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But what makes everyone shocked again is that -

The master of the city, actually went to the face of Su Luo, staring at her.

Not a slap in the face? Everyone is also confused.

The three elders and five elders and seven elders are even more confused. What are the urban masters doing at this time?

The Soviet Union snorted and snorted.

The crowds were all blind and could not bear to look again.

They are really afraid that the Soviet Union will splash the battle table!

The worry-free fairy stared at Su's eyes and was burning and crazy. She clenched her fists with excitement and waved.

Ok! It’s great that you have done it! awesome! ! !

Wait until you die!

Good people are compassionate and sympathetic; the bad guys are excited and excited.

The three elders are very excited.

She looked at the situation, got up from the ground and walked behind the owner of the city.

She whispered softly, cautiously, with a flattering smile: "The urban masters come from afar, go to rest, these little things are left to us to deal with."

In the invisible angle of the three elders, the brows of the city master frowned.

The three elders did not know the situation, and she turned her head and reprimanded: "Smelly girl! I am not happy to apologize to the urban master!"

soy Mujer?


The lord of the city is full of iron and blue, covered with haze, and there is a violent storm in the eyes.

Su Luo turned his head like a smile and smiled at the three elders: "Smelly girl?"

The three elders are cold and vertical: "In front of the city owner, you can't let you go!"

Su Luo laughed out loud.

The three elders frowned, she was trying to learn from the masters of the city...

But who knows -


A heavy slap in the face of the three elders.

Dare to beat people in the face of the urban master? And still play three elders?

Even if Su Luo is the righteous woman of the urban master, it should be punished!

But what everyone can't think of is --

The master of the city took up the hand of the Soviet Union and pouted with pity, the unprecedented spoil of the voice: "Can the hand hurt?"

This is five words!

The urban master actually said five words!

You know, if it is normal, the urban master can only say one word: pain?

But now he actually said five words.

Su Luo snorted: "I don't hurt, what is it about you?"

This is a big disrespect!

Everyone is dying for the Soviet Union.

You said that the urban master is cold-eyed to a person, is he easy?

This girl can't just pick it up!

The three elders who had been slapped by the Soviet Union were standing in the same place.

If at this time she still can't see the speciality of the urban master to the Soviet Union, it is that she is deceiving herself...

Because I was so shocked, the three elders stood in the same place, stupid, and did not react for a long time...

The Soviet Union did not give the city owner an ordinary look, and the urban master did not even bother.

There was a smirk of laughter on his face, and the broad palm of his hand **** off his little head.

"You are a little girl, a small person, and your temper is not small."

The master of the city is like a small pet.

The master of the city, this shot, everyone in the audience is about to be scared.

Is this urban master really the owner of their home?

Haven't you changed the core?

How do they feel that the smile of the urban master is so shocking?

Three elders, five elders and seven elders... all were scared!

The audience in the audience was also scared!

But Su Luo snorted quietly: "Purgatory City is not good at all."

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