The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 9616: I almost didn't scare everyone!

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When this is said, Tao Lao wants to slap a deadly shopkeeper!

However, the roadkeeper was holding a big smile, so he looked at him so brightly, and suddenly he had a kind of...

"Five minutes and twenty-nine seconds." Tao old sneered, but fortunately, one second faster than the Soviet Union, otherwise Tao Lao really wants to be laughed at by his old friend today.

Even so, the shopkeeper still has a chance to ridicule: "What?! Five minutes and twenty-nine seconds?! No, old Tao! You are a special gathering of the spirits! Your highest record is only five minutes and twenty-nine seconds. We fell into contact with the Ghosts for the first time, she is five minutes and thirty seconds! You can't do it?"

Tao Lao wants to vomit blood!

He glanced at the roadkeeper with a black face, his eyes turned to the fall: "Are you really touching the Gathering for the first time?"

Su Luo smiled and nodded: "Although it was the first time to contact Gathering, but I have the basis of the law in the lower bound, so it is only natural to learn faster."

Tao Lao did not say good-heartedly: "I have also learned about the formation of the lower bounds. The most profound way to get the gods is only the junior and intermediate level, so the foundation you lay down in the lower bounds can't explain anything. You can Dare to challenge the advanced polylings?"

Su Luo nodded: "Good!"

“Good!” Tao Lao said faintly, “The high-level gathering, the highest record is kept for twenty minutes, but this has nothing to do with you, because you can’t put a high-level polyphony, you don’t need to count time. As long as I can put it out, I will take back what I said today, and build a special house for your family for free. How?"

free? !

A few purple eyes, Beichen, suddenly blinked!

You know, Tao Lao’s appearance fee is very high!

Just now he was a 10,000-year-old silver, and he almost didn’t scare everyone!

Su Luo smiled: "If you just set up the high-level polyphony, you can get your free appearance of Tao Laozi, but it seems that your appearance is too cheap, or else? If I can be within 30 minutes Put on a high-level gathering, you will build it for free, how?"

"Okay, but my appearance fee is free, and the building materials can be yours."

"That is natural." Su Luo smiled and nodded to Tao Lao, and then she turned into the advanced poly array model!

Fortunately, before the fall of the Soviet Union, the high-level gathering of the spirits had already been completed, so when she stepped into the high-level gathering, she already had a number.

However, when Su Luo put down the tenth piece of Lingjing, suddenly, her eyebrows jumped slightly!

The high-level gathering is not a high-level gathering, when it reaches the tenth node, there has been an inflection point, and the difficulty has turned several times!

However, this is hard to come by, but it is complicated to calculate several times.

Su Luo meditation, the minds in the mind, constantly positioning!

When Tao Lao saw that Su was stopped at the tenth node, he nodded and touched the beard. "This is right, this is in line with normal logic."

"What?" The roadkeeper couldn't understand, so he only stared at Tao Lao's expression.

If Tao Lao’s expression is calm, it means that Su Luo has encountered difficulties.

If Tao Lao’s expression is stunned, it’s good, indicating that the performance of the Soviet Union is against the sky.

Now, Tao Lao’s decisive attitude makes the old man feel a cold sweat. He hurriedly asked: "What happened? What happened to this?"

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