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"Wait..." Su Luo was busy waving his hand.

The amount of information inside is a bit big!

That he, Su Luo is now basically determined to be the former leader of the sting.

Her Majesty is his sister...

"Don't you say, is it a sister?" Su Luo was puzzled.

The lord of the city owner disdainfully sneered.

Master Rong Yun smiled a little: "She naturally hopes to be a sister."

How smart is the Soviet Union?

When she contacted the cause and effect, she even guessed it all seven seven eight eight.

That's it!

There is still such a taboo love! It’s really eye-opening!

The masters and masters of the city are also really bad. They even tell this secret in the public.

Su Luo’s heart is dark.

"Right, destroy her avatar, then will his main body come to me later?"

"She doesn't dare." The city owner sneered.

If she is dare, then the urban master does not mind tearing the promise to kill.

Master Rong Yun also smiled and nodded and said: "Your city father will naturally take a sting for you before the horse, and the debts will be recovered."

"We can't kill her, but it can ruin her."

"When you are strong enough to be more powerful than she is now, I am afraid she has not recovered."

Master Rong Yun sighed.

Originally, the Queen’s strength was very powerful and it was taboo.

However, she is bad. In these years, she should not put her main energy on nourishment, so that the main body has no progress.

And Long Qingtian has indeed made rapid progress in these years.

Leave the issue of Her Majesty behind.

The remaining questions are the three elders, the five elders, the seven elders, and the worry-free fairy.

The eyes of Su Luo smiled and smiled and glanced at the four people.

After being swept away by the Soviet Union, these four people suddenly became frightened and stunned, and a coolness picked up from the soles of their feet.

The shock brought by the death of Her Majesty just now is too strong.

Her Majesty the Queen, she was pinched by the owner of the city, and her neck was pinched.

The master of the city saw Su’s look at the four people, and he already had a care in his heart.

Su Luo pointed to the worry-free fairy and said: "She signed a contract of life and death with me. After the defeat, she even wanted to escape-"

The master of the city waved his sleeves.

A worry-free fairy who could never be alive, the worry-free fairy who caused this war...

When the urban master waved his sleeves, she suddenly turned into a group of powder, and the smoke disappeared...

This action is clean and decisive, killing and decisive...

The sinner has disappeared into the world before the fall of the crime of sinners.

Everyone is dumbfounded at this moment.

Including the fall.

She stupidly looked at the previous second and begged for mercy, and after a second, she had already vanished after the empty position... I haven’t returned to God for a long time.

The master of the city is simply...

The powerful soul is shocking!

"go on."

The master of the city is determined to stand behind the Soviet Union.

The large sleeves are behind.

It seems that it is such a strong overbearing, can not be a lifetime, but he stood behind Su, but gave a deep feeling of pet.

It’s really a sense of contradiction.


Su Luo returned to the gods, she looked at the owner of the city without a word, and slowly said: "This ... can you slow down?"

The killing and killing is so clean and neat, there is a very strange feeling in the heart of Su.

She is not very used to it!

The urban master frowned: "She is not bullying you?"

The implication is that the person who bullies the Soviet Union is so cheap that she is cheap.

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