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However, the cultivation of the gravity chamber for decades has already made their strength soar, even the Longbang, now has their place.

"Speak out the people who eat outside!"

"Yes! Tell me! Who is the one who brought you in!"

"If you don't say it, let you die without a place to die!"

People in the upper reaches of the mountain continue to threaten to burst, but the stupid big sister is busy fighting, immersed in his own exciting world, so it is unseen.

Bei Chen Ying and Zi Yan are looking at each other, their mouths are tight, and they decide not to die!

They didn’t know until now that they had led them into the upper mountain to practice, and the Soviet Union had to take such a big risk... They were not enough to die, but they must not fall apart.

So, die without saying!

North Chenying, even if they have made rapid progress in cultivation, they can't stand the mountain people!

There are five people around Beichenying.

There are also five people around Zi Yan.

There are eight more around the big sister!

At the time of this **** battle, the landlord of the city where Su Luo took the plane arrived at the scene.

The captain of the **** looked at the situation in front of him, and the smashing shot shot a cold mang.

"Less master, I am going to clean up the scene."

Su Luo looked at the battle below, first casually, but when she saw the familiar figures -

The heart of the Soviet Union is biased.

"Well, it is necessary to clean up the scene. The three people who are being surrounded will not move, and the rest of the people will break their feet!"

殇: "..."

"Not so fast?" Su Luo gave him a look.

I thought I had got it wrong and looked at Su Luo seriously.

"You don't go, I will go."

How can you let the young masters do it yourself? I saw his hand wave and issued an order.

Suddenly, nearly 100 guards from the City Guards’ Guards all flew out from behind the metal ship and landed on the ground.

The people who are fighting are looking up and suddenly dumbfounded.


The main metal spaceship of the city owner? ? ?

This is not true, is it? ? ?

This city-owned metal spacecraft has only appeared in the legend so far, and the dragons are not seen at the end. Now the urban master has finally used it?

But the city owner has never appeared in front of people, how come to the gravity room?

And is it still facing the big guys?

Just when they couldn't understand it, nearly a hundred guards had rushed up like a wolf, and they were screaming at their bodies!

You know, the guards are also wronged.

Over the years, the goddess of the city has not seen the end of the dragon, and the urban master is the first strongest under the stars, still need these small shrimp protection?

So since they were selected into the Guard, they have never had a mission!

Now it’s hard to have a little master who can make their strengths useful. Are they just as excited as playing chicken blood?

Nearly a hundred guards rushed up, and the group was dumbfounded.




The screams are coming and going, and they are endless.

However, in five seconds, all the people were kneeling on the ground, and they all hurt.

Both hands and feet were broken by hard and hard, and it was not painful.

However, what made them feel uncomfortable was that the three people on the opposite side were unscathed.

This is not fair!

However, they did not dare to shout.

At this time, the metal spacecraft stopped, and the Soviet Union came out from the inside.

Huh? Not even an urban master?


PS: No. 21 is updated.

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