Chapter 1302: Little City Monster (35)

A pale yellow halter dress with a shawl covering it was lined with Xia Ling's collarbone like jade and fair and delicate.

Pei Yan stared at Xia Ling for a moment.

"Xia Duoduo."

"Huh?" Xia Ling turned her head.

Pei Yan opened the drawer from one side and put on his watch.

Pei Yan, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, was calm and looked at Xia Ling with caution.

"You're dressed in such a swagger. If you do anything that hurts the weather of Pei's family, I'm not going to make you feel better, understand?"

"Understand." Xia Ling blinked, "I will keep my body up like jade, when you want it, when will I give it ~!"

Pei Yan froze, "... women still have to love themselves."

Xia Ling: "You have children for me, and I won't be sorry for you."

Pei Yan frowned.

"Sheng Pei Xun is my willingness and has nothing to do with you."

"How irrelevant? Although we both hit the monster's spell at the beginning, it was you who ultimately suffered, and I feel sorry for you when I think of it." Xia Ling lowered her face and said lightly.

She lowered her face so much that her eyes were covered with eyelashes and she couldn't see it at all.

Pei Yan was so carried by her, as if she remembered the showdown with him last night.

The reason why he gave birth to a child, she didn't, was because Xia Duodu was entangled with a spider essence, and the spider essence cast a spell on her, so he was pregnant after the accident.

Pei Yan looked soothing and was not a man who cares.

"Since I know I'm sorry, treat me better later!

When I find a day with my parents, we will make up a wedding, and Pei Xun can tell him the truth.

Since the original thing has something to do with you, I will let you do something in the future, so be good and be obedient, I will treat you as my sister and let you live a good life. "

"Sister?" Xia Ling hit him.

She is so beautiful, he treats her as a sister?

"After that, I couldn't tell much about men and women. Men and women are the same." Pei Yan said lightly.

Since being honest, he didn't mind opening his scars.

"You ... can't?" Xia Ling was silent.

She remembered that there was no plot of Pei Yan withered in the plot!

"Well, it's not impossible, it's a psychological problem." Pei Yan said.

Every time there was a reaction, he was uncomfortable, sweating all over, as if returning to the day he had the baby.

He is not the same as a woman. There is also no place for birth when there is a uterus in pregnancy. The child can only be born by laparotomy ...

There are two major physical and psychological barriers. He can't get through. As soon as he gets close to a woman and has that atmosphere, he becomes nauseated.

"Well, I see." Sighing gently, Xia Ling stood up.

She went to Pei Yan and hugged Pei Yan.

"Take care of yourself, I will help you keep this secret forever."

She was fragrant and soft. This embrace made Pei Yan stiff and on guard the first time, but Xia Ling hugged it and let him go.

This embrace is like comforting Pei Yan.

"Um." Pei Yan still had the smell of a woman in her nose, turned away, picked a tie from the side, and tied herself to the neck against the dressing mirror.

No one besides him is actually guilty.

Intentionally uncomfortable with actions.

Xia Ling looked at him without piercing him.

She slowly thought back, thinking about her past contact with Pei Yan.

In front of Pei's house, she kissed him and he reacted.

(End of this chapter)

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