The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 1452: The little brother of the 1990s (1)

Chapter 1452 The Little Brother in the 1990s (1)

After completing his mission, Xia Ling left Zhao Haoran's body after he died.

The body suddenly felt light.

She briefly observed the two intertwined black and white air columns in her consciousness.

That belongs to the devil's breath, although tyrannical and overbearing, but Xia Ling can feel the tenderness of guardianship from this breath.

"Hi, you said that if the devil knew that he became a woman and was attacked by me, how would he react?"

In this life, until the end, Zhao Haoran and Bai Yanyan had no children, and they did not regret it.

Later, Bai Yanyan became a famous criminal policeman in the country, and Zhao Haoran of Xia Ling, retreated from the front line to the Public Prosecution Law and became an excellent prosecutor.

The husband and wife cooperated with each other and solved many major domestic cases. They were also the eyes of the black and white gangsters.

Although Dad Zhao and Bai Mu had been urging them to have children, the delay in their lives forced them to get angry and went to the hospital to remove the contraceptive ring.

She was born!

Father Zhao and Bai Mu were in their forties, saying that they were born, and it did n’t take long for Bai Mu to be pregnant ...

This younger brother, Xia Ling and Bai Yanyan named him Zhao Yan.

I hope he is stronger, better feed, and hard as a rock.

Said to be a younger brother, Zhao Yan is like Xia Ling and Bai Yanyan's children. Zhao Yan is here, and Bai Mu does not urge them. The family is happy for a lifetime.


"Host, the devil will tie you to the bed, let you see what it's like to be able to get out of bed every month, right?" Hei Hei is very sure.

Man ... nobody cares about it.

With the character of the devil, Xia Ling thought that this was absolutely impossible for him.

However, by chance, the two arrived in such a world.

The demon was angry and angrily, maybe Xia Ling was pressed directly on the bed, and she would not let her out of bed?

Anyway, for Xia Ling and the Demon King, they do n’t say that they have the same life with the world, but their spiritual will is extremely solid. Even if they are old, they will not have any problems!

Xia Ling: ...

Thinking of this possibility, she was really guilty and changed her consciousness.

"Go away. Crow's mouth!" Xia Ling didn't want to hear him say this!

I attacked Shuang Shuang once in a while, Shuang Shuang always attacked.

as a result of--

Who knows which of the past and the consequences will come first?

Not taking advantage of the devil's consciousness and taking advantage of him, she must not be suppressed by him for a lifetime?

Hi: "Hehe, don't be ashamed or angry, host, I am very jealous now. I should never look at it. If I am so obedient, can't I get a loveful praise?"

The captivating writing is full of praise to me! Xia Ling looked at him.

Consciously, Hei He is with her.

Previously, Hi Hi was like a lotus, but because the Devil's breath was stripped from it, the original stable breath turned into a chaos, and now Hi Hi is just a gray airflow.

Yes, this breath is in the same vein as Xia Ling.

Looking at it, Xia Ling wanted to say that he was a pure and flawless person, and no one believed it.

"Praise you!" Xia Ling said angrily.

Hi, "Is this over?"


"At least it must be more than 10 words. It's not that simple to make a sentence!"

"Well, hey, hi, the most powerful, the most handsome, the most blessed, and the best-with the master Xia Ling!"

Hi Hi: "..."

The host, Li Shizhen's skin.


The blue sky and white clouds, the hot sun above.

When Xia Linggang wore it, he could feel the heat on his arm, as if he had sunk a layer of skin, which was very painful.

(End of this chapter)

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