The corners of Sylvana’s mouth went up, in the world she once was, where the demons were, and where the demons existed.

That’s where she bends her bow and arrows, and every demon kills!

An arrow piercing through the clouds and cracking the stone pierces the long sky.

Queen Naga’s disdainful skimming lips seemed to be mocking.

Kraken, who had twisted into a humanoid monster, raised an arm and smashed it.

Directly smashed Sylvana’s arrow.


The corners of Sylvana’s mouth rose upwards, and the arrows that directly broke apart turned into countless arrows.

Greetings to Kraken’s body were overwhelming, and the clanging sound seemed to hit the metal plate.

Each arrow leaves a small ripple of water.

Sylvana couldn’t help but frown: “The skin is thick and thick. ”

Beunita sneered, “Not necessarily, the Holy Light is not so easy to digest.” ”

When the rain of arrows stopped, Cranken, who had incarnated as a hundred-armed Shura, revealed a defensive posture.

A hundred arms hugged together, shielding the head and blocking the chest.

A pungent smell of smoke and fire came.

The huge humanoid Kraken, at this moment, the part of the body that was attacked by the arrow rain was as red as magma.

The holy light burned its skin covered in demonic qi.

Beunita shrugged, “You see, I’ll just say it, a woman with a big chest and no brain is the most terrible, such a big live target, don’t fight white, don’t fight.” ”

Queen Naga immediately smiled, “You may be too self-respecting to penetrate and be in vain.” ”

The corners of Beunita’s mouth lifted.

“You may have misunderstood something, Her Majesty the Queen.”

The Naga queen froze and suddenly found that countless threads of holy light, like a huge spider web, had trapped her and Kraken firmly.

It’s like a golden cage.

And Beunita turned into a flash of light and appeared directly in the golden cage.

“Do you know where your biggest failure lies?”

Her hand did not know when it had been pressed on the chest of the Naga Queen.

“Your greatest failure is to dare to look at Lord Lancelot condescendingly, wanting our lives, and letting the king of the demon world come personally!”

After saying that, I saw the golden light explode, and a bucket-thick pillar of light directly penetrated the chest of the Naga Queen.

A huge hole was left behind.

Béunita’s dexterous body, directly a whip leg, Kraken’s huge body.

Beunita kicked Kraken straight down and slammed her head to the ground.

The whole Deep Sea Palace buzzed, and the heavens fell apart.

“The palace… Palace…”

Harry Siren’s eyes widened, “Please don’t destroy the Palace of the Betty!” ”

Beunita ignored it: “It’s useless to keep it, it’s already polluted, and if you win the battle, you have to throw it away!” ”

Kraken roared in anger and was about to get up and go berserk, when the Beunita Man was in mid-air, punching him in the face.

The crowd of people watching grinned straight, how can the emerald woman be stronger than the other, and one more violent than the other?

Kraken hadn’t reacted to what was going on.

Beyonta punched several times in a row, instantly shattering his sharp teeth.

“Emerald Emerald’s money is not spent in vain!”

Not knowing what it was, she saw Beyonita shoving a ball of light into Kraken’s mouth.

Then there was a frenzy of punching and kicking.

After the fight, she clapped her palms and landed on the ground: “Done.” ”

However, at this moment, the Naga queen who fell to the ground suddenly stood up straight.

The huge hole in the chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“On this point, do you dare to make a big fuss?”

Her eyes were extremely gloomy: “Stupid woman, you dare to humiliate the Demon King, now kneel down and apologize and beg for forgiveness, I may be able to spare your life!” ”

Beunita smiled at the time: “You think too much, am I not waiting for you?” ”

Queen Naga frowned, feeling very uncomfortable today.

These people made her a little strange, even as if she knew everything, and seemed to know the demons very well.


She gave the order to attack, but as soon as Kraken moved, her entire body suddenly swelled and was penetrated by countless holy lights.

From the body, it was pierced into a hedgehog.

“Kraken, Kraken, is this all there is to it, are you Kenbo, look for Kraken if you have something to do!”

Beyonta clenched her fists: “It’s a waste of time.” ”

She walked straight over, airtight flower fist embroidered legs, looking simple and unpretentious.

But every time the Naga Queen took over, she felt extremely difficult.

Because this woman, inside her simple and unpretentious fist, actually carried a thousand jun strength.

Moreover, with each attack, the holy light seemed to penetrate into her body as if it were pervasive.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to fight back, but the restraint brought by the Holy Light made her powerless.

“Just know the gap in strength!”

Beunita suddenly grabbed her face and punched her in the heart.

With a thud, a black shadow was punched straight out of Queen Naga’s body.

That black shadow didn’t land on the ground, and it was about to run!

As soon as Beunita stomped her feet, the overwhelming array of holy light instantly covered the entire Bei King’s Palace.

“It’s beautiful to think about!”

Almost at the same time, the elven’s arrow pierced through the dark shadow and pinned him to the ground.

Erzaris’s sword crossed the shadow’s neck, and St. John stepped directly on the shadow’s back.

Lancelot, on the other hand, watched so quietly.

It wasn’t over yet, and a more powerful monster hadn’t come out.

“I admit to underestimating you, but you have provoked people who shouldn’t have been provoked.”

Beyonta went up to a big mouth: “Yes, here comes some powerful threat.” ”

This mouth directly dispelled the dark aura.

In the shadows, a female demon with horns.

Beunita snorted, “Inferior Demon, you have wasted so much of my mana.” ”

She pressed on the Demon Demon’s chest, and the Holy Light Array was directly imprinted.

The demon let out a scream of pain.

Beunita was another mouthful: “What’s the name, I won’t kill you now.” ”

The Divine Light Mana spewed out from the Fa Array in the chest of the Inferior Demon and transformed into a chain, directly entangling her.

“If you cooperate, you will suffer less.”

After pulling hard, the power of the Holy Light instantly penetrated into the body of the demon and burst into the green smoke.

The inferior demon was so hurt that his face turned green.

“You killed me…”

Bang, Beyonta smashed her with a direct punch: “St. John, seal it up, bring it back and slowly torture it.” ”

“As you wish, Your Honor.”

Beunita walked straight to the fainting Naga Queen, raised her fist, and smashed it down.

Under the protection of the holy light, the healing power penetrated into the body of the Naga queen.

The fainting Naga Queen, grunting in pain, slowly opened her eyes.

Lancelot was expressionless the whole time, but his heart was also full of ten thousand divine beasts.

Too violent, is this a female prime minister, or a female general?

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