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<!--The beginning of the chapter content--> "My!" Tao Wenzhao exclaimed.

Chu three shrugged.

"My!" Tao Wenzhao stunned Chu three.

"Are you not escaping?" Chu San smiled at her evil charm.

Tao Wenzhao glared at him with no anger: "Continue, who is afraid of who!"

The day has passed.

Su Luo took out a grill from the space.

There are all kinds of barbecue utensils.

The light seasoning puts a whole long table.

Lin Ruoyu was very excited and busy.

"What fish do you want?" He asked Su Luo across the distance.

"Snowy silver fish steamed."

"Golden carp grill."

"The head fish is a fish head."

“The goldenfish takes fins and makes shark fin porridge.”

Su Luo told them one by one.

Lin Ruoyu is busy fishing.

Because the surrounding fish is hooked by the slaughter bait, it won't be scattered for a long time, so it is very easy for him to pick up one piece with a net.

Just like what you raise in your own fish pond, you want to fish what fish you want.

After Lin Ruoyu fished the fish back, Su Luo took a look at Tao Niang: "I remember it."

"Remember, remember." Tao Niang led a group of little chefs and prepared a sumptuous dinner on the deck.

After Lin Ruyu walked around for a circle, he turned back and said to Su Luo: "I really don't understand why."


"Before these people didn't have a good impression of you, but now they have a heartfelt love for you, and people who hate you, have fewer than thirty people."

Su Luo smiled and said: "It is not difficult to understand. They live on the sea all year round, worship force, and also worship fishing."

Lin Ruoyu suddenly realized.

Su Luo lost Tao Da Shao to the sea and showed her strength.

When Su Luo’s shot, she can attract a large number of fish, and she can deploy such a bait, which is the power given by God.

Therefore, this group of people on the unnamed name is very quick to change the Soviet Union.

"The real good show, at night."

After using a wonderful whole fish dinner, Su Luo told Lin Ruoyu.

Lin Ruoyu knows in seconds: "I didn't expect you to have such a cursing technique, it really is not a simple Su."

In the evening, a group of people in the Soviet Union slept early.

After sleeping a fullness, the next day, the Soviets went up to the deck, stretched out, looked at the endless sea in front, breathed a fresh air, and felt that the whole person was refreshed and refreshed.


On the deck, it seems to have experienced a war, a mess.

There are dead fish on the ground, there is blood, and then look at those who are not afraid of serious fishing, it is obvious that all of them are swollen and swollen, and they look very embarrassed.

Those who see the Soviet Union, do not open their eyes unnaturally.

However, there are still many people who take the initiative to say hello to Su Luo: "Luo girl is good, Luo girl is good!"

The Soviet Union can clearly see that the people on the scene have separated several groups and gathered together in twos and threes.

I want to come to the night last night, the deck must have experienced a battle she did not know.

For a royal aura, you can make it like this, and it is also unexpected.

However, the more these people split, the more they can control them.

Wu Dazhi stood not far away, and when his eyes stared at the fall, there was a deep color on his face.

Originally thought to be just an ugly girl, I thought that this girl was only the support of three teenagers, but in a short time, those sailor boatmen were greatly hostile to her and could be used for her. This is he has always been Never thought of it.

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