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Staring at the cold eyes of the city's adults, everyone is stalking for the Soviet Union, and they are hanging for her.

Su is good, it should be said that it should laugh.

She held the arm of Master Yun Yun intimately, and Master Master shouted shortly.

The lord of the city is black and looks like a helmet.

He stepped forward to the face of the Soviet Union, licking the back neck of the Soviet Union and pulling her away from Master Yun.

"Master -"

The poor and compassionate Master Rong Yun reached out


The urban master was black-faced and shot her two claws: "Men and women don't kiss!"

"That is my master!"

"That is also a man!" The urban master is black.

Su Luo felt that the master of the city was not squirming at all, screaming twice, don't look away.

She is another small temper.

The urban master is quite helpless.

The poor city owner, the world, the tyrants, can do anything, but he will not marry a little girl...

For a time, the master of the city, quite a bit helpless, helpless.

This little girl, who can't be beaten and can't fight, can't talk to her loudly. It's really hard to wait.

But the city owner is just wanting to be nice to her, just want to move the best things in the world to her and make her happy.

Master Rong Yun saw the face of the urban master, swaying the golden fan and laughing out loud.

"Laughter!" The master of the city calmed his face and bowed to Master Rong.

Rong Yun should not appear to rush with him.

Master Rong Yun ignored the big city owner who was jealous and angered. He waved his hand toward the Soviet Union: "Taro, come over."

In front of Master Rong Yun, he was the fallen Queen of the Queen, and the lion king who was bitten on the wrist of the Queen, and was unconscious.

"Good yeah yeah!" Su ran happily.

Inducing instant success.

Master Yun Yun of the belly black... Everyone has a look of worship.

Master of the city: "..."

His old man has to squeeze his fists!

Everyone is anxious for the city owner!

I can’t be black-faced to the little girl.

But the main man in Yucheng has no experience...

The face that doesn’t smile, it’s ugly to laugh when you laugh...

On the ground, Queen Her Majesty woke up.

In fact, she has long woken up.

He personally heard the master of the city and Master Rong Yun vying for the fall.

At this moment, her heart is dead.

Her Majesty the Queen knows that the fall is important, but she does not know how important it is.

The two top strongmen, the whole continent will collapse, and they will fight for the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is incredible, but it is so real.

妍华啊妍华... What kind of charm do you have, so that these men can be fascinated by you one by one, insanely, love the house and black?

Su Luo squatted in front of the Queen, and looked at her with a smile: "You are the majesty of the Queen who will kill me?"

Must kill?

As soon as these three words came out, the masters of the city and Master Rong Yun’s face were instantly blue!

"What must kill?"

The two strong elders are unanimous.

For a time, the entire Purgatory City was filled with a strong suffocating murderous!

The crowd was far away, but at this moment, they felt that the heart seemed to be pinched by a huge handcuff, and there was a feeling that it would be broken at any time...

The impact of Her Majesty is the biggest!

Under the glare of the two peerless men, the Queen took a cold sweat on her forehead.


The lord of the city was tempered and he shot instantly.

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