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Outside, the robbing of baby activities is over.

The ones that have the most gains are the gods of war.

As long as he stood there, his mouth was one and the other, and then he refused, and the magic weapon was used by him.

The **** of war ate a lot, and his storage space was filled with landfills, and he stopped when he couldn’t swallow it anymore.

Xiao Shenlong also eats.

Although it is small and big, it is so big, but it can be eaten... It is not lost to the **** of war!

One big one, two small and two desperately eat, eat Chu Chuanyang, the group of people quickly died!

As for the laughter team, their gains are not big...

Because Xiaoshen Long is robbing them.

They just got it and were taken away and eaten!

I just got it, I haven’t hid it yet, I was taken away and eaten!

Simply can't bear it!

But the little dragon is too ferocious!

It is full of strength, fast running, agile speed does not pull down, chasing and chasing it, encircling it is not worth the candle, the laughing wind squad is simply mad at the dragon.

Based on the above, they only got a few small magic weapons, and the harvest is not very good.

At this time, they couldn't help but sing the Tian Xuanzhu that had been swallowed up by the Soviet Union.

"Hey! Weapons imprint!"

I don't know who yelled.

At this moment, everyone is dumbfounded.


What about the weapon imprint?

Everyone cares about the magic weapon, even the weapon is forgotten? This is really... everyone wants to lick their own heads.

The seven elders are blue-faced: "Not looking for it!"

Everyone is rushing to find it, but looking for it, you can't find it.

"Is it going to be eaten..." Li Yuming suddenly said.


All eyes are focused on the God of War and the Little Dragon.

These two big and small figures, one is awkward, there is no soul, the other is that the mind is not fully open, staying stunned...

"No... is it eaten by these two?" Li Yuming suddenly screamed!

He added oil and vinegar, and the value of hatred was all led to the little dragon and the **** of war.

However, now everyone can take these two what to do? The little dragon can run away from the smoke, and the **** of war will come over with a fist and he will be flying...

Everyone suddenly fell into a dilemma.

At this time, the ice fairy has been awakened, she has been silently healing in the corner, and now the wounds on her face are raised, and this is to stand up and walk step by step.

When I saw her, everyone snorted subconsciously.

The Ice Fairy looked at the direction of the Soviet Union and said slowly: "Isn't the Soviet Union swallowing something?"

"Suo swallowed Tian Xuanzhu." Zhang Wang brother said coldly, "weapons marks are eighteen kinds of weapons, and Tian Xuanzhu is a magic weapon for cultivation and promotion, so it is not counted."

This trick of the Ice Fairy, in essence, does not work and is directly refuted.

At this time, suddenly, there was a change in the body of the Soviet Union.

The purity of the aura in the body is too much.

Even if she is desperately trying to practice fusion, she only uses the tip of the iceberg a little.

She only used a little reiki, but Tian Xuanzhu constantly added aura to her space, a steady stream of passion and unrestrained.

This can be a painful fall.

I saw the range of ten feet around the Soviet Union, the fog was smog, the water mist covered the sky, and in the sun, a dazzling rainbow shrouded her head.

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