The Demon’s Menu

Vol 4 Chapter 21: true!

[Consumption of 80 points of satiety and 20 points of excitement of eating, protection from evil and unparalleled → extraordinary, judging...]


   When the words like this appeared in front of Jason's eyes, the darkness appeared again when he raised the [Protection from Evil] to the master level and the Wushuang level.


   For this, Jason was prepared.


   When he upgraded twice in a row before, the anomaly brought by [Protection from Evil] made him well prepared.


   Therefore, when the words appeared, Jason was already tense, and he was in a state of preparation.


   Facts have proved how correct this preparation is——


   The rustling sound of insects crawling.


   The flapping sound of birds flying.


   The heavy footsteps of large animals moving forward.


   filled Jason's ears at this moment.


   Although I can't see my fingers before my eyes, everything in my ears is so clear.


   There is no buffer before [Protection from Evil] to the master level or the Wushuang level.


   Almost in an instant, these voices came to Jason's approach.


   Then, he broke through the limit of Wushuang level.


  咚, 咚咚!


   Jason's heart beat violently.


   little spots of light bloomed out from the picture repetition branded on the heart.


   They are about to join together quickly.


   But the monsters in the dark are faster.


next moment!


   They attacked!


   is like a tide!




   Jason did not hesitate to cover his body with the protective force field of [Protection from Evil].


   After that, he felt his body heavy, as if something hit his body.




   The dull sound is followed by the screams and screams of cold water dripping into the hot oil.




   Jason could clearly hear the sound of the heavy object falling over the scream.


   Then, without waiting for Jason to distinguish it more carefully, more monster attacks swarmed.


   The force field of [Protection from Evil] broke almost instantly.




   Jason quickly added once, and began to dodge such a swarming attack with his flexible feet.


Such dodge skills include master-level [unarmed combat] and the skills of the'Gryphon series', as well as some sneaking and hiding skills. Of course, after Jason has experienced hundreds of battles, The instinct summed up is'I flow'.


   When these skills are combined with Jason's "Night Watchman" professional talent [flexible], Jason's seemingly tall and strong body is more flexible than a cat and lighter than a hummingbird.




   did not hinder Jason.


   The perception that is 8 times more than that of ordinary people, so that Jason is not restrained here.


   On the contrary, it feels like a fish in water.


   After Jason closed his eyes altogether, his professional talent [Blind Fighting] quickly played a role, making him more comfortable.


   It seems...


  Professional talent [Soul] [Blind Fight] was born for this time.


   and the original professional talent [Alert] too!


   The advanced professions of "Night Watcher" and "Night Watcher", "Nightman" are all for this moment.


Is the career after    also for this moment?


   Jason guessed in his heart.


   became more and more curious about everything in front of me.


What kind of existence is   ? In order to deal with the darkness and monsters in the darkness, such a complete ‘system’ has been established?


   If Jason was still guessing before, he could not confirm the darkness in front of him and the origin of the monsters in the darkness, but now, he can already confirm it.


   This should be considered a confrontation!


   created the confrontation between the existence of the ‘Night Watch’ professional system and the darkness.


  Everything in front of you, even if the opponent stays in the professional system, is the mark of the core skill [Protection from Evil].


   As for why did you leave this mark?


   It may be that the existence is too powerful.


   may also be a warning to latecomers.


   Jason could not know.


   He only knows that he needs to pass the test of this "mark", otherwise... everything will be over.


   He doesn't know at what level the other night watchmen passed this test, but he knows that his level is insufficient!


   When he couldn't get the career follow-up of the night watchman, he chose to improve with his own special talents and cultivation methods, which made him not have the ‘safety’ of other night watchmen.


   This is obvious.


   In the two primary professions of the'Night Watcher', they are preparing for the scene before them.


   After that, it is naturally also in the promotion career.


   So, this is quite bad for Jason.




   is another instant [Protection from Evil].


   After this instant [Protection from Evil], Jason's re-engraved curse seals were all used up.


   He took a deep breath, and raised his hand in the face of the endless, endless monsters.


   To dodge, it is impossible to dodge.


   He didn't know how the other night watchmen should deal with everything in front of him.


   I don't know even more, when everything in front of me insists on being the head.


   But he knows that if he continues to consume like this, he will only run out of energy.


   Therefore, he took the initiative to attack.


  He wants to use his own method to solve the problem in front of him——






  【Protection from evil】The force field covers the front.


  The special force field of fighter level began to crush the front wantonly.


   Jason rushed forward quickly, and after taking a breath, it was another note.






   Same as before, except that Jason's gasping sound became stronger, but this did not hinder him in the slightest, so he made another backhand.






   After the attack [Protection from Evil], Jason's gasping sound was like a broken bellows.


   There is no doubt that Jason has reached his limit at this time.


   The power of [protection from evil] is beyond doubt.


   As long as it is a creature with negative energy, after being targeted, it can definitely be killed by one shot most of the time.


