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Five hundred and two ones... Su Luo originally thought that the three big brown bears were sold, but now I think, two are worth one thousand two silver, and the third one is left to eat.

However, she just thought this way, and suddenly thought that Yu Dashu did not say that next year is likely to be a disaster year, when the food shortage...

"What are you thinking about?" Zhao Guanjia saw that the Soviet Union was slow to speak, and asked subconsciously.

Su Luo frowned: "I thought, or else, these two big brown bears are not for sale..."

The big brown bear hits one less one, and the next time he wants to hunt, he has to go to a deeper mountain...

Zhao Guanjia only felt that he had never seen such a seller. He had never seen such a seller.

On the side of the road, the shopkeeper smiled and had a stomachache: "Hey, hey, Lao Zhao, you have it today!"

Zhao’s shopkeeper took a look at the shopkeeper and turned to Suo: “Little girl, you just said that let us bid, can’t be a man, or else, I’ll buy one for two hundred, you Two will sell to me, how do you feel?"

Su Luo still did not answer, Zhao Guanjia waited for Su Luo: "This is already the highest price, you don't think about raising the price again, then I will turn around when I raise the price! If the old man in the house just happened to live, who would Out of such a big price!"

Su Luo did not say good-heartedly: "Well, okay, these two big brown bears are sold to your home. Beichen is sleeping, you put things down."

Zhao Guanjia blinked: "You sent me to the house, how do I move?"

Su Luo did not say good-naturedly: "You still can't do this business?"

Zhao Guanjia: "..." I have seen such an arrogant attitude, but I have never seen such arrogance. However, when this little girl is arrogant, it is not annoying. Instead, she still feels that she is flying and looking forward to life. She is very cute. Is he sick? Zhao Guanjia took a picture of himself.

At this moment, Su Luo was smiling and asked the roadkeeper: "Do you not receive **** deer in your home?"

"Blood deer?!" The road butler has a touch of joy: "Receive! Of course! I only know that I am the roadkeeper, do you know what restaurant is open on our house?"

"What restaurant?"

"Lu Ming Ban! Hahaha -" Road butler smiled and closed his mouth. "We can not only have this deer banquet, but open every city in the dark empire! We don't need other deer, special To **** deer, the branch of Yiyang City, our daily consumption of blood deer at least one hundred, so we need a lot, more good."

Su Luo said with a smile: "This way, then you can work with the shopkeeper."

When Yu Dashu passed the town before, Su Luo also went to the Guiyun Building.

The business of Guiyun Building is very good, especially the two dishes given by Su Luo, which are so popular that it is a pity. It’s a pity that the town of Huma is so big, how can it be full, and the consumption is limited. It takes at least ten days for a **** deer.

However, there were nearly a hundred in the hands of Su Luo. At that time, the boss of the cloud also recommended the Luming Restaurant, but he and the treasurer of Luminglou were not familiar with it, so there was no way to introduce it.

When the shopkeeper heard it, he suddenly noticed: "You have a **** deer in your hand?"

Su Luo pointed to the big brown bear: "We can hunt this big guy, what is the **** deer?"

The shopkeeper is in charge: "Yes, that's right, walk around, let's go to Luming Restaurant to talk about business."

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