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"Once you become a black feather guard, there will be a guarantee to move around in the spiritual world, because the black feather guards help each other. Moreover, the black feather guard rides on the metal spaceship is free."

"Since there are so many benefits, why don't you go to the assessment?" Su said curiously.

Li Yunling’s eyes reveal the color of regret: “The black feather guard’s assessment is strict to metamorphosis, and the illusionary star is eligible to participate in the assessment, and the admission ratio is 1000:1. That is to say, 1000 people are admitted to one, and the assessment time is The battle between life and death, if you accidentally have the fate of life, so the black feather guard that can be assessed is not simple."

Su's approval nodded.

The right of Black Feather is so big, so many benefits. If it is flooded, it will definitely be chaotic. Therefore, setting a high threshold in the assessment, only taking the elite, this is a good way.

However, Xuanhua Yixing is eligible to participate in the assessment... Sulu silently complained.

Although she was promoted to the first level, she was only able to metamorphose the eight stars... even the qualifications for signing up for the assessment have not yet. This spiritual world is really a talented person, a master like a cloud.

But it is precisely because of this, ignited the raging heart of the Soviet Union!

Just because it is not strong enough, it has to be stronger!

"When will the black feathered spacecraft arrive?" The Soviets chose to take a metal spaceship to arrive at Skyfire City.

Because she and the Nangong Liuyun came to the beginning, the road was not familiar, there is no need to spend a lot of time outside the city.

As Li Yunling said, only those who can't afford green crystals will choose to walk into the city.

"Black Feather will pass through this once a month, the time is fixed at the first day of each month, and tomorrow is the first day." Li Yunling sneered out, "There are some things in the tribe that need to be done, I will go with you." ”

Early the next morning.

Sure enough, the black feather spacecraft arrived on time.

The black feather spacecraft is much larger than the metal spacecraft once owned by the Soviet Union.

It can accommodate thousands of people.

In the view of Su Luo, this black feather spaceship is a bit like a plane from the past.

The two black-faced guards, one young and one old, stood on either side of the black feather ship. They stood tall and proudly held the black feather badge worn on their chest.

They squinted, staring seriously and indifferently at everyone trying to get on the black feather ship.

Because there are a lot of necessities and cultivation materials to go to Skyfire City to buy, there are many ore produced by the Li tribes to be sold in the city, so this time people go to Skyfire City not only a few.

The two black feathers are staring at the left and right, and everyone who tries to board the black feather ship must pay a hundred green crystals.

One hundred green crystals are nothing but drizzle for the Soviet Union and Nangong Liuyun, but for this group of people, it is more painful than cutting meat.

They paid a hundred green crystals with great pain, and then went in without snoring.

When it was the turn of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union paid the Green Crystal for the rules and regulations, and the black feather guard could not help but look at the Soviet Union.

But when it was the turn of the Nangong, he suddenly snorted.

"Brother, is this going to settle in the city?" The old black feather Wei was interested in asking Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun swept him, his eyes cold and his face indifferent.

For a time, the Lishi tribes who went to the black feather spacecraft all turned back subconsciously, and looked at Nangong Liuyun incredulously.

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