The Destiny Villain

Chapter 210 The Taoist Master was shocked, another person came

At the same time.

South Wilderness.

Xuantian Sect.

Huge dark clouds continued to reverberate over the sect.

Below, countless ghost-like voices echoed.

The dark ghost array not only emitted black smoke.


"Where did all the people in this sect die?"

"Why can't I see a single figure?"

The empty boy used the ghost array to refine in Xuantian Sect for a long time.

In the end, not even a hair was refined.

"How about... go to the Ye clan to try?"

Waves of red mist flashed, and the voice in the red mist said.

"It's just a small family that doesn't have the true dragon spirit, and there are no strong souls to refine my magical powers. It's a waste of time to go there."

The empty boy was willing to go to Jiangguo,

because there was the true dragon spirit there.

It could repair the fragments of the holy weapon on his body.

The purpose of coming to Xuantian Sect was the same.

He would only go there if it was useful for his cultivation.

The voice in the red mist naturally knew this.

"Then let's go directly to Xuantian Divine Road..."

"Hahaha, Xinlan is still considerate. I really didn't misjudge you."

While laughing, the empty young man waved his long sleeves, removed the ghost formation, and disappeared with the divine servant behind him in a blink of an eye.


Xuantian Divine Road.

Absorbed the divine blood of two upper-level true gods.

Ye Xuan's thirty-three-day creation divine body is very close to the state of the second heaven.

"If you can successfully break through, not only will the power of the thirty-three-day creation divine body and the meteorite fist be improved, but you can also gain an additional new ability."

The key is that this feeling of hitting someone with one punch is really cool.

And it's the legendary, unattainable true god!

However, after this battle, Ye Xuan has a new view of these true gods.

"True gods are also human beings."

Last time, he used the invincible card above the Ye clan.

That power does not belong to him.

So the fight is not so real.

But now...

True God is no longer an unattainable legend for Ye Xuan.

It is a new realm of warriors.

"Since there are true gods, are there other realms above true gods?"

If you want to climb higher mountains to take a look, you must continue to improve your strength.

And devouring the true god!!!

It is undoubtedly the fastest way.

"My fishing law enforcement business needs to be further strengthened."

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan did not hesitate to throw the fragments of the holy weapon he searched from Bai Juyi and the other two onto the tower.

As for the complete holy weapon that was taken out of the two true gods?

Ye Xuan kept this thing for himself.

"It can be carried as a treasure by the true gods."

"How can the power be bad???"

Speaking of which, the Yin family true gods and the Bai family true gods also suffered from lack of culture.

They did not know the power of the thirty-three-fold creation body.

That's why they were so careless.

They did not dodge.

As a result, they were beaten by Ye Xuan's meteorite fist without any chance to fight back.

They used less than 20% of their strength.

Looking at the fragments of the holy weapon thrown by Ye Xuan on the tower, the Taoist master of Xuantian Shendao sighed secretly.

It's not the fault of those true gods that they stumbled.

A boat capsized in the gutter!

Who the hell could have thought.

A holy realm.

Can be so perverted?

"Here, Taoist master, take it..."

Just as the Taoist master of Xuantian Shendao stared at Ye Xuan with a strange face and pondered, Ye Xuan suddenly threw something at him.

"What are you doing???" The Taoist master of Xuantian Shendao took it casually with a puzzled face.

The next second.

A surge of power suddenly burst out from the object in his hand.

Along the hands of the Taoist master of Xuantian Shendao, it penetrated his whole body.

I'm fucking!!!

The Taoist master of Xuantian Shendao felt like a limp muscle, suddenly irrigated by the essence, full of strength, and became straight.

"Why is this thing so powerful?"

The Taoist master of Xuantian Shendao was shocked and incredible.

"Godhead." Ye Xuan waved his hand calmly.

What the hell?

This is the Godhead!!!

The startled Xuantian Divine Daoist Master almost let the Godhead slip out of his hand.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and caught it.


The Xuantian Divine Daoist Master looked at the mysterious object emitting a dim light in his hand and swallowed his saliva.

"This... this thing, is it really a god... Godhead?"

As a virtual god.

No one knows better than the Xuantian Divine Daoist Master himself.

How much he longs to condense the Godhead in his heart.

However, from the moment he chose to become a demigod.

He has lost this qualification.

Even the virtual god he condensed after going through untold hardships and nine deaths is just a small step forward on the basis of demigod.

Want to condense a real Godhead?

It's almost impossible.

At this moment, looking at the mysterious Godhead in his hand.

The eyes of the Xuantian Divine Daoist Master are full of desire.

But this desire did not last too long.

Then it dimmed again.

Godhead is the origin of heaven and earth that warriors realize in a glimmer of life when they are at the peak of the holy realm and challenge the great way, taking their own life and death as a bet.

Therefore, the power of the godhead condensed by each true god is different.

Except for the true god himself who condensed the godhead.

No one else can use it.

Ye Xuan just killed two true gods.

No need to think about it.

This divine structure must come from the bodies of those two true gods.

It's like watching a short movie through a screen.

You can enjoy yourself.

You can figure it out.

But I can never feel the same state of profoundness and simplicity.

"What? Don't like it?" Ye Xuan asked.

"It's useless!" Master Xuantian Shinto looked gloomy.

He naturally knew that Ye Xuan had good intentions.


"How could it not be used? Didn't you feel great just now?"

Upon hearing Ye Xuan's reminder, Master Xuantian Shinto was slightly startled.


The power of the godhead in my hand just now.

throughout the body.

The hair all over his body exploded.

The feeling of comfort cannot be faked.

If it cannot be used.

Why can the power in the godhead penetrate through?

He tried again.

as expected.

That feeling of power running through the body came back.

"How could this happen???"

Master Xuantian Shinto’s face was filled with shock.

He looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief.

Could it be that Ye Xuan used some special means.

So that he can use the power of this godhead?

Seeing this, Ye Xuan smiled lightly.

Although Ye Xuan's thirty-three-day creation divine body gave birth to such terrifying killing moves as the Meteor God Fist.

But let him clear out the power of the godhead of other true gods.

He couldn't do it either.

The master of Xuantian Shinto can use this godhead.

the reason is simple.

This godhead is different from other godheads.

It was the empty attribute godhead that Ye Xuan drew from the golden ball.

Originally, if this thing fell into Ye Xuan's hands, it could be regarded as a killing move.

However, with the appearance of his thirty-three-day creation divine body.

The empty attribute godhead thing becomes a bit useless.

Rather than holding it in your hands, let it go out to create more value.

"Let's talk about it first, this godhead is just a loan, a loan, do you understand? You have to return it to me when you use it up. Besides, in the past few days, if there are some more servants of gods, geniuses from the upper world or the like.

I'll just trouble you, Taoist Master.

I am only responsible for dealing with the true gods summoned from behind them. "

Since the creation of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Creation Divine Body and the Meteor God Fist.

What kind of servants are those?

Genius and the like.

He was like a fly or mosquito to Ye Xuan.

It's annoying to look at.

It doesn't arouse any interest.

Might as well hire a thug for free.

Give full play to the residual heat of the empty attribute godhead.

"Yo? So soon, someone else is here!!!"

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