Chapter 1237: He Likes Him (22)

However, Gu Shi and Qi Mei were in school and still study hard!

Gu Shi was choked by Xia Ling's words.

He never knew that this little fat girl who had been behind him was so sharp.

He paused and said clearly.

"You ... are girls, and they are more disadvantaged than boys. And you and Sheng Fei are different from me and Qi Mei. Qi Mei and I are going to marry after graduation. I will take responsibility for the eyebrows, and Sheng Fei, can he promise you? He was raised by a little three ... "

This little three raised, almost poking Xia Ling.

She stared at Gu Shi, determined.

"Get off! Gu Shi, there are bad words behind me, don't make me look down on you."

Gu Shi: "Where did I say bad things about him? Is there something wrong with my words? His mother was called by the original matchmaker and all the people who had attended junior high school with him knew. Jin Qing, don't go to school Like other girls, he was confused by his good grades and good looks. "

"The child of Xiaosan, his reputation has been so bad in his past circles. Where is he Shengfei, no matter how good he can be? If you follow him, you will bet on yourself and go with him for insults."


What Gu Shi said was true.

Xia Ling followed Sheng Fei and probed.

At that time, the original match made a big noise. Sheng Fei's mother was a primary school teacher and was almost forced to jump off the building in public.

In the last year of junior high school, Sheng Fei spent all his swearing and endured a lot of mental pressure.

However, in this person's life, who can choose to give birth in whose belly?

Looking at Gu Shi in the dark, Xia Ling had a long-term decision on Sheng Fei's birth. At this time, looking at Gu Shi, the jealousy and jealousness permeated from the boy's tone made Xia Ling smile at Gu Shi with a smile ridicule.

"Gu Shi, I've read the book. Some people in this world just like to eat in a bowl and look at the pot. They look at themselves lost here, crying in pain and saying that they like it. But like it is just possession I feel like I've been stolen. Gu Shi, you say so much, is it because you like me? "

Gu Shi: "I ..."

He opened his mouth, thin lips opened and closed in vain, and the boy's handsome face looked a little embarrassed.

Xia Ling looked at him like this, but did not feel that Gu Shi really liked her, but determined that he was possessive.

"Go back and think about it. Everyone is an adult. No matter what choices you make, you have to take responsibility for yourself later. Forgive me what you shouldn't say. You have the care to think about yourself. Good, but with you lately, is she still thinking about studying? "

"Immediately during the mid-term exam, if Qimei's results suddenly fall, let alone the future, you're afraid that even parents can't pass this level."

"Furthermore, people are all in the top ten in the class. Even if the results fall for a while, they can always catch up. What about you? Gu Shi, you can't help the results on the wall, it's like sticky mud. Brow eyebrows, let her take a third-rate college with you? "

Xia Ling's tone was light and light, a pair of black eyes stared at Gu Shi, and he was not polite when speaking.

Oh, when it comes to poking people, Xia Ling said that no one dared to call the first.

Gu Shi originally stood in the dark and caught Jin Qing. From the perspective of right and wrong, he was aggressive, Jin Qing should always apologize and begged him not to tell her about things at home.

(End of this chapter)

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