The Demon’s Menu

Vol 4 Chapter 6: Life needs to be calm!


Big pervert!

After hearing Jason's request, Hui Lijing took a step back and looked at Jason with a vigilant look. An electric baton appeared in her hand.

Stabbing, stabbing.

The electric baton pointed directly at Jason, with a blue electric current at the top.

Jason's face, which he considered to be rugged, flickered and dimmed under the current.

Suddenly, there was a bit more hideous.

Hui Lijing took a step back again.

"Don't come here!"

Hui Lijing threatened Jason.

Jason stretched out his hands helplessly and motioned to him to sit there all the time, without moving.

The female boss also found that she seemed a little overreacted.

However, thinking of Jason's words, the female boss clenched the electric baton again.

Then, began to look at Jason.

It's not an ordinary person's eye.

It's the kind of look at Jason's vitals.

Obviously, the female boss planned to give Jason a look if something went wrong.

However, the other party did not remain silent.

Instead, he took a deep breath and asked in a fairly calm voice.

"Why do you want that guy's...underwear?"

When she said this, Hui Lijing looked at Jason again, and turned into a perverted look. She wanted to step forward if she couldn't control her electric baton.

"Look for her whereabouts."

Jason answered calmly.

Moreover, facing Hui Lijing's persecuting gaze, Jason did not evade, looking back indifferently.

Such a calm voice and indifferent gaze made Hui Lijing startled.

Is it really to find that guy?

The female boss's momentum couldn't help but stagnate.

However, the question in the mouth continued.

"Don't tell me you want to smell... that guy's underwear."

"will not."

"How could it be pure smell."

"I use my perception."

Jason explained seriously.

In fact, the same is true.

Jason’s perception is 8 times greater than that of ordinary people. This is not just a single five sense, but a comprehensive one. Even because of Jason’s sensitivity to'food', under this comprehensive premise, even the one with a strong sense of smell. The hound is not as good as Jason.

Just like trained hunting dogs, the special smell of α-violet and butyric acid is 100,000 to 100 million times that of human smell.

Jason's sensitivity to the smell of'food' is the same.

And, at one point, Jason is far ahead of the hounds.

Comprehensive strength and wisdom.

Therefore, if the disappearance of Hui Lijing's sister is really related to ‘food’, Jason will be able to find clues.

Looked at Jason again.

Hui Lijing thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"follow me."

"You go ahead."

The female boss measured her body and said.

She doesn't want to show her sister's underwear to Jason here, even if her sister is a bastard.

Similarly, she did not let go of her vigilance against Jason.

Therefore, she followed behind with an electric baton to show Jason the way.

"Go up the stairs."

"The first one on the left."

Hui Lijing said.

Jason didn't say much, as Hui Lijing pointed out, he entered this room.


This is Jason's first impression.

You can hardly imagine that there would be such a luxurious room in the room on the second floor of the cafe, separated by the wall from the ‘Mask X Machete X Meat’ office.

It is not decoration, but furnishings and some items.

On the mahogany table, there is a statue of a witch.

The statue is not made of wood or stone, but carved from ivory.

The white is slightly yellowed, making the already lifelike Miko seem to have more skin texture.

On the side of the statue of the witch, there are a few ornaments thrown at random, red gems, the size of a pigeon egg, cat-eye-sized emeralds inlaid on the gold ring, surrounded by a row of diamonds, and a shiny pearl necklace.

It should be a wild pearl!

Jason judged.

He looked to one side.

A huge painting occupies the entire wall.

The painting depicts a scene of returning from hunting in winter.

The three hunters brought four or five hunting dogs, and the only two prey.

One is a chicken, and the other is also a chicken.

Walking on a slippery and cold path in the jungle.

And under the hillside in the distance is the town, where people gather together, skating, playing ice hockey, and playing curling on the frozen lake. Even if they fall to the ground, it does not affect such joy.

Jason looked at this huge painting. He didn't know how to appreciate this kind of painting, but only from the frame and canvas, it should be an antique, or a very famous one.

