Set up a police support group The text of the hero's family receiving the subsidy

will start immediately, don't worry, big guys. It's not easy to create, remember to comment on Cui Geng. Under

Feng Ying's teary gaze, Tian Huaqiang drove the three of them to the Yanyang Sky Hotel.

Manager Huang Youfa has already arranged it. The four of them sat down in a small private room and prepared to eat.

Zhao Shanhe, father and son, have never consumed in such a high-class place. Because their own financial conditions do not allow it.

The billionaire Director Tian doesn't care about that. I ordered a table of signature dishes. The drinks were all ready, and Huang Youfa was called to sit with him.

The four men and Feng Ying all raised their glasses and began to eat. A meal is so lively. Feng Ying even poured wine in person to thank Director Tian.

Feng Ying is a cultural person, and she really speaks at a high level. And gentle and kind. It can be seen from the attitude towards the father-in-law. I have been helping my father-in-law with vegetables and pouring wine and rice. It's really caring.

Tian Huaqiang told his plan. Preparing for the establishment of the Hannam-gu Police Support Group. The special funds are used to support and support the poor and retired police officers.

At present, priority is given to the start of work in Hannan District. Later, there was more money to develop. Help in the whole river city.

The first batch of funds of 15 million yuan is in place. Among them, the artist's live broadcast reward is divided into 7 million, Tian Huaqiang's Huawan Beauty Company, and Ye Fan Entertainment Company each contribute 4 million. You can help some people first.

The working group decided on six members. Zhao Shanhe, the director of the team, and Feng Ying, the chief financial officer, are responsible for the distribution and statistics of funds.

Four staff members are responsible for carrying out the investigations of the support staff. and the living conditions of retired police officers. See who needs help.

Distribute some supplies and cash on time every month to help ensure the safety and well-being of all police officers in Hannan District. The entire work was supervised and managed by Tian Huaqiang.

Strive to make sure that every penny is used effectively. Every family in need has been assisted. Truly achieve common prosperity.

Tian Huaqiang knows that only his own ability becomes stronger. In order to influence more people, let everyone work together to help those in need. in order to build a better Hannam.

After a few days of preparation. The Hannan District Police Support Team was officially established in a façade facing a pedestrian street in the Greenland Building, Hannan District, Jiangcheng.

Greenland Building is a famous prime location. Li Wanru is an industry developed by her husband. A total of ten buildings. Each tower is 54 storeys high, and the exterior is spectacular and gorgeous. It is a famous commercial center in Hannam-gu.

A large number of foreign capital and top 100 enterprises are in this area. Shopping malls, hotels and office buildings are all in this building.

There is a lot of traffic. People come and go, like a paradise for shopping and playing.

Li Wanru took out a separate shop and gave it to Tian Huaqiang. Bai took forty percent of Tian Huaqiang's beauty company's shares. Conservatively earns billions a year, backed by Tian Huaqiang, a big man.

Li Wanru feels that she is so lucky. has a rich husband Zhao Jiaying who is dead to himself.

In addition, Tian Huaqiang, a friend of the bureau director with extraordinary combat power and universal means. As long as you don't die, the days to come will not be a rich life.

The shop with a market value of more than 20 million has become Tian Huaqiang's industry. It covers an area of more than 100 square meters. One flat hundreds of thousands.

There are toilets and lounges inside. Office. Tian Huaqiang is really very satisfied. It was literally straightforward to check in.

Just get a few computers, furniture and beds. The previous owner was to open a small company. Later, I couldn't do it. Transferred Li Wanru recovered.

Everything was done, and Tian Huaqiang recruited four more children of police station insiders. plus Zhao Shanhe and his wife. A team of six people in a working group is starting to work.

Of course, a vehicle must be arranged. Tian Huaqiang called the manager who was pressed by his father.

Contact to send the car over, everything is handled in Tian Huaqiang's name. Soon three new cars arrived at the store.

Tian Huaqiang asked Feng Ying to do a good handover, signed and sealed the payment of 1.2 million. And in the future, if the group expands, I will continue to buy cars.

Zeng Li was very happy. Thank you Director Tian for your cooperation. I can use the car of Don't crush my father. Very lucky. He is also willing to contribute to the support work.

On the spot, it was decided to report to the headquarters to donate two more. It is used by staff to travel and work.

Tian Huaqiang and the six team members liked it very much. Now everyone has a car. Zhao Shanhe and his wife work together and commute to work. One is enough.

There are four people left, one car per person. It is convenient to do things and the working environment is good, and it is good to have a car with good salary.

