The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Three hundred and sixty-six magic used on the right path

Sheen's unceremonious remarks not only shocked everyone in the Sterlem family, but even the female knights of the Broken Blade Knights showed their anger.

"How dare you be rude to His Highness!?"

One by one, the female knights immediately pointed their weapons at Sheen, and some even raised their hands, their magic power surging, as if they were ready to release magic.


Capelin raised her hand and stopped the members of the Broken Blade Knights.

"Your Highness!"

The female knights seemed a little unwilling and did not understand why Capelin wanted to stop herself.

Capelin said coldly: "You are not his opponents, he has a way to deal with you, don't bring shame on yourself."

What Capelin said was a regretful expression from Sheehan.

"Actually, you can do something to me." Sheehan curled his lips and said with a smile: "After all, there were no audience last time, this time the rough men in the First Knights of the Duchy of Sterly are here, let them Look at what you're proud of, that's nice too, isn't it?"

For Sheehan's remarks, everyone in the First Knights looked at each other in dismay, and couldn't understand a word.

But the female knights of the Broken Blade Knights understood.

Something to be proud of?

Where is that?

Obviously, it is the delicate body full of female charm under their armor.

Sheehan only needs a snap of his fingers to destroy their armor and expose all their delicate bodies to the air.

"So, sisters, this time, did you wear a little more inside?"

Sheehan's kind-hearted speech made the faces of the female knights of the Broken Blade Knights pale, and the hands holding the weapons began to tremble.

Especially the two female knights who had been stripped naked by Sheehan were even more terrified.

Last time, they were almost seen by Sheehan, which already caused them to have a psychological shadow. If this time they were seen by the kingdom people who are the enemies of the empire in full view, and these kingdom people have been for a long time. guard the border,

Those in the First Knight Order of the Duke of Sterly who did not allow the Empire to invade, they would definitely find themselves short-sighted.

"Your Highness?"

At the moment, all the female knights seemed to be about to cry, and one or two looked at Capelin, completely at a loss.

Capelin still looked at Sheehan coldly.

"You can choose to hide it." Capelin said: "But we will consider this as the kingdom has concealed it from us. This incident, the empire will also seriously suspect that it is the ghost of your kingdom."

Capelin tried to force Sheehan to explain from a diplomatic level.

But she was clearly looking for the wrong person.

"It's really funny, didn't the empire always suspect that this was a ghost from the kingdom, so they sent you to investigate?" Sheehan said contemptuously: "If you want to say that, then I can also say that your empire directed and acted by itself. For this play, I want to frame the kingdom."

"You said we framed it?" Karpelin's eyes flashed with anger.

"Don't make it look like I'm slandering you." Sheehan endured the anger and said expressionlessly: "Everyone has seen what happened ten years ago, but it's not that your empire can't do this. Are you still afraid of being slandered by people?"

Capelin gasped for a moment.

What Sheen was referring to was naturally the mass assassination incident that took place in the capital ten years ago.

On the bright side, others only know that the reason why the capital of the kingdom suffered this tragic incident is because of the invasion of the old demon clan. The spy on the side helped.

That's right, Sheehan was referring to Thiel's mother.

Thiel's mother, Aridia's wife, the daughter of a noble who married from the empire, the other party is actually a spy of the empire.

Thanks to the gift of the other party, the enchantment of the royal capital failed to take effect in time, allowing the old demon clan to invade unscrupulously.

And all of this is because of the high-level planning of the empire.

But afterwards, the empire claimed that all this was not their instigation, but the daughter of the noble who made her own decision, and that the other party had degenerated into a traitor who was in sympathy with the old demon clan in private.

In such a situation, the empire pushed the responsibility of that time completely, so that the kingdom could only suffer such a big loss.

Others don't know the secret of this matter, but as an imperial princess, Capelin will definitely not be ignorant.


"You have already done the same thing once, so I suggest that you want to do it again. It must be quite convincing, right?"

Sheehan smiled at Capelin, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Capelin was speechless.

It is precisely because Capelin knows the inside story that she has no way to refute it.

If they were qualified politicians, they would probably be able to deny this matter innocently, but Capelin couldn't.

Although Capelin has an overly persistent and stubborn, and somewhat neurotic and sensitive side, she is a dignified person, open-minded, and heroic and upright.

