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The heart of the Soviet Union continued to sink.

Cold Seven less transferred the basic information of Li Wen from the authority of the military department, pulled the Soviets over and let her see the news.

The basic information shows the process of Li Wen’s promotion and his assessment of his strength.

Cold seven rare Sussie thoughtful, put on the sunshine smile: "Do you want to see the special channel about Li Wen's information?"

The basic information is still fine, but the intelligence of the special channel... If you are known by the military, Sulu will only enter the military.

The Soviet Union did not have a good temper and took a cold look. The young man decided to pull her into the quagmire of the military, she would not be fooled.

"Don't!" Su Luo refused very simply.

The cold seven sighed and sighed, and did not breathe a sigh of relief: "I told you if you want it?"

"Don't!" Su still refused.

"You don't have to be human, you have to do it." Cold seven swayed the slender arm of Sue, with a spoiled tone.

Su Luo looked at the idiot-like look at the image of the cold seven: "Can you still be a little more childish? Can you consistently match the image when you meet for the first time? This makes it easy for me to admit mistakes."

Now the cold is less, where is the first time that the Soviet Union saw the high cold and arrogance, and the murder of the world is not scornful.

This cold seven is really able to bend and stretch, all kinds of role-playing hands come to the end, so that the Soviet Union is shocked.

Cold seven little looked pitifully at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo is really...

She is helpless, and waved impatiently: "Okay, let's talk!"

I have never seen such a thing. Other people are afraid to reveal a secret word, but the cold seven is completely opposite. He is not happy when he is not allowed to tell secrets.

Su Shi, who was in Fuzhou, did not realize that Su Shi did not realize that she was eager to please her, but to others... who dared to look at the cold and seven eyes, he could blink his eyes and kill others, not to mention Said spying on what is secret.

The cold seven was allowed, very happy, the smile was bright, and he sat down to the side of the Soviet Union. He said with enthusiasm: "Li Wen is from the **** Wu Zong, the youngest son of the seven elders of the **** Wu Zong, who can quickly move up all the way, all It’s because he is standing next to him.”

"Oh?" Su Luo looked at him seriously.

The cold seven rare sees Su's beautiful and clear eyes, and seriously looks at himself. There is an unprecedented satisfaction, and the mood is more and more pleasant. He proudly said: "Li Wen is the person around him. Li Fei, the man named the archer, so the arrow was definitely not Li Wen’s absolute shot. The real archer is Li Fan.”

"His strength?" Su Luo face condensation.

The cold seven dragged his chin, the stars rushed, and looked seriously at Su Luo: "No worse than me."

However, Li Fan is the person of the cold seven fathers, so the cold seven is the same as the Nangong Liuyun, they are the leader of the younger generation, but slightly less than the fathers.

Just as they whispered in Suo, at this moment, they passed through the transparent enchantment and remembered this scene forever.

In front of them, they were a mountain. When Warcraft ran to this, they followed the encirclement.

There are towering mountain walls on all sides, and above the cliffs, all of them are full of Li Wen’s men.

Li Wen screamed with anger, and suddenly, the arrows were all together!

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