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Su Luo was excited.

If the essence of the life of the Phoenix Fire gave the little Phoenix's sister, then she didn't say anything.

But if the essence of the life of the phoenix phoenix is ​​given to the little phoenix...that is, it is a big face. After the phoenix knows the truth, does the phoenix know if it is going crazy or regretful tears fall?

"Grandpa, can you see it?" Su Shixi's eyes looked at Su's father.

Su Laozi smiled a little and glanced at the old man.

Therefore, the realization of the Soviet Union looked to the old man.

The solitary father is also very curious, because it is a matter of concern to the demon king of the devil... It is so important that the solitary father will soon go in. Soon, he will take out a bottle of light blue liquid.

"There is a drop of life that is the essence of the life of a phoenix." The solitary father said to Su Luo, "If the blood of the little phoenix can blend with it, it means that it is recognized by the essence of life."

"That explains..."

"That means that her blood contains the essence of life, otherwise, this light blue liquid will turn into blood red."

"Then let's try it!" Su Luo was so curious that she couldn't wait to know the truth immediately.

Su's hands held the little phoenix under his arm, holding it hanging, it was difficult to cover it and said to him: "Little guy, little guy, you will soon know if you can revenge, let your mother repent." It is."

However, the little phoenix sucked its small claws, his eyes clear, innocent and stunned.

Su Luo grabbed the paw of the little phoenix and quickly slipped a trace of blood.

Ticking -

A drop of bright red blood crossed the air and rolled into a blue liquid.

Through the transparent utensils, everyone can clearly see the changes inside.

Scarlet blood escapes, and soon, at a speed visible to the naked eye... turns into a blue color!

The eyes of the Soviet Union are shining in an instant!

"The fusion of the fusion! God, the blood of the little phoenix is ​​merged with the blue liquid! The solitary grandfather, this is not to explain, we are this little phoenix is ​​the real little phoenix?!" Excited, it’s getting up!

God, my God!

This is only abandoned by the phoenix phoenix... Is it really a real little phoenix?

Then, the little phoenix sister who was born and beautifully beautiful... Is it real waste?

Is this too dramatic?

The old man also laughed. He told Su Luo very surely: "Yes, yes, this is the real little phoenix, the future demon guardian beast, and when it grows up, you can really Going sideways."

Su Luo is excited!

Her happy thing, this little phoenix did nothing, it has been revenge!

At that time, if the Phoenix fire ran over to find this little phoenix... that is the real face!

However, the old man of Su did not breathe a sigh of relief: "When the phoenix phoenix ran over to the little phoenix, do you have the ability to give it?"

"Ah..." Su Luo exclaimed, "Isn't the phoenix bathing a thick face?"

"Oh." Su's old man's mouth was slightly pulled.

It involves the true inheritance of the blood, the loss of life should be, what is the face?

The original heart of the fall was poured into a cold water: "That... If the real phoenix phoenix is ​​coming over, what should I do? That is the super strong god, I can beat it!"

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