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In the room, the Soviet Union touched the chin, and the deep eyes stared at the snowy white beasts, and the eyes seemed hesitant.

Seeing the suspense hesitating, the snowy white beast crying even more miserable, oh~~~ If this little human girl does not agree, it will become a golden roast beast, hey, it doesn't!

Su-like-like look at the snow-white beast: "To save you down, it's hard..."

"I know that I know that I know! I must serve the master 呜呜呜~~" The instinct to survive, let the snowy white beast give up the self-esteem of the deified World of Warcraft.

Su Luo was very embarrassed. Finally, the sigh sighed: "Hey, I didn't want to help you, but I saw it on your poor side... Well, I will help you to ask for a small gram."

Then, Su Luo pulled Xiao Ke to talk to one side.

I don't know what Sue said. Xiaoke was not happy from the beginning, and gradually stretched his eyebrows. At the end, he smiled. At the end of the day, Xiaocun ran away happily.

And the Soviet Union, with the strength of the Holy Master, successfully contracted a God of the Devil.

Moreover, this World of Warcraft, who deified the two stars, cried and yelled for the contract, but the Soviet Union was very stubborn.

Xiaoke was picked up by the three elders the next morning.

Because today the six elders have to personally teach the young boy Jin Wulei.

When the three elders, the six elders, and the nine elders made all the stops, and agreed to the conditions of the little cubs, the little ones were only able to learn the elders of the six elders.

The six elders did not start teaching, they wanted to cry. He took the hands of the three elders and silently tears: "How do I feel that we are crying and crying and asking for his school to learn?" Not upside down?"

The three elders said with no anger: "This super genius, have you seen a few?"

"On the front."

"So, don't take him as a bodhisattva, but who else is it for?" The three elders said with a sigh of relief, "Our lords have not yet gone out. If this is going out, it will not be how to glare at him." ”

The six elders nodded and said yes.

Next, it is the performance time of the six elders.

The six elders proudly said to the young cub: "The old man is a set of golden Ure, enough for you to practice three hundred... Three or thirty, at least thirty years before you can practice! You must have patience and perseverance, and have perseverance. Remember?!"

The little cub took a look at the six elders, and the wind and the horse came together without saying: "Do you still have a contract beast?"

“Hey?” The six elders’ brain suddenly crashed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ~ ~ ~" three elders and nine elders licking their stomachs, haha ​​laughed, laughing and abdomen twitching.

The expression of this young boy’s office is really too funny and funny, so funny.

The six elders stunned, but they quickly reacted. He didn't say so well: "The contract beast... that doesn't mention, if you can finish it in three years, um, within three years, allow you to go to the spirit beast to catch How about three spirit beasts?"

The little cub thought about it and thought that the number of the three was more than one, so he nodded and promised to come down.

The next step is the same process as yesterday.

The six elders demonstrated the whole set of Jin Wulei in the performance field, and then asked Xiaoling: "Do you understand?" In fact, the six elders do not believe that the young boy can understand, because this Jinwulei contains 990. How can you understand the eight changes? Is he the son of the Lord God?

The little cub looked at the six elders with anger. So simple, how can I not understand? When is he Xiaoke an idiot? !

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