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"I saw it! I saw it! There is a little black dot in front. If you don't guess wrong, it must be the Sun and Moon Palace!"

"Quick and fast! Everyone will grab the effort! You will be able to enter the only exit!"

"We are finally going to escape to heaven!"


As the Thang Long is getting closer, you can clearly see the palace.

The sun and the moon behind the black dragon, although there are countless sea beasts to stop it, but it only delayed its little speed.

This group of sea beasts can't stop the sun and moon black dragons.

"God! Sun and Moon Black Dragon is very close to us!"

"Ah!!!! The Sun Moon Black Dragon opened his mouth!"

"Sun and Moon Black Dragon wants to devour us!"

At this time, the sun and the moon, the black dragon, sneered and sneered, opened the **** mouth, suddenly sucked!

At this moment, the Thang Long is less than five nautical miles away from the Sun and Moon Palace.

The poisonous explosion in the hands of Su Luo suddenly slammed into the mouth of the sun and the moon!

The poisonous explosion Dan is not a two, nor a bottle or two bottles, but all in the hands of the Soviet Union!

In the entire space, there are only a thousand bottles of poisonous explosions in the entire area, and in this millennium, all the Soviets are out!


Sun and Moon Black Dragon roars!

At this moment, the Thang Long has entered the Sun and Moon Palace! And quickly go ahead!


The sun and the moon, the black dragon, did not check and swallowed into the poisonous explosion. The medicinal medicine exploded like a small firecracker in its body.

Although the power of each small firecracker is not large, but the entire tens of thousands of poisonous explosions Dan also exploded, the consequences are still considerable.


The sun and the moon black dragon only felt a burning pain in the esophagus spread, although not fatal, but his tears are almost falling, which makes its speed subconscious slow.

Therefore, it gave the Shenglong the escape of life.

Seeing that the Thang Long rushed out of the black dead sea, the Sun and Moon Black Dragon only felt angry and difficult!

Want to run? Not so easy!

The sun and the moon, the black dragon's eye flashed a violent killing, only to see it roar, a hurricane flew out of it!

And it itself can't chase it anymore.

Because it was heavily wounded by Lu Lao, and later the 10,000 poisonous bombs that were killed by the Soviet Union exploded in the esophagus. At this moment, the strength of the sun and the moon is greatly reduced. Even if it is pursued, it will be useless.

But he has the strongest assistant - Storm Monster!

This is the killer and the last card of the Sun and Moon Black Dragon!

The Thang Long was a dead man and finally escaped from the black dead sea.

The people on the boat cheered and cried: "God! Have we finally escaped to heaven?"

"Is this life saved?"

"We really are not dead? Is this all true?"

Everyone cheered, leaping, hugging each other, and shed tears of joy.

But the look of the Soviet Union is also somewhat restless. She said to Lu Lao: "I feel that things are not that simple."

Lu Laoshen looked at Su Luo.

He was very impressed with the fall.

In fact, a decade ago, Lu Lao and the Chishao Long battle, after the eclipse of the moon eclipse, has been hidden in the Thang Long, and with the strength of his old man, the people on the Thang Long can not find him.

Lu Lao has no contact with others, but because she often goes from the Soviet side, she pays more attention to her.

Lu Laoyi began to think that she was just a simple gimmick who would cook food.

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