Except for this huge painting, there is a wardrobe on one side.

The wardrobe was opened directly under Hui Lijing's push and pull.

Countless brand-name clothes just rolled and fell on the floor of the room.

Jason glanced at the closet.

He saw ten gold bars.

The kind of 1000 grams each is stacked in the corner of the closet.

Placed up and down, but not neatly, it can be seen that the owner does not care about the attitude of the gold bars.

Just like the black suitcase beside the same.

The suitcase was thrown in at will. The banknotes in it had already burst the box, but the owner of the box kept stuffing money inside, which caused the whole box to be completely stretched open, revealing a stack of hundred yuan inside. Big bills.

Jason turned his head to look at Hui Lijing.

At this time, Hui Lijing opened her mouth wide and was completely stunned.

She knew that her sister should be rich.

However, she never expected to be so rich.

"What the **** is this guy doing?"

"How did you cheat so much money?"

"What a bastard!"

Hui Lijing cursed in a low voice, but the worry in her eyes became more intense.

As for Hui Lijing, who dreamed of a barista but became a detective, she knew very well what these things in front of her represented.


In some ways it is.

It doesn't need to be too much, just that box of money can buy a shop in the city center.

And more valuable gold, jewelry, paintings, and furnishings?

She could not estimate.

However, Hui Lijing knows more clearly what the meaning of such wealth is if it is not obtained by proper means.

Killing disaster!

The stuff here is enough to cause her **** sister to get in big trouble!

Thinking of this, Hui Lijing's hand holding the electric baton trembled.

"Have you never entered this room?"

Jason retracted his gaze on Hui Lijing, and asked while patrolling the room again.

He could see the surprise on Hui Lijing's face.

Also, he could hear Hui Lijing's heartbeat at that moment.

All proved that the other party did not know this.

In other words, there is a high probability that the disappearance of the other party and the other's sister has nothing to do.

Suspect Hui Lijing as the murderer?


Jason never believed the words of a stranger.

The thief shouted to catch the thief too much.

In "The City That Never Sleeps", after murdering and putting on blame, people who pretend to be pitiful abound.

If you dare to believe it?

You are the next victim.

"That guy won't let me into her house."

Hui Lijing replied.

"Even after missing?"

Jason asked again.

"Two weeks ago, I was asked by her to see the shop. She said that she was going to a party in the evening, and there happened to be a small ‘rose flower’ story meeting here, and someone needed help."

"I refused at first, but the guy said that if I was willing to do her a favor, she promised to let me sleep on the sofa in the hall downstairs for free."

"So, I agreed."

"Who knows that guy will never go back."

Hui Lijing said truthfully.

Sleeping on the sofa downstairs?

After hearing this description, Jason directly overturned the previous evaluation of Hui Lijing's detective at the end of the third stream, and classified the other party into the "not influx". A detective who doesn't even have a place to sleep is really wrong. Inflowing.

The sofa downstairs can allow the other party to compromise, which is enough to show that there should be no permanent home for a long time.

go to bed?

The park bench is the choice.

There should be a ‘home’ built out of paper boxes.

Same as sisters, but so much difference!

Looking at the surrounding banknotes, gold, jewelry, statues and antique paintings, Jason couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Then he continued to ask.

"What will be the story of the'Rose Flower'?"

"What about that evening party?"

"Have you called the police before?"

After three consecutive questions, Jason stared at Hui Lijing again.

Because at this time, Hui Lijing's breathing started to be short.

"'The Flower of Roses' is a book published before. The writer is very famous and writes very well—everyone says that. I read a page and I can’t stand it anymore. The heroine in it is too weak, You should give him a C4 to a scumbag. Where can you endure it silently? That male protagonist is really a jerk. With a girlfriend as good as the female protagonist, he will be attracted by another scumbag. Having feelings for the heroine is really maddening me. If it were me, I would twist off their heavenly spirit caps and lift up all their ashes."

Hui Lijing said angrily.

