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At this level, who will believe that the Soviet Union will rob Chu to seek the human treasures of the sun!

Didn't you see that people are coming out? And still give the war gods what to eat?

In other words, the Soviet Union completely disdains these human treasures!

At this time, everyone looked at Chu Xiangyang with suspicious eyes.

Under the eyes of the public, Chu Xunyang is not coming to Taiwan.

Everyone looked at Su Luo and fed the war **** one by one, and he admired it and cried.

Su Luo finally fed the God of War.

She slammed the **** of war to the side and then stared at Chu for a moment.

"Our account, it's time to forget it."

Su Luo said with a smile.

But her eyes flashed a murderous, far from the kindness she showed.

At that time, the few people surrounded her and threw her into the mouth of the golden-winged Dapeng bird. This hatred is now going to be recovered in one stroke.

Just start from Chu Xiangyang in front of you.

Chu Xunyang was afraid of Su Shi to say that, and blocked her mouth with words: "Are you showing off the magic weapon of people? Oh, I think your cultivation is also sparse."

"How? Chu Dagong to try?" Su Luo smiled.

"I want to fight with you! Life and death, dare not dare?!" Chu search Yang Hao gas dry cloud!

Su Luo frowned: "My life and death battle with the worry-free fairy is today, you can make another appointment."

"Hahaha, hahahahaha!" Chu Xunyang is the best joke to hear the world, laughing and laughing.

Su Luo frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you stupid, not self-reliant!" Chu Xunyang proudly, "After today, do you think you will have a life?"

"Oh?" Su Luo took a look at the worry-free fairy who sat down on the stage.

"The strength of the superior fairy is skyrocketing, you will definitely not be her opponent. Next year is your jealous day. Therefore, our life and death battle must be before the worry-free fairy." Chu Xunyang explained very well.

"That is, you admit that you are better than a worry-free fairy?" Su faint smile.

"I am not as good as her." Chu Xunyang is very calm, "Now the dragon list can compete with her, probably only the Nangong Liuyun, you, not enough to see."

This is really irritating.

However, Su Luo smiled and calmly said: "That is really a good expectation!"

"Should it still be?" Chu Xunyang looked at Su Luo with a mocking look.

"Since you insist on finding death, you can fulfill it."

Su Luo smiled, "the contract of life and death, life and death, and will not be pursued afterwards."

The battle between life and death is no stranger to the Soviet Union.

In the magical eyes of the people, the two people have quickly signed the life and death contract.

When the life and death contract is received, the Soviet Union becomes a sneer: "Get it!"

Chu Xunyang did not talk about the style, he rushed up and preemptive.

The strength of Chu Xunyang is still good.

Of course, this is an impression of him when he still has not been passed down.

However, after three months of inheritance and cultivation, the eyes of the Soviet Union opened wide.

When she saw Chu Xunyang's "Flower Sword" again, the brow wrinkled slightly.

How did the speed of the exquisite "Flower Sword" become so slow and so rough?

Chu Xunyang was brave enough to hold the sword, but it became slow in the eyes of Su Luo.

Su Luo found that she had at least 13 ways to open Chu Chuanyang far away.

Chu Xunyang saw Su Luo standing in the same place, thinking that she was afraid, and her heart immediately smug.

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