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Said, the Queen turned to the Soviet Union, the relatives took her hand, smiled and said: "Su pharmacists don't mind, the Prince's disease, the sick brain is a bit confused, and it will be fine."

Su Luo stared at the Queen, his voice was cold: "He is really sick, but who told you that he will be a while?"

This is really rude...

Not only the Queen, but even the dark emperor's face has changed!

This is arrogant! This is the publicity! This does not put him in the eye!

This girl does not teach, I really think that her medical skills are unparalleled!

The Dark Emperor was dull and stared at the Soviet Union: "Su Pharmacist, what do you mean by this?"

The Queen and the Prince are also looking at the Soviet Union!

The color of the Soviet Union is faint: "Queen Empress, when did I say that I can cure the Prince?"

Queen's meal: "You didn't say it last time..."

"I said last time that I can alleviate the illness of the Prince. If I can be promoted to a god-level refining pharmacist, I can cure the prince's disease. However, you have not entrusted you and your three medicinal herbs. Found, how can I be promoted to a god-level refining pharmacist?"

The Prince changed: "Su girl, what you mean is --"

"I don't mean that I have already said it very clearly? The Prince still can't understand? Need to tell you again?" The Soviet Union faintly opened.

A strong gas field.

Very indifferent tone.

Prince: "..."

The impression of Su Luo in his impression is a wonderful and powerful woman with a gentle and beautiful medical skill. Why does she look like this now... so fierce?

The queen's pupa is wrinkled!

But the whole dark star empire, only the Soviet Union has this ability to save the Prince, even if she is arrogant, and then arrogant, the Queen can only endure, unless the Prince is cured...

"Then, the prince is now..." The queen must work very hard to make a sound of grinding.

"Now the Prince is like the nine princes, from time to time, when the disease is life-threatening, if the rescue is not timely, it will die." Su Luo spread his hand, "Now my medical skills are only here, there is no way to completely cure, that's it. ”

That's it, you love to accept it.

It is so arrogant, it is so arrogant.

The Queen took a deep breath... If it wasn’t for her hard work, she would have been mad at this moment.

What she didn't know was that the reason why the Soviet Union was so arrogant and rude was to force the true face of the Queen.

The queen who has been forced to work hard can be difficult to deal with. If she is not forced out of the prototype, Su Luo really can't understand her depth.

The Queen took a deep breath!

Since becoming a queen, she really is... never had such a temper!

"That... when will the Prince get sick?" The Queen worried about the slap!

"This is not regular." Su Luo took a look at the Prince. "Don't look at the Prince who looks good now, I think he is fine, take it lightly, once it happens..."

"That..." The Queen thought about it and was still very worried: "Su Pharmacist, there is a ruthless invitation in this palace, and please ask the girl to complete."

"Hmm?" Su's question.

"The prince has no regular disease. If you ask outside the palace, will it be too late? So, can you ask the girl to stay in the palace?" The queen was turned over by Su Luo, and her heart was a little worried. Thinking how?"

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