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The potter general, who has been standing still for a while, suddenly shot and grabbed the wrist of the Soviet Union!

The eyes of the Soviet Union were slightly stunned, and the eyes of the cold, like the cold blade, stared at the general of Tao: "Let's let go!"

Although General Tao was not ashamed of the actions of the Tigers, he was still loyal to the battle in front of the Soviet Union, staring coldly at her: "Do not let go."

Su Luo raised his hand to the general of Tao is a slap!


Fast as lightning!

The sound is loud and loud!

The slap in the palm of the hand was so unexpected that everyone was shocked, and even the generals of Tao himself were stunned!

From small to large, General Tao has never been beaten!

The Soviet Union took a few steps forward, but it was stopped by the sleek figure of the pottery general.

"Get out of the way!"

General Tao is still standing still!

He promised that the city owner would protect the tiger two, so he must ensure the safety of the tiger two during the period before returning to the cross.

Su Luo sneered: "You are determined not to let go?"

"Please ask the girl not to be embarrassed."

"Okay, very good!" Su's eyes swept from the people behind the tiger two, and finally settled on Tao Ran's face. " Among the people brought by Hu Xu, you are the strongest, killing you. Killing the tiger is right?!"

General Tao is still frosty: "After I die, I naturally have no responsibility to protect the lesser owners."

"Good, look at the trick!"

Su is extremely exhausted! Immediately shot with lightning!

Especially after knowing that these villagers were not demolished in order to protect her home, they spontaneously united with the tiger two, especially Yu Dazhao, who was also beaten.

Thinking of this, the gas is almost blasting!


The Soviet Union’s move is fast, like lightning fast!

There are countless spaces around the distortion!

Spider-web-like cracks on the ground!

The speed of the Soviet Union is only the afterimage!

However, in the process of fighting, Su Luo also found out that the strength of this potter general is also extraordinary, even higher than her star!

However, the Soviet Union has not been able to play her full strength!

Because in the Dark Star Empire, the space element is limited, so her teleportation, gravity space, and even the spiritual dance step can no longer be used!

Can be tied with General Tao, all because her blood has revived, strengthen the body!

Su Luo knows that it will not work like this!

Since you can't fight, you can only take it!

Therefore, in the process of fighting, Su Luo suddenly sold a flaw!

This flaw is too subtle, almost no!

General Tao was unable to fight for a long time, eager to win, so he reached out and grabbed his shoulders!

It’s too late to say it!

Su Luo’s backhand grasped the hand of General Tao, and by the strength of his wrist, he turned over in a 360-degree degree, and the man had already taken the opportunity to be behind the pottery general!

The singularity of the singularity of the singer’s face suddenly appeared!

The Soviet Union aligns directly with the heart of General Tao!

And the general of Tao’s fist is also aimed at the head of the Soviet Union!

If both sides go down, it will inevitably hurt one thousand and lose 800!


A desolation sounds!

General Tao was suddenly shocked. He was busy unscrewing the hand of Su Luo, and his figure quickly receded until he stood ten meters away!

On the carriage, an old man walked slowly, his face was majestic, and his eyes were filled with the danger of anger!

This anger is all coming to the general of Tao!

"Grandpa--" General Tao saw that Tao Lao came out of the carriage, and immediately he was shocked and greeted him, trying to hold the hand of his old man.

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