Lancelot had no intention of giving him a good job.

This kind of guy who opens his mouth and shuts up his mouth to shut up an ant and a two-legged sheep annoys people when he looks at it.

Man is like a beast in their eyes, why?

Lancelot feels funny, how old are you?

And his courage is given by the system.

The system publishes a temporary task.

[The host, detecting the presence of a special species, threatening the security of Emerald and the entire continent]

[It is recommended that the host kill it, and the system will recover it and give special rewards]

【Rewards will be recycled and evaluated by the system】

Lancelot accepted the task without hesitation.

He doesn’t like these guys.

Open your mouth and shut up and treat people like garbage, ants, two-legged sheep.

He couldn’t understand where these creatures got their sense of superiority, so since you were so hesitant, you had better die.

Lancelot hugged Beyonta and protected her behind her.

Beunita didn’t really have to protect her, but she enjoyed the feeling.

“Damn ants, you dared to hurt me, you know I am…”

“I’m your uncle!”

Lancelot slammed his fist in the face, instantly turning him into a panda eye.

“I thought how bad it was, wouldn’t being beaten also make your nose blue and your face swollen, and wouldn’t your blood also be red?”

Thrust the sword forward, once again deep into his heart, nailing him directly to the coffin board.

“Stupid creature, you have no idea what you’re doing!”

“I’m you!”

Lancelot grinned.

Pull out the giant sword.

[Sword Name: Sword of Oath, Magic Legacy].

[The sword of the knight king Crissa Martha, who has killed countless gods and demons and drank the blood of angels and ancient gods]

[Attributes: Slay the gods and demons, cut off the body of the gods and demons]

There is no other introduction, only this few numbers, slaying the gods and demons, enough!

“Damn slaves, you’ll be punished, you’ll be…”

“No, rest assured, because it’s time for you to hit the road.”

Lancelot swung his sword and cut off his head directly, in that instant.

The disbelief of the face stayed on the face.

The next moment, he was absorbed by the system, and after tens of thousands of years, he was born again, and he could not even leave his name.

This powerful creature was absorbed by the system.

Everyone watched this scene indifferently.

That guy just now is really uncomfortable.

He treats people as slaves?

Lancelot stood there, motionless for half a day.

The adventurers from the System God Kingdom behind them were even more shocked than the Emerald warriors.

The underground ruins here make them very uncomfortable.


Is that creature human?

He is, God?

Or what?

“Lord Lancelot, are we leaving?”

Lancelot shook his head, “I’m afraid not…”

Lancelot refused.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to leave this ghost place.

Rather, the system not only did not prompt the task to be completed, but the undead echo was not activated.

What does this mean.

They haven’t explored it yet.

But there is no longer a way.

Lancelot looked up at everything around him.

It is indeed all depressing walls, full of carvings and murals symbolizing religion.

There are also weird, incomprehensible graphics and text.

“System, what’s going on, isn’t the task completed?”

[Host, please be careful, the root of the magic element is underground, and this is not the final destination of the mission]


Lancelot had some scalp tingling.

And also……

He looked at the two coffins and suddenly thought of something: “Get this coffin aside, there is still something underground!” ”

Lancelot’s command was absolute.

The crowd felt the same way, damn, and something.

What happened to this ancient underneath relic.

Bonarotti snapped, “I’ll come.” ”

Saying that it was a kick to the top, and directly kicked the golden coffin away.

“Uncomfortable guy, what’s the point of all this stuff?”

Lancelot shook his head: “Holy See, I’ve never heard of it, do you know anyone?” ”

Everyone shook their heads.

No one knows about Rausch’s worship of the Holy See.

Now Hagdas’s greatest power is the Holy Light Church, and all the kingdoms worship them!

Is there any necessary connection?


Lancelot felt that it was not that simple.

Beneath the pedestal of this golden coffin, there is indeed another mystery.

It was a very cleverly crafted mechanism.

Lancelot looked at the mark, Six.

And it’s a puzzle pattern.

Seeing the pattern, Lancelot skimmed his lips: “How childish! ”

He pointed to the six-pointed star puzzle on the ground: “Come here a few people, standing in these positions.” ”

Emerald warriors stepped up, and they followed Lancelot’s instructions and kept moving the puzzle of the six-pointed star.

Just a few minutes of effort.

The six-pointed star emitted a golden glow.

After a moment, keep spinning.

It’s just that this golden light makes Beyonita very uncomfortable.

Lancelot incorporated the Sword of Oath into the system space.

“This is not a property of the Light, this thing is impure.”


Lancelot became intrigued.