Obviously, this kind of posture is definitely not looking down after reading a page.

I should have finished reading it very seriously, and...I also substituted myself.

Jason judged.

Hui Lijing was angry for a long time before continuing.

"That guy is mysterious and didn't say anything about gatherings--but I judged that it should be a shameful gathering. The last time she said that, I followed her. I'm not worried about her! I'm just worried about someone being caught She is crazy, but I lost track of it!"

Hui Lijing said insincerely.

"I also called the police."

"But the police force..."

"If it wasn't for my strong request, they wouldn't even want to file a case."

"Do you know what that **** said?"

Hui Lijing continued to speak, and then the angry female boss again imitated the way and tone of the police officer who received her at the time.

"It should be an emotional entanglement? Maybe you will be back in two days?"

"Is this what a policeman should say?"

"Moreover, my detective license was also revoked by this bastard."

The more angry Hui Lijing said, she waved her fist into the air.

"Have you hit someone?"

Jason guessed.

"how come?"

"Facing such a guy, of course, I used the folding stool I was sitting on and beat it hard."

Hui Lijing said of course.

"You just got your detective license revoked instead of going to jail, indicating that good people still occupy the majority."

"But the ability is really average!"

"As of now, there is no news."

Hui Lijing obviously knew that the action was wrong and it was wrong, but she was unwilling to admit it, pouting and muttering, while Jason scanned the room again after saying this.

He took a deep breath.

He hopes to catch a little smell.

However, there is no ‘food’ smell.

On the contrary, the smell of strong perfume fills here.

The fragrance of this perfume was mixed with a strong rouge. If you smell it, it will be the woody notes of musk and vetiver, and then there will be a very light smoky smell. The mixed fragrance makes Jason frown.

The fragrance is too strong.

He can't stand it.

Similarly, Hui Lijing couldn't stand it.

The female boss directly opened the window.

The afterglow of the evening shone straight into the room.

Jason sat in the only clean chair in the room, thinking quietly.

Before, he had guessed that Hui Lixiang had a team behind it.

And Hui Lijing's words just proved his guess.

There is a very professional team behind Hui Lixiang.

Even Hui Lixiang has received similar professional training.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to find Hui Lijing's tracking, and Hui Lijing would return without success.


Jason thought of something and scanned the room again, finally, his eyes fell on Hui Lijing's face.

"how about it?"

"What did you find?"

Hui Lijing couldn't wait to ask.

"Your sister should have taken the initiative to leave."

Jason said.

"Of course he left on his own initiative... Wait, you mean?"

After Hui Lijing spoke subconsciously, she realized that something was wrong.

She thought of something and stared at Jason.

"Just what you think."

"She didn't know why, she chose to leave on her own initiative."

"And with the wealth in this room, but no people who are conspiring to see it, the environment she is in should not be dangerous, at least the team behind her who knows her identity did not do anything."

Jason said.

"How could that guy leave voluntarily?"

"She finally struggled out of the current industry!"

Hui Lijing still didn't believe it.

"Did you see the placement of these things?"

"Very casual, I can see that your sister doesn't care about it."

"and also……"

"Why does your sister open a cafe?"

Jason asked.

Then, before Hui Lijing could speak, she continued.

"Have you ever wanted to be a barista?"

"So, she came to the cafe."

"She let you live in, probably let you inherit this cafe, in order to satisfy your previous wish."

"And these things should be left to you."

Jason said slowly.

Two awkward sisters.

Is it okay to just say nothing?

It's troublesome to go around.

Jason thought to himself.

Hui Lijing opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, all the words became one sentence.

"Then where did she go?"


"Maybe I want to change to a to a place where no one knows her and start again?"

Jason was looking for a reasonable explanation.

Such an explanation is clearly unacceptable to Hui Lijing.


"I will definitely find her."

Hui Lijing said loudly.

Jason did not persuade, it was the other party's business, he completed his own part, and the other party decided the rest.

Immediately, Jason turned to leave.

But at the moment he turned around, Jason couldn't help being stunned.

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