Otherwise, Capelin wouldn't be called a Valkyrie.

Therefore, Capelin had no way to refute Sheehan's remarks.

Even though she was only seven years old when this happened, it had nothing to do with her at all, but it was indeed planned by the high-level officials of the empire, and Capelin had to admit it.

But Capelin couldn't admit it personally, otherwise it would only bring big trouble to the empire.

As a result, Capelin fell into a state of speechlessness, unable to respond.

As for Sheehan, he didn't really plan to put this on Capelin and let her take the blame.

However, he still wanted to give Thiel some relief.

In addition, the other party is also extremely disrespectful to his wife, Sheehan doesn't want to give the other party any face at all.

"Anyway, I left it here, you'd better not go in." Sheehan said simply: "Of course, if you want to kill yourself, it's none of my business."

Sheehan cut off the seal of the evil god Lilith by himself, which led to the appearance of these evil spirits, so I just wanted to remind you not to harm the innocent.

But if people don't listen to persuasion, Sean will never run to escort him.

"Fate is yours, you choose."

After that, Sheehan ignored everyone, turned around and looked at the evil place ahead.

"Sir Boztut."

"Sir Sheen."

Yuri and Limjo still wanted to say something.

Unfortunately, Sheehan was no longer in the mood to tease them, waved at them, then pulled out the holy sword from his waist, and slowly walked into the evil spirit.

After a while, Sheehan's figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other.

"Go, follow."

Capelin was silent for a while, and then spoke out expressionlessly.

She couldn't be timid because of a warning from Sheehan.


The female knights didn't seem to want to listen to Sheehan's advice, and they all responded loudly.

Of course, the same situation appeared on the First Knights.

"Want to scare us? Do you really think you're a character?"

Sona dismissed Sheehan's advice.

Yuri and Limjo didn't make any statement, but it was obviously impossible to believe Sheehan's words.

"Let's go in."

Yuri gave the order as if nothing had happened.

The two knights followed the original plan, one opened the mobile barrier, the other poured the magic medicine together, and then rushed into the evil land.

This will be the beginning of hell

On the other hand, as soon as Xien entered the evil spirit, he immediately used his skills on himself.

"[The Mirror Stops Water]."

This is a skill that Sheen had previously used against Nien's mind-reading ability.

Using this skill to get rid of his own distracting thoughts and enter a state of no thoughts and no thoughts, Xien's spirit and heart immediately entered an extremely stable state.

With the help of this skill, the negative emotions that had been rising and falling in Sean's heart were immediately calmed down.

"Sure enough, this skill has a miraculous effect on the ability to deal with spirits."

Sean was relieved.

Because the full level of [abnormal state resistance] does not seem to be enough to completely resist the power of the evil god, Sheehan has to use other powers to prevent himself from entering a state of insane.

At least, Sheehan doesn't want to be a berserker who only knows how to bite.

"Fortunately, this skill is useful, otherwise, I can only unlock the seal of the holy sword and use the power of the holy sword to avoid the influence of the negative state."

Sheehan muttered to himself like this and started walking forward.

In the evil energy, the visibility is very low, it can be said that you can't see your fingers.

The evil energy is like a thick black fog, blocking more than 90% of his vision, making Xien feel like he is blind in the dark night.

"[Payment · Perspective]."

Sheehan couldn't help but use magic to add the ability to see through objects on his eyes.

This feature can allow Sean's vision to penetrate all kinds of obstacles, not to mention the black fog, even the walls can't block his vision.

Back then, this magic was one of the first grant magics that Sheen learned.

Well, cough, everyone knows the reason.

Since this kind of magic with a clear criminal intent is generally strictly prohibited by various countries, Sheen usually does not dare to use it in front of people.

But now, Sheehan wants to use this magic in the right way, and there is no one around, so there is no need to sneak it.

As a result, Xien's vision finally penetrated the obstruction of the black fog, and he could clearly see the scene in the evil spirit.

However, upon seeing this, Sean's expression changed.

Because, he found that there were actually several black shadows silently touching in his direction.

Under such circumstances, Sheen's perception skills were completely unresponsive.

"Perception skills are interfered by evil energy and can't work anymore?"

Sheehan instantly understood the reason.

At the same time, those figures finally rushed over.

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