Chapter 1259: He Likes It (44)

There is a martial law all over the country. This day is the day of the college entrance examination.

Millions of candidates entered the college entrance examination room in the expectation of their parents and teachers.

Gu's parents and Mother Jin were waiting outside the school.

On the other side are Qi Mei's parents. As parents of a school, they are bored waiting outside the exam room, and they chat quickly.

Gu Shi and Qi Mei are in the same class.

Jin Qing is in the Rockets class.

Even if three people are not in the same class, as parents, they often hear their children talk to each other.

The three parents quickly chatted enthusiastically, especially Mother Jin, because Gu Shi and Qi Mei often sought Jin Qing to make up classes and do homework together.

Father Gu and Mother Qi said together that when the college entrance examination ends, they must invite Mother Jin to have a good meal.

Mother Jin smiled and refused politely.

Obviously entered the examination room, but earned herself face outside the examination room, is there any girl in the world who is more at ease than her? No!


Three days later, the college entrance examination ended.

In the teaching building of a middle school, some people tore books, and some shouted in the night, and the snowflake-like books fluttered down from a high place.

Xia Ling and Sheng Fei stood side by side behind the east railing on the rooftop rooftop.

In the distance is the river, a bridge lit by lights.

Once, Xia Ling called out Sheng Fei, and the two stood here and talked.

Now, the two are still standing side by side, fingers crossed.

Others were carnival and liberation, and Xia Ling and Sheng Fei stood here quietly, looked at each other, and understood from each other's eyes.

For them, the end of the college entrance examination is not the end, but another beginning of their lives.

"Don't you tell me the answer after the college entrance exam?"

Xia Ling said first.

"I ... I'm a little bit unprepared, Qingqing, let's talk about it first." Sheng Fei pressed her thin lips and was very nervous by Xia Ling's sentence.

Xia Ling: "Okay, then my answer is ..."

"No, don't tell me like this." Sheng Fei abruptly refused and hugged Xia Ling.

He took her in front of him, held him in his arms, and then looked down at her.

"Still I say first, I like you Jin Qing, I love you."

"Even if you will be disappointed in the future, even if I can't give you the life you want in the future. But, I love you, from the time I agreed before, to this moment, I have never stopped loving you."

"I hope that I will be able to accompany you for thousands of days and nights."

Sheng Fei's scorching body temperature hugged Xia Ling tightly through her school uniform.

This is their first hug.

Xia Ling was struggling and felt someone's footsteps to the rooftop, but she was so slow to separate from Sheng Fei.

A strong beam of light pierced them.

The whistle sounded sharp and harsh, accompanied by the voice of the director's accusation.

"The two hugging on the rooftop, don't think you have graduated, you can fall in love early in the school, which class of students, come to the teaching department with me!"

Sheng Fei held Xia Ling and blocked Xia Ling in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, everything is mine."

The roof is on the fourth floor, and there is a dark open space outside the railings.

And here is facing a severe class teacher, the whole people on the roof are scattered almost, only Sheng Fei and Xia Ling are too embarrassed, caught by the director.

The end of the matter was brought to the teaching department with the first and second place in the school, and the parents were called to end.

This day, Sheng Fei's mother came to school for the first time.

This is a very old woman.

(End of this chapter)

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