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These days we are looking for you everywhere, almost every inch of turf on the island of Shenlong has been rummaged, and did not find any traces of you! ”

"It’s great that you can return safely!"

"Su Luo adults, we can't sleep well these days, can see you returning safely and finally can sleep for a night."

When the two elders saw these dragons seeing the excitement of the Soviet Union, the heart had a bad hunch. He hurried up and said, "You all shut up to me! Listen to me!"

The dragon people turned their heads and looked at the old dragon.

Soon, a whisper came.

"Who is this old dragon?"

"Should be a second elder? I saw him when I was young."

"The two elders look like a fierce look. You see, he stares at the fallen man with a fierce look. He hates the fallen adults."

"Why does this old man hate the fallen man? I hate him too!"


The two elders heard the following sounds of the dragon people and almost fell, but he still tried to cough and said loudly: "You have listened to me!"

The two elders raised the contract in their hands and said to many dragon people: "Before the distant land, some people smashed and forced you to sign an unequal contract. You can rest assured! Because it is an unequal contract, so if you are willing, come Looking for me, I will help you abolish!"

Su Luo adults? Unequal treaties?

The four hundred dragons have a brain, and this time they think, they did sign a contract with the Soviet Union, but that is not an unequal contract.

When they saw the contract of the two elders, they suddenly turned black.

"This is what I signed with my own hands."

"This is my agreement."

"At that time, the great man saved my life, then I signed it, no unwillingness."

"I am very willing, is there anything wrong with this contract?"

Four hundred dragons, staring at the two elders with a very innocent and incomprehensible sight.

This neat line of sight, the power is too big, and the two elders are somewhat unbearable.

But he still tried to stand up and said loudly: "You don't know? She will take you away. I want you to form a dragon team, let you become a human mount, fight for her, so you can't be her. Deceived! Children, since you can come out of the distant land, your sins are erased with the disappearance of the remote land. After you are all good children, the dragons will open up a broad mind to accept you. You must also open your eyes and not be deceived!"

The dragon people heard the words, their eyes flashed instantly!

The two elders saw this pair of bright and bright eyes, and suddenly burst into anger!

Humph! Want to fight with me? The bridge I walked through is more than the road you have traveled!

I have eaten more rice than you have ever eaten!

Dare to fight with me?

These dragons stared at the Soviet Union with a very burning gaze, all around!

"Successor! Really? Do we really want to form a dragon team?"

"Sudden Master! Can we really fight for you?"

"Sudden Master! Do you really lead us personally?!"

"Successor! Can fight for you, although he is still dead!"

"Yes! My life was originally made by the fallen adults! Although the adults of the fall are taken, use them casually!"

"me too!"

"me too!!"

PS: I hope that the little angels say: Warm adults! Please let us take the monthly ticket for you!呜呜~~~

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