Several people are very satisfied with their work. The formalities were completed quickly. Tian Huaqiang asked people to print the car again, and the special vehicle logo of the Hannan District Support Working Group was done.

For this reason, Tian Huaqiang specially made a sign. It's a big hand holding a small hand. It means walking hand in hand. Together, we meet the storm.

In order to attract more people to participate in donations, we come to support things. Tian Huaqiang spent a month investigating and interviewing hundreds of staff members.

It was found that a total of 33 police officers in Hannan District had died in the line of duty in recent years.

There are 13 sub-district office safety centers in Hannam-gu. With a population of 1 million, it is one of the most densely populated districts in Jiangcheng. It is basically equivalent to the population of a small county.

Social work is busy, and police officers have a heavy workload. Chronic understaffing.

Police officers in Huaxia are poorly paid, and poor conditions are dangerous. And the discipline of life is strict. There are many people who are reluctant to come to work.

Many of the auxiliary police and vigilantes were temporary workers, three thousand and a half a month. 10-hour workday.

I worked overtime on holidays. There are few subsidies and there is no way for middle-aged talents to do it.

Tian Huaqiang understands these situations. Changes are also being made. First of all, raise the salaries of police personnel. Then report to the superior to expand the establishment and re-recruit personnel.

Achieve a ratio of 1 in 1,000 personnel. At least a thousand or more police officers.

Specific statistics, plus temporary assistance. There are less than 800 police officers in 13 sub-district offices, 13 security stations and sub-stations.

Missing personnel account for 20 per cent. The workload has increased considerably. Tian Huaqiang is already preparing.

If the funds are not enough. Tian Huaqiang decided to take it upon himself. Take the money to go to the superior to arrange equipment and vehicles.

Two months have passed in the blink of an eye. It's April 3rd, the Qingming holiday. Sunday for five days.

Tian Huaqiang's plan has already begun. A ceremony to commemorate the flower-giving of 33 police heroes is to be held at the Martyrs' Garden in Hannam-gu.

On the square, a team of more than 400 police officers headed by Tian Huaqiang lined up in a uniform manner.

Liu Meng, director of the city bureau, solemnly announced, "Present flowers to the heroes and salute everyone." Thousands of people from all walks of life saluted and laid flowers.

Tian Huaqiang said, "Today's gathering here is to commemorate the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the people's cause. They have dedicated their lives to the policing of their homeland. It has set an example in serving the people.

"We should feel honored. I can work with these comrades. We have no regrets in our hearts. Their spirit is for us to learn and carry forward. Let us contribute to building peaceful societies. The

applause below was thunderous, and the people's hearts were wanted. Everyone applauded.

Tian Huaqiang continued, "The hero is gone, and those who remain still have to work hard." We, the police officers of Hannam-gu, have not forgotten the hero's family. Thirty-three heroes. "

There is a family. A subsidy of 100,000 yuan per person. There were twenty-eight people in total. Four of them have no relatives alive, only regrets. Today's purpose is to justify the hero's name.

"The people have not forgotten them. I, Tian Huaqiang, only exist for one day. The hero's family is responsible to the end. The family life of all police officers. I, Tian Huaqiang, are responsible for it to the end.

"To help more people. Me and the Hannam District Police Department, some righteous business people. A working group on assistance was formed. The first batch of funds of 23 million has been launched. We are preparing to start the support work at the end of the month.

Tian Huaqiang looked around, and then continued.

"For the specific situation, pay attention to the Hannan District Police Work Number. We hope that more people will participate in the donation activities.

"I promise that every penny will be spent in the right place. I personally donated 4 million. Because there are some things that I will personally supervise and manage. Please rest assured!"

The surrounding people and police officers. There was a round of applause. Loud applause.

"Starting from this month, the salaries of all police officers will be increased by 20 per cent, and the number of personnel will be expanded by 20 per cent. The relevant documents were conveyed to the personal police officers of Hannam-gu District. You can find out.

"I believe that the law and order environment in Hannam District will be better. I hope you will work together.

"In addition, the Hannan District Office will recruit 200 police officers on the spot through a live webcast, and those who pass will be regularized after three months.

"The monthly salary is 5,000 low, depending on the job position and still increases, I hope you will pay attention to the specific situation." Thank you all for participating. Thank you. After

the event, Ye Shasha's reporter from Jiangcheng Daily broadcast it live. Make a splash online. It is in the top three of the headlines of Huaxia. and the top ten.

#江城汉南区, the Qingming Festival offered flowers to the heroes and issued 100,000 yuan in grants to the heroes' families.


For a time, news about the police in Hannan District spread all over the Internet.

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