In an instant, the blood of the battle boiled up, and everyone shook their fists.

A big war is inevitable, this is the first large-scale battle after the reform of Emerald Emerald!

They will never allow this battle to be lost!

And, they don’t feel like they will lose.

Because Lord Lancelot was so confident, it gave them great peace of mind.

Especially those Emerald Mages, this trip, they are equipped with 600 warriors.

Among them, 500 sand lizard clan vassals and 100 Emerald regular troops.

100 tower shield soldiers, 200 sand lizard crossbowmen, 100 sand lizard swordsmen, 100 sand lizard clan fire mages.

50 Emerald Mages, 30 Emerald Knights, 20 Emerald Desert Scouts.

Heroes are configured as Ranger Yang Yuki, Elven Archer Sylvana, and Sand Lizard Clan Grand Wizard Shala Puzan.

The scout team Gaddafi is also a veteran Emerald warrior.

There was also a Griffin Knight Mr. Claude.

In addition to 25 Gangclay family craftsmen, 25 Emerald people.

The main thing is their lord, Lord Lancelot, the mighty Great Magician.

Plus two beast masters, Helkai and Cameron, an eighth-order death sandworm and a seventh-order death sandworm.

If they can still lose this configuration, then they will really be thrown to their grandmother’s house.

Advance to the battle to eat, replenish physical strength, nourish the spirit, eat and drink enough, order the people and horses, and divide the soldiers into four roads!

Take a detour, encircle the four sides, and if there is no war, the first war will be successful!


In the silence, the large army was pulled.

The weakest mages and archers are escorted by the Death Sandworm.

These two teams, led by Sylvana, were raised by the base, and even did not even have to get off the desert sleigh car.

Go straight to the car and hit it, it feels fantastic, it’s just thrilling!

This endless sea of sand is still a terra nullius and a forbidden land of death.

The oasis is nameless, but it is occupied by the Sand Lizard Clan.

Lancelot never treated his opponents as fools.

Otherwise, these damn half-orcs wouldn’t have come to the city and almost wiped out Emerald.

This vendetta is not a gentleman, and now, I will cut you in the knife.

They even started in the Endless Sand Sea and took the same route as Lancelot.

Requisition of low-grade sand lizards!

Lancelot squinted his eyes and sneered, not uprooting them, they didn’t know how many eyes Ma Wangye had!

“System, don’t pretend to be dead, it’s time to give the task!”

A moment later, the system’s languid voice appeared.

【What task?】 】

“I went out to play with it?”

[You are not bad at money now…]

Lancelot almost died of anger: “Hey, hey, do you see what people say, I don’t have bad money, you charge me so much tax, you say I don’t have bad money, what about prestige, what about the power of faith, what about the honor of the kingdom of God?” ”

【Those can be saved slowly】


Lancelot was not pleased: “In the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse, the nerves of the world have been ripped off, and slowly, don’t make trouble.” ”

Really? 】

“What do you say?”

[Host, if you don’t do this, you play casually, I will rate you]

“I want a mission, I want a reward!”

The system hesitated and seemed to think for half a day.

[Or else…]

[Detecting the host’s high war intentions, and the number of enemies and enemies is very different, this will be a legendary duel]

[Limited time challenge opens: defeat the enemy in 10 minutes, total annihilation, capture, and make the opponent lose combat effectiveness]

[Challenge to disable totem, disable eighth-order Warcraft, refuse to bargain]

[Challenge Rewards: 10,000 Prestige Points, 50,000 Faith Strength, 10,000 Golden Hammers, 200,000 Military Seal Experience, 1 Divine Honor]

[Failure of the challenge, deduction of 50% of the golden trava, deduction of all reputation points, deduction of 50% of the power of faith]

[Host, is it up to the challenge? 】

“Why are you teasing me?”

[Then do you want to accept it?] 】

Lancelot rolled his eyes.

The overeating totem is on him, and if you don’t use it, you don’t need it.

“Claude, go, go and inform the Beast Master, this battle bans the Eighth Order Warcraft!”

