I have heard of reclamation and land reclamation, and it is the first time that the sea has been created…

Lancelot couldn’t afford to delay.

He quickly issued a task in all aspects: “The sea-free sea, integrate the population as soon as possible, rush to completely pollute the sea, evacuate the sea, at the same time, the entire ecology of the sea-free sea will be completely destroyed after the divine dispersal and disappearance, I need you to absolutely obey the order, do not need any doubts, all the vegetation of your deep-sea ecological vegetation system, unpolluted, how much can you bring with you, any environment can not be created out of thin air, understand, I need a complete ecology, this point, you have to do it yourself!” ”

Queen Naga nodded, “We won’t say thank you.” ”

“No, let’s carry out the order.”

Lancelot finished speaking and pulled out a book directly, which was his Genealogy of All Beasts.

He walked straight to Leviathan: “The guardian spirit beast of the Sea of Innocence, Leviathan, you can understand my words, the Sea of Innocence has been polluted, the ecology will be completely destroyed, I need to recreate a sea for the Sea Clan of the Sea of Innocence, for this, I need your help, if you have regained your sanity, nod.” ”

Leviathan nodded obediently.

The blood red in its eyes had gradually disappeared and its clarity had been restored.

“Then come in, and I’ll help you repair your scars, take care of your body, and help me build the sea!”

Lancelot opened the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, representing a page of the Sea of Innocence, and Leviathan was sucked in with a whimper.

Everyone was stunned and looked at this scene in shock.

“Leaving the whirlpool, I will completely remove this polluted area.”

No one dared to doubt him, a man who could tame Leviathan in a word, how powerful he really was?

Beyond the big whirlpool, Lancelot stood there and raised his hand: “System, recycle!” ”

[Performing recycling, due to the huge scale of the Great Vortex Secret Realm, it takes a certain amount of time to expel the demons]


This man, at this moment, was like an invisible mouth, like a huge black hole.

Constantly devouring the great whirlpool, this scene shocked everyone.

The huge whirlpool of the deep sea was actually adsorbed into Lancelot’s body little by little.

This is simply beyond everyone’s understanding, too shocking.

“Well, don’t look, quickly evacuate the Sea Clan, clean up the family, and plan for the next step.”

Queen Naga nodded, and took the little princess to hurry up and mobilize the entire Sea Clan of the Sea of Innocence.

From the collection of deep-sea ecological vegetation, to personnel changes, personnel resettlement, too many things need to be resettled.

The mobilization meeting of the entire Innocence Sea Clan began.

The large-scale pollution of the ocean, the infection of magic pigments, and the entire sea tribe are suffering from these infestations.

Queen Naga recounts her own experience of being controlled by demons, and says it all.

And everything the little princess did for the Sea Clan.

No delusional sea… Finished.

If they want to survive, they must leave their homes and leave their homes.

The coastline of the Sea of Innocence is firmly occupied by the Sand Lizard Empire.

Their only reliance was the emerald lord Lancelot, who promised to create a sea for the vassals of the Sea of Infallibility.

But is this possible?

But when they saw the scene of the Great Whirlpool, they thought, maybe, maybe?

It’s just that it’s not that simple.

Many members of the Senseless Sea Clan, especially those who have lived for a long time, do not want to leave their hometown.

And there is only one such result, they will become monsters…

When the holy light dissipated in the deep sea, the magic element would completely infect his body, and the magic qi would make them fall into madness.

Lancelot stood for three days.

It took three days for the Great Whirlpool to be completely absorbed.

Lancelot looked at the system warehouse, one more swirling vortex.

【Deep Sea Whirlpool: The Secret of the Sea Without Delusion】

【With pure seawater, complete marine ecosystem】

[But it can only accommodate 50,000 people]

[System tips: can be the foundation of the second place, reshape the ecology of the sea without delusion]

And on the side of the sea of innocence, the statistics have also come out.

The Senseless Sea Regular Army has a force of 300,000 Sea Clan warriors, and these warriors can maintain a half-orc form.

Only about 50,000 people can pass the incarnation.

And the marine ecosystem has been destroyed.

There are no contaminated vegetation seeds, complete plants, the number of which cannot be calculated, about a third of the area of the sea without delusion…

In other words, Lancelot’s sea-making area is at least two-thirds.

Because there are countless species of the Sea of Innocence, and there are billions of people who can be counted as human heads…

Without the shelter of marine ecology, they may starve to death.

Moreover, after leaving the sea, many creatures cannot survive.

Only the Sea Clan warriors, most of whom can maintain a seven-day water shortage, must replenish the seawater, otherwise they will die.


The most unacceptable thing is that the Sea Clan of No Illusion, this time the great mobilization, the great migration, two-thirds of the Sea Clan creatures, plants, will slowly infect, demonize, and finally become monsters.

Some don’t want to leave, some can’t leave at all.

Dozens of high-ranking people of the Sea of Innocence were seen kneeling in front of the makeshift conference room led by Harry Siren.

Lancelot’s heart was heavy.

It’s not that he doesn’t help, it’s that there’s nothing he can do.

Harry Siren knelt there, refusing to look up, “Please, save my people, please, I am willing to be your vassal, I am willing to be your concubine, please, please be gracious and save them.” ”

She prostrated her head like a garlic, and her forehead was bleeding.

Even if Lancelot is a heart of stone, it will turn into a soft finger.

It’s just that……

“You get up first.”

Beunita couldn’t look at it anymore: “You little girl is really annoying, under the heavens, who can do your unreasonable demands, you are too willful, hurry up.” ”

“I will not get up, Lord Lancelot, you have the ability to reach the heavens, please.”

Queen Naga watched this scene and walked in through the door.

Her face was equally pained and exhausted.

“Makes you smile…”

Queen Naga pulled her up, “You get up first, kneeling won’t solve the problem, you’re the queen now, there’s something you need Your Highness to nod your head and authorize, maybe there’s hope.” ”

Harry Siren was stunned: “Really? ”

Queen Siren nodded, “I have brought all the treasures of the Palace of the Shell King, Harry, for the migration of the Sea Clan, you may need to use these treasures, just now at the Council of Elders, I have obtained the approval of the elders, and the treasures of the Sea of Innocence will be handed over to Lord Lancelot to deal with, and maybe I can create a new path for the Sea of Nothing and recreate a sea.” ”

She paused and said, “If this thing can be successful, after the birth of a new sea, you can be crowned king, and the credit for this matter is counted on you and Lord Lancelot, and you can legitimately inherit the throne.” ”

“I don’t want the throne…”

Queen Naga’s face suddenly darkened, “You stop me!” ”

She felt that her tone was a little heavy, and said softly: “You have grown up, you should take on this responsibility, you say.” ”

Harry nodded, “Well, then…”

Queen Naga presented a delicate shell to Lancelot: “This is all the sea treasures that the Senseless Sea Clan has been accumulating, and now, as the current Queen of the Senseless Sea, I dedicate it to you, hoping that you can make reasonable use of it to shield my Senseless Sea Clan from the wind and rain.” ”

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