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Su Luo is not familiar with the palace, and she does not move what she wants. She is very unhappy. It is better to have a situation with the nine princes.

"it is good."

If it is not for the seal to go to the clouds, the Soviet Union will not enter the palace.

She is not stupid, the emperor is in the prime of life, the prince is sick, and the seven emperors are stunned... This is obviously a sign of victory.

The palace is majestic and brilliant.

Any palace that you have seen in the past will be magnificent and luxurious.

However, Su’s line of sight did not stay on these foreign objects for a long time. The palace was majestic and could not hold her back.

Along the way, the palace **** saw the nine princes, all of them bowed.

The nine kings took Su Luo all the way to the palace of the Prince.

"What about you?"

Looking at the Prince who was coughing up in the lungs, Jiu Wangye’s eyebrows wrinkled.

The Queen looked at the nine princes, and the tears almost fell out. She wiped away the tears in her eyes and whispered, "There is a need for him to manage the country, so he will have to wait until the state is finished."

Su Luo looked at the Prince lying on the bed, his brows appearing a touch of worry.

At this time, a figure flashed out quickly!

"Su girl, Sue girl!" He pharmacist grabbed Su's hand and said loudly, "It's you! Are you here?! Fast speed!"

“Hmm?” Susie is puzzled. “What speed is it?”

"Don't you send someone to Yiyang City to pick you up and save the prince?" He pharmacist is puzzled.

Su Luo shook his head: "The source of Baili took me over, and I have been to the emperor for some time."

It is the merit of Grandpa Bailey, and Su Luo has to help mention it.

The Queen heard the conversation here and asked the pharmacist: "Is this the pharmacist you mentioned?"

"Yes!" The pharmacist is hard to say the excitement. "The medical practice of the Soviet medical doctor, the people of Yiyang City can testify, absolutely wrong, right, fall, His Royal Highness -"

At this time, there was a cry from inside!


This voice is very fierce and shocking.

But the queens seem to be used to it, and rushed into the inner room.

"Let's go in and see."

The nine princes brought the Soviets into the inner room.

Su Luo saw the Prince behind the screen.

The Prince's Highness is as thin as a piece of wood, and only the skeleton and skin are left in the whole body. The middle meat is almost gone.

Skinny bones...

His skin color was pale and bloodless, and he was sitting up and holding on, coughing constantly.

While coughing and spurting blood, the cough's complexion was flushed, and the whole body trembled, almost fainting.

Next to the prince, a serious refining pharmacist, holding a gold needle, is pinning the prince!

One, two, three...

Su Li’s eyelids shrank violently. The next moment, he had already waved the refining pharmacist!

"Noisy!" Su Luo screamed at the refining pharmacist. "The prince is hurting the lungs. What do you want to do? You can't live with three needles. The Prince can't live!"

The fall of this hand is beyond everyone’s expectations.

Everyone was subconsciously looking at the old refining pharmacist.

"Falling!" He pharmacist almost didn't be scared to death by the action of the Soviet Union. He was busy pulling down and said, "The one is the Situ Pharmacist, the half-step god-level refining pharmacist with the highest level of the Dark Star Empire. What are you doing? ”

The half-step god-level refining pharmacist is staring at the Soviet Union with a pair of bloodthirsty hands at the moment. The black hair is dark and heavy. There is no extra words, only three words: "Get out!"

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