The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 1104: Xianxia is a bit salty (18)

Chapter 1104: Immortal Xia Is A Little Salty (18)

"Go to Wanxian Conference."

Xia Ling: "The tokens of the Wanxian Conference are here, you can go by yourself, brothers can't get in."

"Let's keep it?" Xuan Linton stepped down.

"Um." Xia Ling took the token from the Qiankun bag. "Master asked me to follow you. I hurried to Changzhou before the third day of the first month. The meeting came to chance. "

"Are there any creeps?" Xuan Lin asked.

Xia Ling blinked at the bottom of his eyes: "If the chance is enough, there will definitely be."

"Okay, let's go early." A flash of light flashed in Xuan Lin's eyes, and he said, "Since you want to be together, you go to a place with me first."

"Huh?" Xia Ling was unknown.


Three days later, they came to Xuan Kingdom.

Yu Jian flew outside the kingdom of Xuan Kingdom, and Xuan Lin slowed down.

They stayed on the imperial palace of the Xuan Kingdom.

Centuries ago, the once-imposing imperial palace that could captivate Xuan Lin's life has faded. The wall of the palace is not as high as Xuan Lin's childhood fear. The palace stretches for hundreds of miles, but the flight of the imperial sword is just a flash.

"Immortal! Meet the immortal!"

The son-in-laws in the palace looked up at Xuan Lin, who was flying by the sword, and bowed down to worship.

There was a black knee in the whole palace.

The young queen and the concubines came out in fright and asked Xuan Lin's intentions.

"You are ..." Xuan Lin narrowed her eyes. "Mrs. Min's relative?"

From the queen's young face, Xuan Lin saw the traces of the queen.

"Yes, Chen Ye is the niece of the Empress Dowager." The queen stepped forward and knelt forward. She was the head of the sixth house and could not fall to the queen's Fengyi.

"Who sits on the dragon now?" Xuan Lin asked again.

"Immortal ... immortal ..." The queen's face changed and changed. She glanced from the palace. The immortal sword-like fairy, her beautiful eyebrows were more indifferent than her husband. Attitude, the emperor sitting in the dragon position is also incomparable.

But the most terrible thing is that the fairy and Ru today have a similar face.

The queen recognized the man, and bowed deeply, bringing the noble head deeply to the ground, and the words were bitter.

"It's Tianyuan, and Tianzi is your nephew, Xuanming."

Xuan Lin froze, "nephew? Which line? Whose descendant?"

The queen replied: "The emperor was once your noble prince."

Xuan Lin heard the name, and vaguely remembered a green face.

Prince Gui seems to be his uncle, the youngest brother of his father's emperor, has nothing to do with him, and has no grudges.

When he was gone, the older brothers born by Queen Min were still there. Didn't these princes leave any trace of blood?

"The immortal Ming Jian, the Xuanshi bloodline that once had old grudges with the immortals, has been cut off this morning ... Now the palace courtiers in the palace have been replaced by the old and the new centuries. They are not the sinners who provoked the immortals in the past. A life. "

The queen begged humblely and explained the events of that year softly.

Her words explained Xuan Lin's doubts, and also made Xuan Lin extremely angry.

If the cultivation of a man is only for revenge, he can return to his revenge, the enemy has died as much as possible, and it will not be a disaster to his children and grandchildren.

Even if the enemies were still there, Xuan Lin would not be angry. Who would have thought that the Xuan clan would do it by themselves in order to ensure the eternal existence of the mountains and prevent Xuan Lin's revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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