The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 1647: Win the Aojiao Webmaster (5)

Chapter 1647 Winning the Aojiao Webmaster (5)

Holding Luo Yannan's hand, Luo Si kept hard and stared at him fiercely.

Similarly, Luo Yannan retracted his gaze and looked at Luo Si across the table.

He was very calm, "Ling Ling is my girlfriend, and I haven't had time to take care of her, but it's just a lover's nickname. You can't control Roth at all. Is that Ling Ling?"

Luo Yannan smiled, his face was handsome, his hair was broken with a little sunshine, and the whole man looked like a gentle divine dazzling.

Looking at Xia Ling, Luo Yannan's eyes looked calm.

"Lingling! Are you really with Luo Yannan? I don't believe it!" Luo Si turned his face to Xia Ling.

Two similar-looking faces looked at Xia Ling together.

Xia Ling looked at them.

Luo Yannan is similar to Jiuyuan in his temperament and appearance.

However, the emotion detector will not deceive people, and only those who have favorability increases or decreases the number are the real fragments of silence.

"Luo Yannan, I think we need to talk about it." Xia Ling stepped forward and separated Luo Yannan and Luo Si.

The man wore a shirt with long sleeves, and his slender wrist had a button on the cuff, which was tightly sewn.

Xia Ling clasped him like this, Luo Yannan could clearly feel the feeling coming from her palm, warm and soft.

If he didn't button, let her just hold him like that, and touch his wrist would be better.

Luo Yannan sighed in his heart, deep regret in his eyes.

Regrets had just risen in his heart, and Xia Ling had taken him to the balcony, and let go of his hand.

Regretfully, Luo Yannan's eyes were deeper, and he looked up greedily and looked at Xia Ling.

At that moment, Xia Ling's sight was opposite to him, a feeling like being stared at by a snake, which made Xia Ling instantly covered with goosebumps.

Xia Ling frowned and looked closer, the feeling from Luo Yannan had disappeared.

Xia Ling: "Luo Yannan, I thought about it carefully. My personality and your personality may not be so appropriate. The morning confession is my blunder. Now I take advantage of the short time and I want to take back my confession and be your ordinary friend. "

"Are you sure you are an ordinary friend?" Luo Yannan raised an eyebrow, his eyes darkened and oppressed, and stared at Xia Ling. "Lingling, how do I think you want to draw a line with me?"

"No, how is this possible." Xia Qiqi took a step back from the dangerous breath revealed by Luo Yannan.

Luo Yannan smiled: "Oh, that's good, you said you want to take back that sentence, you can."

As soon as the voice closed, Luo Yannan smiled directly.

"Then change my confession now, Hu Lingling, I like you, can you be my girlfriend? Marry in love for one year, don't betray your whole life and never give up. Would you like it?

The handsome face of a man looks like a natural temptation.

Xia Ling stared at God, bewildered by his outstanding appearance, and soon sober, she shook her head.

"Sorry, I need time to figure it out."

Luo Yannan whispered softly, "It doesn't matter. You need time. I'll give it to you. I'll wait for you to give me a positive answer. Three days, enough?"

Xia Ling shook her head.

"How about five days? Five days is enough, right?" Luo Yannan raised his hand and tapped Xia Ling's cheek, and went to the lips. "Good girl, my patience is always limited. What I can't accept is I ’m being juggled, do you like me, are n’t you juggling with me? ”

Xia Ling felt the obvious threat from Luo Yannan's action, and she took a step back.

(End of this chapter)

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