Beunita shook her head, “I don’t know, but among these golden rays, I don’t feel the presence of light, this is not pure holy light, but it is disgusting.” ”

“If you say yes, that’s it.”

The moment the flow of light stopped, the entire underground world suddenly shook.

The next moment, the pedestal under the coffin suddenly turned, and then the six-pointed star split in two.

In a few moments, a huge staircase passage appeared.

“Lord Lancelot, can you not go down?”

“What’s wrong?”

“I feel very uneasy.”

Lancelot smiled, “That makes it all the more difficult, and I’m going to get rid of anything that makes you feel uneasy.” ”

Lancelot took the lead and went down.

“Alzaris, protect the ladies.”

Alsaris nodded.

The army quickly protected these women.

Including Sylvana.

“I don’t think we should need to.”

Arcerius smiled, “But you are women after all, go back, and don’t embarrass Lord Lancelot.” ”

The crowd followed cautiously.

It’s much better here.

To be honest, compared to those death-like hellish scenes.

It’s full of rich magic elements.

Even Lancelot’s magical blindness felt it, it was a very strong element of magic energy.

Moreover, the underground structure is very gorgeous.

The whole is a crystal structure.

Everywhere there are huge crystal pillars full of magic energy.

However, to the great discomfort of Lancelot and the crowd, there were blood-red veins everywhere above these crystals.

It’s like a blood vessel.

It exudes a faint mixture of gold and red.

And these streamers of blood vessels extended to the center of the hall.

At that location, stands a huge crystal container.

It’s like a coffin erected.

A woman with wings, holding her hands, as if praying.

She had only one wing, and her hair was blonde.

Her skin was very white, and her hair was long, up to her waist.

She had a melancholy look on her face.

She wears a golden armor.

This kind of beauty makes people feel a little ashamed of themselves.

Dolnigun was dumbfounded: “This woman is too beautiful, is she an angel?” ”

“But she has only one wing.”

“Hold back and listen to Lord Lancelot’s arrangement.”

[Host, detected high-energy hardening, magic hormone overflow, arrive at the destination, please proceed cautiously]

[Host, the system has been analyzed, and the demigod species has been absorbed]

【World Recognition: Increased to 25%】

[System Rewards: Divinity, Divine Fragments, Plundering Demigods 300 Years]

【Host, is it used in a fusion way?】 】

Lying in the groove, Lancelot almost dropped his jaw!

“Divinity, Divine Fragments, and 300 years of life?”

[Yes host, is about to face a huge challenge, the system recommends immediate fusion absorption]

“Hurry, wait what?”

【Start fusion, integration is complete】

[The host can evolve]

[Host: Lancelot, fused with divinity]

【Divinity: 1%】

【Divine Fragment cannot be used, to be repaired】

【Lifespan: 390 years】

[Equipment: Great Magic Legacy, 3 Arcane Set]

【Equipment: Sword of Oath】

Lancelot was careful that the liver was going to jump out.

“I go, Brother of the System, can I live forever?”

[If you continue to plunder divinity and longevity, it should be possible]


Lancelot went crazy.

This is probably the most wonderful news since he came to this world, right?

Beunita has been lost in the lost time of the system god kingdom for thousands of years.

Bonarotti has a lifespan of more than 300 years.

Not to mention the two elf sisters, both were thousands of years old youkai.

He, the lord of mankind, was only a hundred years old, which was very boring.

To be honest, Lancelot had been longing for this for a long time.

This is the plot of his dreams.

Lancelot was excited to dance.

He did not notice that after he had fused the divine nature, his eyebrows loomed.

One more star-like trace.

Beunita was surprised: “Lord Lancelot, your forehead…”


Lancelot subconsciously reached out and touched it.

The whole underground world seemed to be stimulated by something.

This crystal-framed palace seems to be cheering.

Those vascular-like beings quickly flowed towards the crystal coffin.

A golden divine light filled the entire space.

The cold ice cracked with a click.

The woman, slowly raising her head, opened her eyes.

She looked at everything in front of her coldly.

Suddenly he frowned: “Who made you stand up?” ”

With a hum, as if the heavens were falling apart, all the Emerald Warriors, including those adventurers of the System God Kingdom.

Qi Brush knelt down.

Lancelot’s knees all clicked.

Cold sweat came out in pain.

A hint of killing suddenly flashed in his mind, and a thought burst out of his mind.

He thought about it, and the words of the predecessor were: When you meet God, you will kill, and every demon will be cut!

He raised his head angrily, and the angelic woman looked at him coldly: “Despicable servant, bow your head!” ”

Lancelot only felt his body sink, and the whole person was crushed to the ground by death.

Under the knees, the ground cracks.

Lancelot almost scolded.

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