Chapter 1255: He Likes It (40)

Well, even if he succeeds in his life, I am afraid there will be no joy.

Sheng Fei thought that if Jin Qing couldn't wait for him, then he would become famous, no matter if Jin Qing had a family or a boyfriend, he would definitely find her and chase her back desperately.

She belongs to him, and it's him how far he has gone.

Sheng Fei was turbulent in his heart and revealed some words, but he had more helplessness.

He wanted her to wait for him, but what's so special about him, let Jin Qing wait for him like this and wait for him to become famous and then stay with him again?

"Well, you struggle slowly, I can wait."

The girl's simple voice suddenly sounded on the sidewalk under the street lamp.

"What?" Sheng Fei looked.

Under the street light, the girl stopped, she looked at him, her eyes were bright and bright, like the most beautiful star in the sky.

"Not only do you have dreams you want to achieve, I have them too."

"We can go hand in hand, you go to realize your dream, I go to realize my, when you are tired, go shopping, appointments together, relax whatever you do. Although you want to do anything, I will not be you You do n’t have to worry about you being my burden. "

"Like will not become our burden on each other. Sheng Fei, I am an independent individual, even if I am with you, I am independent and can live my own life, you do not have to tie me to you. Too tired . "

Her voice was soothing, but she caught sight of it again.

The most intimidating side of Sheng Fei seemed to be broken by Xia Ling.

However, after the wolf howled, Xia Ling's words provoked him, as if opening a new world for him.

From his mother, Sheng Fei didn't get enough sense of security. He always looked at women with a pessimistic outlook.

However, Xia Ling was not his mother.

She is brave, she is wayward, she never lets herself be wronged, and can bear the pressure of pursuing her dreams.

She had to overtake him in her grades. In such a semester, in less than a hundred days, she really almost succeeded.

She will be the best partner and best lover in his life.

"Okay! Then ... wait until the college entrance examination before telling each other the answer in my heart."

Sheng Fei tangled with complex eyes and became firm and firm under the street light.

Many answers, needless to say.

However, this kind of tacit understanding, after the convergence of eyes, Sheng Fei understood Xia Ling's thoughts, and Xia Ling also understood Sheng Fei's thoughts.

Sheng Fei's heart filled with satisfaction.

At this moment, he felt that he and her were like a semicircle that was born in harmony.

With her there, it seems that the road to be overcome in the future is not so difficult.


Summer holidays pass by.

By the time the junior high school began, Xia Ling had become a beautiful woman with long hair.

Because of Sheng Fei's request, instead of losing weight, she chose to gain muscle.

The weight of one meter, sixty two, and ninety-six pounds, because of the well-balanced lines on the body, does not look fat, but the whole person has a glance and looks healthy and beautiful.

On the day of school, when Gu Shi shouted Xia Ling, Xia Ling came out of the Jin family.

The boys who were still playing with Gu Shi, saw Xia Ling walking out of the door carrying a schoolbag.

Several people were present at the scene.

They saw Xia Ling for a long time and couldn't believe it. If it wasn't for Xia Ling to speak, the sight had to stick to Xia Ling, and they could not wait to see Xia Ling with X-rays to see if she was Jin Qing herself.

(End of this chapter)

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