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The giant palm squats on the big brown bear's head, and its huge head bursts instantly, and the brain is split!

The fierce tiger is angry!

He was so angry that he pulled the body of the big brown bear to the side and lifted his leg to chase the Soviet Union!

The flaming tiger is huge, but its speed is not slow!

It pursues while constantly releasing the fire dance line!


Fortunately, the position of the Soviet Union is accurate and flexible, just like a lightning bolt, constantly dodging!

The flaming tiger constantly shot her, but the shots were the afterimages she left behind!

There is no harm to the Soviet Union itself!

Where the flaming tiger is shooting, the flames are skyrocketing, and the grass shrubs are turned into ashes!

Just at this time!

The people around are watching it! Even the last two big brown bears are a state of horror at the moment!

Su shed a precise dodge, shouting in the mouth!

"You are still screaming? Fight! Fight fierce tigers!!!"

Everyone is just waking up at this time!

Yeah, such a good opportunity, they are still stupid standing?


Such a good opportunity, Hu Xu got a smoke from the ground and shouted: "Remove! Everyone is withdrawing! Danger! Don't rush! Let's go!"

Su was so angry that he could not kill Hu Xu to a slap!

However, after all, Hu Xu is the second and second city owner, and those people are all brought by him. If you don’t listen to him, can you still listen to the Soviet language?

For a time, oh la la -

More than a dozen people still alive are flying fast down the mountain!

The shopkeeper is so angry that he blows his beard and blinks his eyes: "Bastard! This little bastard! If Laozi can live down the mountain, he must be ruined!"

When you are in danger of life, escape is an instinctive reaction, but where is Hu Xu like this? !

In order to save him, the shopkeeper did not react at all.

Now there is a little hope of victory. He will run all the way with him, and there will be a few people standing there!

Su Luo looked back to Changmian and the roadkeeper!

No matter how the situation is in crisis, these two people are still sinking their faces, meticulously working hard, and constantly erupting their skills!

This is the friend who can help with the watch!

The fall of this fall, the reaction was a little late by zero and one second!


The fire dance tail of the flaming tiger shot behind the Soviet Union!


Su Luo felt a sharp pain in the back!

Anxious hot!

There is also a burning smell in the sting!

Her back...

Can't go any further! In front of this fiercely violent tiger, it’s really a thousand miles away!

Su Luo took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down!

So, the picture in front of you is:

Su Luo is alone in front of the hustle and bustle, constantly avoiding the fire dance shooting!

Every minute and every second, life is dangerous!

It’s the equivalent of a land mine, I don’t know when it will burst!

Then behind it, the roadkeeper and the constant sleep are chasing after! There are also two big brown bears!

The four big brown bears are dead, and the remaining two are already bloody, but they have lost their eyes and have lost their minds!

Run away from the battle? They never thought about it at all.

They are all in their minds now **** the raging tigers and avenge their little friends!

What to do... Every step of the Soviet Union is dangerous, and every step, she is thinking of a way!

Her mind is running fast to cope with the idea!

Because you can't keep going like this, because such an escape breaks out, you can't last for a long time!

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