Chapter 1227: He Likes Him (12)

Therefore, Xia Ling has a bowl of instant noodles and a cup of milk tea, and has been starving for so long during the day.

She has more calories today than Jin Qing usually eats!


Back at home, Xia Ling rejected the loving midnight snack of Mother Jin, and refused to cook the fragrant pork rib soup for three or four hours.

Ask her to leave the pork rib soup for lunch tomorrow in a bento box.

Write homework, then wear loose clothes and stretch in the room for more than an hour.

With Xia Ling's ability to remember, these high school topics are more than enough for her to be a teacher.

Therefore, the emphasis on weight loss and Raiders Sheng Fei did not affect her learning at all.

In addition, her plan is to start from the next monthly exam, her grades will rise a little bit, and she will be equal with Sheng Fei by the end of the semester.

The goal is Sheng Fei's throne of the first grade in the whole year. The goal is to transfer to 10 classes with Sheng Fei when the third year of high school begins.

Near the water tower, the first moon, her people, before the word has not been left, she still looked at herself.

"Hi, help me find an effective weight loss program."

Xia Ling exercised for a while and quietly went downstairs. She weighed 61 pounds and 122 kilograms with Jin's mother's weight scale. It was a little more than a little more than a little.

Xia Ling's belly was defamatory, and the sound of hi hi just sounded in her mind.

"Host, I found the plan you want."


Hi Hi: "The first plan, Xue Yandan, one month after taking, weight loss and whitening, so that you become a beauty as light as a bird without any side effects.

The second option is to jump on Zheng Duoyan's weight loss exercise on time, skipping one and a half hours a day, walking to school in the morning, consuming 1 hour, and reducing 300 calories. Strictly control the calorie intake from food and eat less meals. According to this plan, one year, you can reduce to 93 pounds, not fat or thin. "

When Xia Lingdan was heard, Xia Ling's eyes were already bright.

Can achieve weight loss without any effort, why does she still take so long?

Xia Ling: "... Where did Xue Yandan come from?"

Hi Hi: "According to known world restrictions, Xueyan Dan cannot be exchanged and cannot be issued by the system."

"Oh ..." Xia Ling instantly transformed into apathy jpg. Raising his hand was about to put Hehe into the small black room.

Can you say what you ca n’t get, and make Xia Ling envious?

"Wait for the host, I haven't finished talking." Hi Hi Erkang, at the moment Xia Ling started, he finally rummaged his memory and found a way of life for himself. If you wish, I can give Xueyan Dan as a sideline reward. "

"Oh, the main line didn't know why, but the side line was rewarded." Xia Ling sneered, let him give her a look at the side line task.

[Side Mission: Within seven days, get a Shengfei kiss with love. 】

Seven days? With love?

How to try this branch task yourself?

Sheng Fei's character was as cold as ice, and looking indifferent, he was like a donkey inside.

Seven days Xia Ling can be close to him and become his friend. It is good to get him a kiss with love?

"Host, this task is rainy, but would you like to try it?"

Xia Ling: "Is there any punishment for failure?"

Hi Hi: "If you fail, you will gain 20 pounds."

Xia Ling froze.

She originally weighed 122 and was 20 pounds fatter. Then she is just like a ball. Can people still look?

(End of this chapter)

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