   In short, it is a very useful skill.


   However, the physical exertion is also very large.


   Even with Jason’s 7 times the physique and limit of a normal person’s time management master-style rest, he reached the limit several times.






   The monsters seemed to feel Jason's breathing and exhaustion.


   They roared low or high one by one, rushing towards Jason.


   Then, Jason, who should have been exhausted, raised his hand again——






   The force field of [Protection from Evil] is released again.


   Death also came as promised.


   Feeling the breath of death filled Jason's body, the surrounding monsters were caught off guard by the last [Protection from Evil], but they still roared like victory.


   The roar is the kind of trying hard.


   In the dark, they use this way to show off their achievements.


   can be immediately, this roar stopped abruptly.


   The diffuse breath of death disappeared.


   Jason is resurrected.


   Under the abundance of vitality, Jason raised his hand without hesitation.


   Then, calmly greet death.


   Then, resurrect again, and shake his hand [Protection from Evil].


  Death appeared again.


   can then be resurrected.


   The monsters in the dark were completely stunned.


   was confused by the scene in front of me.


   was once again stunned by the continuous [Protection from Evil] force field.


   They have never encountered an enemy like Jason.


   will not only resurrect after death, but also stand like a turret, continuously firing shells called [Protection from Evil].


   About three or five times later, the monsters who had just been beaten finally recovered.


   They roared again.


   Then, charge!


   charged more bravely and fiercely than before.


   Give in?


   There is no such idea in their brains.


   From the beginning of their birth, there is slaughter in their blood.


   slaughter those who broke into the darkness.


   Use the blood and soul of living people to expand the darkness into a larger space.


   Therefore, both sides are immortal.


   Time passed by every minute.


   The fierce battle continues.


   The two sides who never die can be said to be evenly matched.


   There are so many parties and boundless.


   One party is almost immortal, with a strong will.


   is like two sharp long swords, constantly cutting and cutting, sparks are everywhere, both sides are damaged.


   Jason frowned slightly.


  Satisfaction is decreasing rapidly.


   He has been'dead' 30 times.


   There are still about 459+ lives.


   Although there is absolutely no problem with supporting it for a while, there is always a moment when the fullness is exhausted. At that time, he is dying.


   There must be some cracking method!


   Jason is very sure.


   However, for Jason, who has incomplete professional information and has not even seen his teacher, such an ‘obvious’ method of cracking must be explored by himself.


   Therefore, he continued to fight the monsters in the dark while watching the surroundings.


   It was dark all around.


   can't see at all.


   Jason had to move his footsteps and began to explore further afield.


   One step at a time.


   One hundred steps and one hundred death.


   But it is still dark.


   Everywhere you enter your eyes is darkness.


   There is no light.


and many more……




   Jason suddenly thought of something.


   Suddenly, a picture replied and blurted out——




  A dazzling light bloomed from Jason's hands.


   Suddenly, the surrounding darkness was dispersed.


   Countless monsters with ugly faces are revealed.


   These monsters, who have never been in contact with ‘light’ since their birth, were completely blinded by the puncture at this time, and they fell to the ground one by one, screaming.


   Jason swiftly moved forward, passing through layers of monsters.


   At the moment the brilliance burst, he could see everything around him clearly.


   This is a place similar to a wilderness.


  In the field of vision, only one stone house is particularly conspicuous.


   Jason naturally locked in there.


   After more than a dozen breaths, and after stimulating the [flash technique] twice, Jason came to the door of the stone house.


   He tried a little bit, and after confirming that there was no danger, he opened the door.


  The door is entirely made of metal, which is a bit heavy.


   Squeak, Squeak.


   Amid the friction of the door shaft and the door frame, the door opened, and Jason used [Flashing] to illuminate the inside.


this is--




   Jason was a little surprised.


   But the pots and pans in the house are telling Jason this clearly.


   Cautiously, Jason stepped in.


   When his entire figure entered it, all the monsters that seemed to be tidewater behind him stopped.


   They roared around the stone house.


   But no one dared to step in here.


   This gave Jason a sigh of relief.


   Then, he again looked at the stone house in front of him, and searched carefully.


   In addition to the existing pots and pans, there is firewood, but there are no ingredients or seasonings, etc. Jason picked up the firewood, and the flame flickered in his hand.


   Crackling, crackling.


   There was a crisp sound, and the firewood was quickly ignited.


   Jason held the firewood as a candle and looked at the stone house again.


   This time, he soon discovered something worthy of himself.


   An hourglass, a book.


   The sand in the hourglass flows a little.


   The book is open and has only one page.


   says: 177/1000


   Looking at such hourglasses and books, Jason quickly had a guess in his mind. In order to prove such a guess, after a short break, he walked to the door again.


   stepped out of the door in no real sense.


   Jason was standing by the door frame, but even so, the firewood in his hand was suddenly extinguished.


