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So Bingqing fairy nodded: "Of course!"

"That little dragon will temporarily lend you a raise." Su Luo simply handed the little dragon to the arms of the ice fairy.

"Account for your knowledge of the time." On the face of the ice-cold fairy, the frosty face, a sneer of disdain.

I didn’t expect that this stinking scorpion was so small, a little threatening, and even gave up.

The captain who has been left out of the cold, the look is cold, and the sorrows of both eyes are terrible.

"Hand over the weapon mark!" The captain of the team immediately shot directly at the ice fairy.

Although he hates the Soviet Union, but he is still a matter of utmost importance, the most urgent task is the weapon imprint.

Chu Xunyang rushed up to stop in front of the ice fairy, but was kicked by the captain.

Lin Xiaofeng went up and took over the captain. The two men fought.

After the little dragon rushed into the arms of the ice fairy, the two small claws clung to her robes, and the little head moved, not knowing what was thinking.

Just at this time, a sharp lightning in the air!

It is followed by crazy and violent!


The whole sky seems to be exploding at this moment!

The bleak lightning, in the dark clouds, casts everyone's face pale.

The golden thunder rushed toward the ice-clear fairy, bursting and amazing!

So many people present, this powerful golden Thunder does not attack anyone, but it is empty when the head of the ice fairy is empty!

Chu Xunyang thought, the luck of the ice is really bad.

Bingqing Fairy also felt that his luck was terrible.

However, she still calmed down the little things in her arms: "Don't be afraid, but a little thunder!"

Not waiting for the ice fairy to shoot, the flower protector Chu Xunyang has burst into the air and withstood the thunder.

"Oh, it’s very relaxing." Chu Xunyang smiled back and revealed his white teeth.

But soon, his smile was stiff at the corner of his mouth.

Because the second thunder light burst into tears!

This thunderbolt is twice as powerful as the first!

Chu Xunyang hardened his scalp and rushed down.

However, he has a little drumming in his heart. If there are several such thunderous lights, he can't stop it.

It was at this time.

"Oh la la la -"

The whole sky creaked, and the voice was horrifying, but the thunder and lightning was delayed.

This feeling of knowing what is going to happen but not being able to wait is most shocking.



This time there was no lightning, and there were no opportunities for people to prepare.

Thunder and lightning!

Thunder and thunder!

Lightning thunder, heavy rain, great momentum!

The surrounding mountains were dumped by a thunderbolt.

The face of Chu Xunyang has changed a bit!


This thunder was originally blown on the head of the ice fairy, but at this time, Chu Xunyang still slammed the scalp and slammed it against the thunder.


Chu Xunyang’s head was pulled out of a hole, and blood rushed out.

He was struck by a thunder and smashed his hair, and his clothes were broken. The original image of a good son is now comparable.

"Ice, this is not right, why is thunder and lightning all over you? You have not crossed the thunder." Chu searched for the forehead of the mad blood, and shouted at the ice fairy.

The ice fairy is not a fool. At this time, she is stupid and knows what happened.

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