Chapter 1216: He Likes Him (1)

The pure white hair drew behind Xia Ling, and a pair of dark eyes were as bright as stars in the night sky.

She slowly dropped, touching Xie Ming across the parallel world.

In different worlds, my fingers felt empty.


Hi-Hi hasn't answered Xia Ling's previous question, so she was silent for a moment, and Xia Ling asked again.

"So when can I see him now?"

She remembered that she had clearly left the world of men.

That is a task.

Her feelings ...

Why does she have affection for him? Obviously she sealed all her feelings in her memory.

After a burst of headaches, Xia Ling covered her head and rubbed hard.

The headache was like wearing a gold hoop on her head, and the powerful force didn't want her to watch all this.

The pain was like an endless tide. It was pouring in heavily, and he realized that Xia Ling's condition was seriously wrong.

It hastily stunned her.

Regarding the past, hey, Xia Ling's memory has been sealed a little more.

It let her know that she is Xia Ling, she is from Blue Star, and she is now on a mission to complete the wish of the original owner in different worlds.

In this way, it is already Hi Hi try your best to explore everything you can know now.


Xia Ling opened her eyes again.

Her head hurts a bit, but she has a clear understanding of the past and the future in her head.

Do missions, leave this world, and fulfill the wishes of the original owner of the world!


Lie on a soft bed.

Xia Ling sat up and looked at this small bedroom, which was elegant in style, with a desk and bookshelf next to it, a lot of books on the desk, and a schoolbag next to it.

A school bag hangs on a hanger beside the door, indicating Xia Ling's current student status.

Late at night, everything outside the window was very quiet.

Xia Ling looked at the alarm clock. At 3 o'clock in the evening, it was still early to get up.

She lay down again, confirming that there was no danger around her, and first took over the story and mission of this world.


In this world, the original owner Jin Qing is a somewhat mellow girl.

She has the same table with a childhood friend named Gu Shi.

Gu Shi grew up in a community in Jin Qing. The class started in kindergarten. The relationship between the two is very good. Parents often make jokes and let them grow up to have a baby kiss and kiss each other.

The joke of adults, Gu Shi never rest assured. However, Jin Qing, a girl who grew up, secretly fell in love with Gu Shi.

They all go to school at the same school, in the same class, at the same table.

Gu Shi's grades are not good and he likes to copy Jin Qing's homework. However, he also covers her in school, has high force value, and plays basketball well.

There are many girls who like Gu Shi, but Gu Shi rarely walks with other girls. Jin Qing is a special case, so she always feels that she is different from Gu Shi to other girls.

All this continued until the sophomore year.

There was a transfer student in their class.

The transfer student was a girl with short ears and named Qi Mei.

Qi Mei ’s name is nice and looks good. She looks sweet and fragrant when she looks at it. Boys see her as a class flower at a glance, and girls look at this type that is very good and easily bullied. I always feel that this is a huge white lotus.

Gu Shi likes this obedient card like Qi Mei.

Although he didn't do well, he still had a good set of pursuits.

He chased his eyebrows from high school to high school, and he persisted.

In the third year of high school, Gu Shi worked desperately, and finally went to the same university with Qi Mei after the college entrance examination, and then he would lead a happy life.

And Jin Qing, because she fell in love with herself.

Good night, what?

(End of this chapter)

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