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For a time, in the wide public ward, everyone looked at the wolf two with an incredible look!

I was just joined by the pharmacist and the pharmacist to announce the unsuccessful wolf II. So I will wake up in a while. !

The most surprising thing is the pharmacist!

If it wasn't for him, he was already desperately trying to save the fire wolf captain, and he had already rushed over!

The pharmacist didn't rush over, but the pharmacist flew to him: "God! My God! Isn't this going back to the light?!"

Said, Hu Pharmacist went to grab the hand of Wolf II, and Wolf II also let him see the doctor.

"The pulse is strong and powerful, and the return of the light has not returned like this. Is it a scam?" Hu Pharmacist glared at the wolf two. "Give me your eyes."

The wolf II will be wide-eyed -

At this moment, the audience's gaze is not on the pharmacist and the fire wolf captain, but all staring at the pharmacist and wolf two.

"How? How about the pharmacist?" The pharmacists brought by Hu Pharmacists asked with suspicion.

"You take a look at the diagnosis, and we will check each other back, so that I can't say it alone."

As a result, other pharmacists have also come forward.

However, after the inspection, their doubts were even worse: "I looked so good! Very good! In addition to the weakness of the body, the aura has been damaged, the blood has lost some, the meridian has lost some... Nothing else."

The pharmacist nodded. "I am also diagnosed like this, but it is because of this, so it is strange! Just now... The toxin of the flame is so good, is it so good? No, the pharmacist called the partition, this girl The technique should be called lore!"

Kill the flame and give it to the lore!

For a time, everyone turned their heads to see the Soviet Union... all stunned.

A few of the sables have just seen Su’s being questioned by Zhu Xiu. The heart is very angry. Now I see that everyone is looking at Su Luo with incredible eyes. I am happy and excited, and there is a sense of pride and glory. !

Su Luo did not speak, cold a face, the voice was light: "I don't want to abandon the cultivation, I will give the purple ginseng to drink."

Wolf III is now listening to Su Luo, and immediately he rushed up, grabbed the medicine bowl from Xiao Zou’s hand, and handed it to the wolf’s lips: “Second brother, drink fast, drink, you can Live and jump!"

Wolf II is now very convinced of Su Luo, immediately raised his head to the bowl of purple ginseng drink!

After drinking this bowl of purple ginseng, the wolf II actually felt the damaged meridians in the body and gradually repaired at a speed he could perceive.

At this moment, the Soviet Union has saved the wolf four and began to move to the wolf six...

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are on the fall, because she is saving too fast!

No one knows how she killed the flame to the lore. Everyone only knows that she is treating a person in less than a minute.

Even Xiao Zou gave the soup quickly could not keep up with her treatment.

Looking at a bowl of purple ginseng was sent up, Mrs. Bamboo's heart is almost collapsed!

You know, this purple ginseng is to save her baby bamboo!

It's all you! Mrs. Zhu stared at the bamboo repair with an angry look!

Bamboo repair touches the nose: "..."

He secretly asked: "What is the origin of this girl?"

Mrs. Zhu said: "Listening should be no source, living in the village."

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