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"This is this girl, isn't it a small scrap? Isn't the movement just made out of her?" The six elders asked incredibly!

"This is this, isn't it possible? So many years are just the main steps, how suddenly broke out... illusion nine stars?!"

"This continues to span, spanning more than thirty stars! I am going to go!!!"

When the elders calculated it a little, they collectively went crazy! ! !

Among them, the look of the three elders is the most complicated.

I still remember that when he led the Soviet Union to the Soviet Union, he also found an excuse when he was registering at the outer door. He said that the talent of the Soviet Union was so great that it was only because of the cultivation of a school, so the promotion was very slow. When the time was ripe, it would advance by leaps and bounds. ......

The three elders silently their mouths, when will he count as a fairy? Such a thing, even gave him the right? The three elders feel so amazing!

Before, there were also rumors of the three elders in the sects, but who believed? Everyone should be an excuse for the fabrication of the three elders, but now it seems that the three elders are eye-catching and long-sighted.

The six elders and nine elders all looked at the three elders with magical eyes, and they saw that the three elders were godly.

The Sovereign Master knows the talent of Su Luo than anyone else, because he has been inspected for a long time before, and he still sent the "Shuyang Olympics Spirit" to Su Luo.

It is unacceptable to the Sovereign Master, "The Heart of the Burning Body of the Olympics". In the past few years, no one has ever practiced it. Whether it is him, the dragon ranks or the ancestors of the heavens, and even other outstanding geniuses, no one has ever practiced. Succeeded.

However, since "Shengyang Olympics" was handed over to Su Luo, she only made such a big move in just seven days.

From the small saint-single Samsung, continuously crossing the monarchy, Xuanhua, and then climbing all the way to the illusion of nine stars, the Sovereign is really strongly stimulated!

This, there must be something wrong with this practice!

The Sovereign turned and ran away.

"Hey, how did the Sovereign ran?"

"What happened to the Sovereign?"

"The Sovereign Master seems to be in a hurry?"

The Sovereign is naturally very anxious, because he ran back to study the "Shuyang Olympics"!

No days and nights of research, sleepless nights, and he is very embarrassed, but nothing can be studied.

He is simply puzzling!

What kind of mystery is there?

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, everyone has seen her eyes different.

Everyone used to be a scrap material before, but since this incident, no one has taken her as a scrap.

After all, it has been promoted to more than 30 stars in a row, and it has continuously crossed the three major stages. Not to mention the eighteen continents, that is, the Central Continent, which is also unprecedented before the ancients, and Su Luo has set a record for the spiritual world!

Knowing this moment, everyone suddenly realized that Su Luo was only two hundred years old! The youngest of the heavenly sects existed, and the little girl had a promising future.

Therefore, the current Soviet Union is in Tiandaozong. It is a rising star and attracts thousands of people.

When everyone talks about her, they use magical and complicated emotions. Almost no one is full of malice, because the current Soviets are still too weak for them, and they have not yet formed a competitive relationship with them.

Because this time of the competition is the competition of the deified brothers, Su Luo is the illusion of the nine stars, so she has not yet qualified for registration.

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