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I still remember that when the Nangong Liuyundu was thundering, it was such a scene.

At that time, the Nangong Liuyundu was robbed, and the result was that the haze fairy was killed...

Not everyone has the opportunity to cross the thunder, unless it is the mighty, God is watching.

So, who is going to cross the thunder now?

At this time, a white ball fluttered into the arms of Su Luo, two small claws clinging to the Su 襟 襟 襟 襟 襟 襟 襟 襟 襟 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏... boss...hey..."

"Little Dragon!"

The whole person of the Soviet Union is like a thunder, and stands on the spot.

At this time, the captain ran out of the cave with a group of people, because the cave was about to collapse.

The captain looked at the 39th.

Hey, isn't that the eye damage is serious? Now it seems that there is no trace of injury.


The captain saw Su's eyes and found that the eyes were so beautiful, black and white, clear and pure, where is the blink of the previous 39?

"Who are you?!" The captain responded, and a rushing up would catch the fall.

The colony reacted!

Finished, I was recognized!

At this time, Xiao Shenlong picked up the rifle, and the ghost did not attack the captain...

At first, the captain did not guard against the little dragon, and he was so cold that he was stabbed by such a gun.

What's more, Xiao Shen Long is now a big rise in power, it is not the little dragon!

The captain was almost stabbed in a shot!

At this time, the soles of the Soviet Union were smeared with oil and quickly rushed forward.

And the little dragon, this time sitting face-to-back on the shoulders of the Soviet Union, holding the rifle and fighting with the captain.

The little slap in the face, sitting on the shoulders in a model, it also waving a rifle, it looks like a serious, in fact, the lethality is also very good.

Therefore, the Soviet Union ran, the small dragon defense, the two people are hard to force the team leader who is superior in strength.

At this time, the stinging talents reacted -

"I am going to!!! This person... This person turned out to be a fake!

"We just couldn't find the weapon mark, we won't be taken away by her?"

"Who is this person! When did she get in?"

The stingers were shocked one by one, followed by anger!

The most violent one is the captain.

Do not say anything else, but this time the captain brought the person back to the team, but found that the captain took a fake.

The captain's eyes were red and cracked, and behind the fall, a few fire snakes rushed behind the Soviet Union!

The original captain thought that this time he would definitely be able to tie the other side, but -

Who knows that the little milk dog is so sloppy!

When the fire snake flew to it, it actually had a mouth--


A fire snake was swallowed by it like a swallowed noodle.

I am going to go! The captain was shocked!

What is this enchanting? ! Did you swallow the spiritual power that brought him spiritual power together? Can this be swallowed? Not afraid of belly explosion?

The captain looked left and right, and the little milk dog didn’t mean to explode, and it became more and more depressed.

The fire system can't work, then use the dark system!

The captain smiled coldly, and he made a mark in his hand and muttered a spell in his mouth.


Resurrected from the ground a dead soul.

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