“Huh? Lord Lancelot? ”

Is there such a good thing not to use, to keep it for fun?


Lancelot gritted his teeth a little: “If the killer is exhausted, the ability of the warriors will not be revealed.” ”

Claude was stunned and nodded slightly, “Obey the order, Lord Lancelot, you are so wise. ”

He was not in doubt.

But after stopping this, Helkai was speechless.

Claude carried Lancelot into the sky.

“System, take on the challenge!”

【The countdown begins!】 】

“Come on, Claude, throw down your meteorite spear.”

Claude smiled, though these sand lizards already had the rudiments of an army and began patrolling.

There are also sentry, but they are still a ragtag crowd and there is nothing to be afraid of.

There are too few regular troops.

“Obey the order, Lord Lancelot.”

The Meteorite Holy Gun was launched without mercy, and the fiery red war gun suddenly landed in the middle of countless tents.

One, two, three!!!

Three meteorite holy guns caused a large-scale indiscriminate bombardment, and for a time, the monstrous sea of fire raged.

And with that, the sky exploded with thunder, and a large area of thunderclouds was dense.

Exactly ten prescription bits, thunder and fortune roared.

The entire large community of the Sand Lizard Clan was instantly in panic, what happened?

This wave of attacks left them confused.

I had no idea what was happening, but a large number of sand lizard tribes quickly appeared, constantly trying to find ways to extinguish the fire.

They didn’t know it was an enemy attack at all, and the thunderclouds in the sky made countless sand lizard clans look confused.

A huge griffin beast landed on the ground, dispelling the magma.

The wings spread out, countless wind knives scattered and split, and for a time, flesh and blood flew over, and limbs and arms were broken.

“Enemy Attack!!!”

The sound of the crashing clock reverberated continuously.

A man stood there, dressed in mage’s robes and holding a large staff: “Lizard heads, Lord Lancelot has come to kill your dogs.” ”

This scene left the lizard people at a loss.

But the next moment, they reacted, and a lizard man more than three meters tall roared: “Damn humans, they actually sneaked in, killed him, killed him.” ”

In an instant, the entire Sand Lizard Clan Tribes all surrounded Lancelot.

His mouth turned out to be the standard human language.

“Kill him for me!”

Claude rode the griffin beast into the air and disappeared into the clouds in an instant.

Countless sand lizard clans rushed to kill.

Lancelot laughed dismissively: “Sing, thunder, thunder!” ”

Ten huge thunderclouds gathered together in an instant, and with a bang, the heavens and the earth were disillusioned.

The whole night was as bright as day.

In this wave, the world fell apart, and countless tents were shattered and scorched.

Even people with tents, flesh and blood with internal organs, the sky is everywhere.

The ground was full of charred corpses, making people feel sick.

Just a low-level sand lizard clan wanted to retreat, but they were driven away by those tall sand lizard Empire generals, and between the swings of their swords, they hacked a large piece to death.

“The escapee in the battle, there is no forgiveness for killing, he has only one person, kill me!”

The low-level sand lizard tribe had a bad brain, but they knew that retreating was a death.

For a moment, I rushed up like crazy again.

Lancelot stood alone in the fiery red lava, smiling like a child.

Among the thousands of troops, I smiled at the sky from the horizontal knife.

10 meters, 5 meters, 3 meters…

Countless sand lizards frantically slaughtered, and in the last two meters, Lancelot roared.

“Great glacier, rush, four consecutive shots!”

The Secret Staff was fiercely inserted into the ground, and the four large glaciers scattered like a flood.

The second wave of attacks, almost cleared.

“Damn, you damn this…”

Before the two words of the human could be uttered, Claude’s heavy war gun pierced directly through his chest.

“Launch a general offensive!”

The battle horn sounded, in all directions, covered with arrows, and the Emerald Knight charged.

The Desert Scout opened the Sanctuary of Sand.

The archers fired a rain of arrows.

The mages raised their staffs at the same time, and the Great War began.

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