What’s wrong?

Beunita’s face was cold.


Hugo Cecil was startled, he was a little scared.

Because at this moment, what Beyoneta emanates from her body is indeed a Senran killing machine.

Instead of loving and caring for him in the first place.

This beautiful and invincible imperial woman, after changing her face, can transform into a god of killing!

The long-eared elf respectfully performed a salute: “Your Honorable Prime Minister, I am the Patriarch of Elma from the Sacred Mountain of Mobisou, I am here on behalf of the Sen Elves, my clan has not formed a country, there is no complete system, but we ask for submission to Emerald and seek the protection of King Lancelot, and this is our application for submission to become a vassal.” ”

Several other people were stunned.

Even Hugo Cecil was stunned, and apparently, the script didn’t seem to be like this.

This is not the same as what they discussed!

“Elma, are you kidding?”

However, before the bearded dwarf could finish speaking, he was cleverly pushed by the handsome young man next to him.

The bearded dwarf quickly continued, “Your attitude should be more humble, in the face of such a beautiful Prime Minister, how can you look directly into her beautiful eyes? ”

The bearded dwarf quickly bent down, put his hands on his chest, and said with great piety and humility: “Contempt, Mobius Mountains, dwarf patriarch, Hussein, have seen the Prime Minister, your beauty makes me ashamed of myself, for a time, forgot to say hello, please forgive me and other sins, allow me to wait to see King Lancelot, this is the national certificate submitted by the dwarves.” ”

Beunita was cold the whole time, and there was no expression on her face.

A little goblin dressed in gold, craning his neck to look at this, look at that, with a treacherous face, did not speak.

The handsome young man slowly took off his turban, revealing his long white hair and pointy ears.

On his forehead, a sapphire was born, which was unusually beautiful and beautiful.

Beunita couldn’t help but be stunned too.

“Stone Spirit Clan?”

The handsome man stroked his chest and performed a great salute, almost ninety degrees: “The current patriarch of the Stone Spirit Clan, Zaklama, has seen the Prime Minister, the Stone Spirit Clan is weak and weak, the number of races is small, and he is willing to follow King Lancelot, become a vassal of the king, and do the work of dogs and horses, and also ask the Prime Minister to be kind and allow me to wait to see King Lancelot.” ”

Beunita sneered, “It’s polite.” ”

But the next sentence makes people fall into an ice cave.

“But you shouldn’t be watching the hilarity!”

Several people got goosebumps.

Beunita’s eyes grew colder: “Since you have time to watch the liveliness, it means that you still have spare strength to fight against the Sand Lizard Clan, and after watching the Hilarity, you want us to take over the plate and help you deal with the Sand Lizard Empire, do you think that King Lancelot is a philanthropist, or a blind man?” ”

Beyonta wasn’t going to give these people a good look.

At that time, they gathered in the sea of innocence, but they were not idle, tired of becoming dogs, and faced the danger of being attacked in the belly and back.

At that time, their secret agents reported on the situation in the Mobisł Mountains.

These damn guys, they even have time to watch the hilarity.

After the fight, they were still watching the liveliness, and when Lancelot made the sea, they were still watching the liveliness!!!

Now, seeing Lancelot’s abilities, knowing that he has surrendered…

Moreover, it was obvious that Irma had caught them off guard, and it was estimated that the scripts discussed before coming were all different.

Such fickle guys are not trustworthy at all.

The little goblin saw the opportunity and ended up talking before Beunita could burst into anger.

“Lord Beyunita, please stop your anger and listen to me, I am Pankini, the patriarch of the Honeysuckle Emperor Realm Family.”

He bent down respectfully, looking even more funny: “Lord Prime Minister misunderstood us, at that time the Mobius Mountains were in chaos, this Griffin Knight can testify, we have no choice but to watch you alone against the Sea of Innocence, but the Mobius Ooshan race has contained the merits of the Sand Lizard Empire, you cannot deny it, there are Griffin Knights to testify, at that time we tied down the army of the Sand Lizard Empire, and with the Griffin Knight, we left all the soldiers of the Sand Lizard Empire in the Mobiswu Mountains and killed them all.” Later, King Lancelot calmed the catastrophe of the Sea of Innocence, we wanted to come out to help, but we really couldn’t walk away, the Mobius Mountains were sparsely populated, there were countless casualties, and we could not get out, which was also proved by the Griffin Knight. ”

Irma sighed, “Pankini is right, Prime Minister, although we stand by and watch some things, we are also out of consideration for the safety of the race, and while you are testing us, we are also observing King Lancelot, and we are relieved to see his meticulous care for the Sea Clan.” ”

There was no problem with her words.

But Beyonita’s brow was more dignified, even murderous.

“What qualifications do you have, Lord Lancelot?”

A cloud of holy light suddenly condensed in her hand: “When you see the benefits running out, if there is no benefit, look at the scenery, fly a kite, and keep you, what is the use?” ”

Irma was stunned, but Beyonta was already angry.

Sylvana suddenly took her hand: “Little Bei, the elves have always been straight forward, and she did not say test, you think too much, Miss Elma means the superficial meaning, seeing Lord Lancelot’s kindness and touch, so she took the initiative to surrender.” ”

Alma lived for thousands of years and immediately understood what she was wrong with.

This Lord Beunita seems to have an obsession with King Lancelot, and does not allow the slightest blasphemy.

“I apologize for my recklessness, but I solemnly apologize, Lord Beunita, you misunderstood me, I did not test King Lancelot, but only to show admiration, I have never seen such a great human king, he will become the greatest king of the continent, please allow me to offer loyalty.”

The others suddenly understood, one by one, respectfully: “Allow me to offer my loyalty to King Lancelot.” ”

The holy light in Beunita’s hand dissipated and she suddenly laughed.

After laughing for half a day, she stood up straight: “You, when I am a three-year-old girl, I will let you go?” ”

The crowd was speechless, a little scalp tingling.

Her heart is like a mirror, but she wants to embarrass them?

“I’m not embarrassed for you, I want to see Lancelot, yes, then you just have to wait here.”

After saying that, he turned around directly and returned to the royal city.

Alzaris left a sword mark directly on the ground: “Crossers, die.” ”

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