   But this does not hinder, Jason raises his hand as a [protection from evil].






   The monsters surrounding the stone house were immediately enveloped by this [protection from evil].


   Amid the screams of the monster, Jason returned to the house, lit the wood again, and looked at the hourglass and notebook.


   The hourglass continued to flow.


  The number of the notebook has changed.




   The monster he killed just now is counted.


   "In other words, can the judgment of [protection against evil] be completed by killing a specified number of monsters within a specified time?"




   "What happens if I exceed the quota?"


   There was a light in Jason's slightly narrowed eyes.


   His brain spins rapidly.


   There is no doubt that this place should be the key to the promotion of the'Night Watcher' core skill [Evil Protection].


   Here, the "Night Watchman" who has released [Protection from Evil] can have a full rest, and then fight the monsters. Of course, it is not the kind of leisurely battle.


The hourglass beside    is enough to explain everything.


set time!


  With this premise, the'night watchman' who came here must do their best.


   Although Jason does not know the possibility of [Protection from Evil] failure in the promotion judgment.


   But, if he can, he never wants to know.


   "My physique is 6.8 times that of an ordinary person, and my recovery speed is faster than an ordinary person."


   "Furthermore, my talent and the resilience of [Warweave. Pruss. Griffon. Invisible Bodywork] give me always more opportunities.


"and also……"


   "Flash technique!"


   After Jason's gaze swept over his remaining 1078 points of fullness, his gaze was naturally placed on [Flash Art].


   It can be said that the flash technique has done a great job.


   He is preconceived and didn't think of skills other than the profession of the'Night Watcher'.


   Has anyone else thought about it?


   should have thought about it.


   But who would raise [Flash Art] to a master level?


   Even if he has the convenience of fullness and excitement, there are many unexpected coincidences in upgrading [Flash Art] to a master level.


   Ordinary people don’t waste so much energy at all.


   Most people should study their own more powerful and core skills.


   Example: [Protection from evil]!


   Jason can be sure that the advanced "Night Watchman" who improved [Protection from Evil] to be released remotely must have encountered such a situation before he made up his mind to improve, so as to facilitate the later "Night Watchman".


   "Thank you."


   Jason said sincerely.


   As a beneficiary, he believes that such gratitude is necessary.


   Even though he doesn't know each other, the scene before him makes him more sincere.


   Standing at the door frame, Jason released [Protection from Evil] again and again.


After a break from exhaustion, he returned to the house and used the breathing technique of [War Pattern Pruss Gryphon. Concealed Body Exercise] to rest and regain my strength. After the rest was almost done, I stood at the door frame again and waved my hand [Protection] evil】.


   Soon, the numbers in the book are changing rapidly——




















   When the number broke ten times the original requirement, Jason panted and leaned on the door frame two steps away from the house, looking at the hourglass.


   At this moment, there is still a trace of the hourglass.


   A faint light appeared in the recorded books.


   Watching this scene, Jason breathed a sigh of relief.


   After all, no effort was wasted!


   You know, after he completed the basics, Jason moved forward according to his set goals.


   Two times, three times, four times the basic goal...


   But no matter what.


   And the sand in the hourglass is getting less and less.


   This made Jason more anxious, and he had to choose the limit state again.


   Naturally, in this state, death is inevitable, especially when many monsters that appear afterwards can touch the door frame.


   This did not exceed Jason's expectations.


   Among the many monsters, it is reasonable that some particularly powerful monsters appear.


   Just like in a group of people, there will be a few particularly strong ones.


   But what happened after that was a bit beyond Jason's expectations.


With the emergence of these more powerful monsters, other ordinary monsters who originally only depended on instinct to fight, seem to suddenly have wisdom, they are not disorderly blocking the door of the stone house, but choose to avoid the front direction of Jason's vision Wandering on both sides, Jason had to stand at the door frame to effectively spot a few monsters.


After   , these monsters became more Not only did they stay away from the stone house, they hide out of the range of the long-range attack of [Protection from Evil].


   What makes Jason even more concerned is that they learned to ambush and calculate.


   When they were completely far away from the stone house, Jason had to walk out of the stone house to find them, these monsters blocked Jason's retreat.


   This is only the first time.


Several times after   , these ordinary monsters began to dig traps.


  I even used myself as a ‘bait’ several times before letting more powerful monsters attack Jason.


   This caught Jason off guard.


   There is no doubt that this is done under the command of a powerful monster.


   With the cooperation of the monster, Jason died no fewer than a hundred times even if he had a ‘safe house’.


   But more importantly, in fighting the monsters, Jason consumes not only his physical strength, but also... his energy.


   This makes Jason have to spend more time to recover.


   Looking at the little time left, Jason was thinking about whether to use a more aggressive way to fight.


   finally changed.


   Jason stared at the book with wide eyes.


   The numbers are hidden, and the words begin to appear——


   When he was called a mimosa... so happy (*^▽^*).

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