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She knew that the mother-in-law definitely did not agree to disclose her news to Master and the righteous father, because if she wanted, Master and the righteous father had already flown to her side.

However, seeing Master and the righteous father rushing for the mother-in-law, there is no hope but stubbornly looking for it, and her heart is really hard.

"There is no news." Master Yun Yun's voice is as warm as ever.

Su Luo shook his fist.

"That... I still look for it later?" Su fell to the small face of the palm of his hand and asked seriously and seriously.

"Find." Master Rong Yun looked calm and calm, and his eyes were full of affection.

Su Luo bite the lip corner, more and more tangled.

"If that can't be found in a lifetime?" Su Luo stubbornly continued to ask.

"Then I will find it again in my next life."

This voice is not what Master Yun Yun said.

Su Luo looked back.

But see the big man in the city, a large black robe, standing tall and straight, with a strong overbearing breath, heading toward the Soviet Union.

As long as the owner of the city is in the place, he can always feel the tight feeling of depression.

The master of the city saw Su Luo holding the sleeves of Master Yun Yun, his face sinking heavily. When he reached out, he would fall to Su, and black face to educate her. "Men and women don't kiss! Don't move the manual feet, remember Already?"

Spit spit out his tongue.

She knows that as long as she says that it is my master, the city owner will decisively come, it is also a man!

Sue sees the righteous father and then sees Master.

If you can't find it in your life, then you will find it again in your next life... This is a very difficult question for Su.

"If that... you found my mother, but found... she... she was with my relatives... together?"

The Soviet Union hesitated for a long time, and finally said this sentence in an intermittent manner.

When the words came out, the two strong faces were dark!

The surrounding atmosphere condenses in an instant and condenses into frost.

Su Luo felt a suffocation in his chest, and there was a feeling of being breathless.

Su lags behind two steps.

at last--

"Children don't ask so much!" Master Rong Yun slammed his head.

Su Luo looked at Master's eyes.

He only left a thin back to the Soviet Union.

He is still gentle and elegant, and he is not ill, but he still sees the vicissitudes of life and the gloom of the setting sun.

For a moment, the eyes of the Soviet Union were wet.

"Master, I know the whereabouts of the mother." Su Luo couldn't help anymore, Chong Rongyun shouted.

She knows that when this sentence comes out, the righteous father and the urban master will leave her and leave the material plane, and will not be able to protect her in the future.

But even so, she still has to say.

The next moment.

The two figures flashed and one person pulled the arm of the Soviet Union.

Master Rong Yun’s face was graceful and calm, and the first crack appeared.

His eyes are so anxious and arrogant.

The owner of the city has always been cold and strong, with no expression, but at this moment, there are cracks on his face.

His eyes are also so anxious.

"Where is she?!" Master Yun Yun and the city owner are unanimous!

Under the force, they almost crushed the arm of the Soviet Union.

"Pain..." Su Luo took a breath of air.

At that moment, Su Luo thought that his arm was pulled off by the hard.

Master Rong Yun and the master of the city subconsciously loosened the Soviet Union.

However, their eyes were stuck on the face of Su Luo, staring at them for a moment, and the eyes were burning and shining like stars!

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