Behind every risk, there are huge rewards.

Behind each ten consecutive draw, there will be an additional reward.

And this time eleven consecutive times, can he maintain his consistent good luck?

The colorful light of the system blooms in the sky.

Lancelot was praying in his heart.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Emerald Level 3 House x10】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Emerald Barracks x2】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Magic Academy x1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Sacred Beast Heart x1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Emerald Gunner x50】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Endless Springs x1】

【Congratulations to the host for getting:Congratulations to the host for getting the steam engine design x1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Griffin Knight x5】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Point Gold Rod (broken)】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Point Gold Rod (imitation)】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Woman Recruitment Ticket x1】

Well, Lancelot felt like good luck had come to an end, and it didn’t sound very good.

And, what the hell are the two golden rods?

He quickly clicked in to check the properties.

【Point Gold Rod: Broken, Repairable Fusion】

【Repair requirements: point gold rod (imitation) 3, currently has point gold stick imitation x2】

【Host, does it fuse the point gold rod to improve the performance of the point gold bar?】 】


【Fusion is completed, the performance of the gold rod is improved】

【Gold Bar: Repair Progress 66.6%】

[Ability: Arbitrarily change the shape of an object without violating the principle of equivalent exchange]

【Daily limit: 600 times】

Lancelot opened his mouth and retracted the he just said, the system is still your home system, give power!

[Magic Academy: Magicians with elemental specializations can further their studies and learn advanced magic]

[Heart of the Sacred Beast: Can be used to activate the Sacred Beast Bloodline and activate the Tortoise Fortress]

【Fortress activation conditions: Turtle Camel Fortress needs to be in an awakened state, and the Divine Turtle needs to be completely awakened after use】

[Endless Spring: Use near the water source, once used, the water source will never be exhausted]

[System prompt: Once used, can not be moved, please choose the use of the location carefully]

Lancelot frowned, it was a treasure, but for now, he couldn’t use it anytime soon.

He felt that this thing would bring him great benefits in the future.

This is a good thing, and the Heart of the Sacred Beast is also a good thing, but unfortunately, the golden treasure needed to awaken the Turtle Camel Fortress is an astronomical number.

Concubines can’t do that for the time being.

[Griffin Knight: Legend class, Sky Knight who controls the Griffin, terrifying combat ability, super patrol ability]

[Unlock Condition: Unknown (Maybe the Elves have clues)]

【Number of Permitted Drivers: Up to 3】

[Talent: Hunting: Falling at high speed, catching prey, falling to death]

[Talents: flapping wings, waving wings at high frequencies, setting off wind and sand and dust, generating wind knives, splitting enemies, radius of thirty yards]

[Knight Skills: Meteorite Holy Lance, 100-yard radius, Holy Gun Throw, Meteorite-like Explosion, Limit 3/day]

[Knight Skill: Holy Lance Laser: 500 meters in a straight line for 3 seconds, can be moved sideways in a fan, limit the number of times 2/day]

The five huge griffin beasts that suddenly descended from the sky instantly attracted the attention of the entire Emerald Emerald.

The dazzling feathers, the powerful claws, the mighty momentum, all of them are full of power.

The knights are even more dazzling, with bright silver armor and winged helmets.

The thick war gun has this explosive beauty.

“At your service, Lord Lancelot, the Knights of the Sky salute you.”

“Welcome to you, long admirer, Knight Claude.”

“That is my pleasure, Lord Lancelot, that the Knights of the Sky await your instructions.”

Alzaris’s eyes lit up, the sky was above, and this was the Griffin Knight, the legendary class.

“Béunita, arrange the best room for the knights to rest.”

The dazzling Beyunita watched, the Sky Knights, the Griffin Knights, struck my Lord.

“Obey the order, Lord Lord, and also, it is Xiao Bei.”

Lancelot scratched his head, “Okay, little Becky. ”

“Knight Claude, I’m Gaia Beyonita, the Emerald Consul, please go this way.”

“Long known and famous, the lady is the most famous.”

Lancelot is beautiful, Griffin Knight, which can be said to be the biggest gain at present!

If there were a thousand, no, five hundred, it would be possible to sweep through Haagen-Dazs?

【Women’s Recruitment Ticket: 50 Emerald Female Leaders can be recruited】

With the addition of 50 lancers, Lancelot glanced at the barracks, which had completed the build-up.

The strength of the troops was replenished by 105.

Two barracks, he now has a problem of troop strength can be solved.

After three days, he was able to recruit this month’s ranks in a row.

Without saying a word, Lancelot, got up and chose the position, and directly completed the two barracks.

Lancelot didn’t say a word and directly recruited the most senior troops.

Emerald Gunslinger x60, Consumption: 4200 Gold Hammer.

Emerald Ranger x60, Consumption: 4800 Gold Bumps.

Emerald Knight x60, Consumption: 9000 Gold Quakes.

This time, Lancelot didn’t hesitate at all.

After three days, each class can still have 30 enrollments, including the Desert Scout.

The Academy of Magic was also directly completed, and development was imminent.

[Magic Academy: Specialized elemental mages can enroll and learn advanced magic]

[Unlockable Building: Mage Tower (directly summons mage classes)]

【Unlock Conditions: Medium Magic Academy】

[Advanced: Secondary Magic Academy, Advanced Conditions: Junior Magic Academy Full Spell Learning, 100 Students]

[Unlock primary spells: Fireball, Ice Bullet, Wind Blade, Stone Falling, Lightning Falling]

【Study time: 15 days, tuition: 50 gold and crane】

[Unlock Intermediate Magic: Burst Fireball, Ice Blast, Spinno, Meteorite, Chain Lightning]

【Study time: 30 days, tuition fee: 150 gold and crane】

[Unlock advanced magic: Burst Flame, Great Glacier, Great Tornado, Sky Crash, Thunder Sky Singing]

【Study time: 90 days, tuition fee: 400 gold and crane】

[System prompt: You can use reputation values to speed up learning]

Lancelot looked disgusted, isn’t this charge a joke?

The long time is heinous, and learning a high level of magic is actually 400 gold?

If he had a hundred mages, not to mention learning magic slowly, wouldn’t this 40,000 gold squirrel be a joke?

Lancelot sighed, in a few days, his elemental mage would be able to graduate.

Then you can go to the Academy of Magic.

It was at the sight of these spells that Lancelot felt a pain in his liver.

The design of the steam engine, this is good, this is a masterpiece leading to the industrial age!


Lancelot was excited, and nothing else, the skill of the Seal of the Soul: Divine Initiation.

He had a griffin!

“System, can I directly ignite the two classes, the Griffin Knight and the Rose Knight?”

【Hello host, no】

“Hey, you’re playing with it, you’re talking about the highest class known for enlightenment.”

[The host, the so-called known, refers to what you unlock, not given away by the system]

Lancelot was a little upset: “You are playing word games, you are dying, the system is bullying!” ”

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