seems complicated?

Although the brain is not strong enough, the Devil Wolf, who is not smart enough to develop, feels that the situation is wrong, but still do not understand... because things are too complicated!

Su Luo only stared at the little wolf with cold eyes. The big rhinoceros was anxious to shake his tail, pulling the Soviet Union, and watching me look at me quickly.

However, the Soviet Union was screaming at the little wolf, and ignored the little one around him.

"Why don't you ignore me!" The big rhinoceros was repeatedly ignored, really angry!

Who knows, the Soviet Union slammed coldly and glanced at the big rhinoceros: "I don't know you, why do you want to care for you, who are you, go and go!"

Wow Kakaka! ! !

The Mozu people suddenly look good!

This human man is crazy!

Actually dare to ask them to go to the younger and smaller, this is simply an insult! Correct! insult!

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