Chapter 1726: Derailed Man (6)

"Cold her heart, why aren't you afraid of cold my heart?" Xia Lingzhi asked him, "You can just turn around this house, just in case, there is a case for everything, we will give it to you for so many years of hard work Brother? By the time you ca n’t go with your brother or your relative? You ask for him with a broken face, and the law also asks him, why do you rely on the house to come back? ”

"Anyway, we do n’t have any children. The house is gone. Is n’t it okay to live in your house? For so many years, your parents have n’t given us a penny. We have nowhere to live. He ca n’t divide the room and let us. Slowly? "He blurted out.

Xia Ling heard and asked him, "Why did my parents' house give us? After all these years, you came home and remembered the original thing. Didn't you say nothing to your parents? What did they say about you? Our house was originally paid for Down payment, all the money in hand is given to your mother to pay tuition fees to the military. I did n’t borrow it from my parents. Have they asked us to pay back for so many years?

Yang Zhiyuan, you also talk about conscience. My parents didn't give any money, but they had hands and feet, and I was just a girl. No matter how difficult the house was, I didn't come. What about your mother? You pay half of your monthly salary. Your brother and sister in the family want you to raise it. Your mother holds money and doesn't pay your brother a down payment. Is your mother a good person? "

"You are not allowed to say my mother!" Yang Zhiyuan's frown deepened, with pain.

He stared at the woman in front of her. She was sitting on the bed, right in front of him, but she didn't give up.

Looking at her, Yang Zhiyuan felt the cruelty of time. When he chased her, that chilly, clean and innocent Qiya, what turned into a woman who was so sharp when she mentioned money?

A feeling of being cheated rises.

After a pause, Yang Zhiyuan said again.

"My mother, she is not easy. She pulls our three brothers and sisters to grow up. She is a rural person, she has short experience, and she has no money in her hands. Anyway, she is an old man. Sell ​​blood to support us ... "

"Oh." Xia Ling sneered. "Anyway, your mother is right, what else can I say?"

Yang Zhiyuan was stabbed by her, but said nothing.

He knew that he was partial, but he couldn't really warm up at Qi's side. When he thought of the past, he felt uncomfortable ...

And his mother, Yang Zhiyuan himself knew that she had many problems.

She likes to stab and talk more, but hasn't Ziya been here for so many years? Why can't you stand it today?

"Zia, I know it's my fault, but in my face, for the last time, let's help them, I swear, I won't intervene again in the future if anything happens to them!" Yang Zhiyuan served soft.

"Who knows if what you said is true? If you do n’t know, your mother and your mother would be your wife. I am an outsider!" Xia Ling heard something outside.

"Qiya, I miss you ..." Yang Zhiyuan had a hook in his eyes. Although he talked with Qi Ya for a few words, he still wanted to confuse things and live with her husband and wife.

However, he thought, Xia Ling didn't want to.

She deliberately stimulated people outside the door.

The eavesdropping mother Yang was a gunfire, and Xia Ling's words had just fallen, and she could not help rushing in.

He split his head and covered his face, grabbing Xia Ling's hair with one hand, and fanning Xia Ling's face with the other, Yang Yang went to tear Xia Ling, and scolded his head with his head.

(End of this chapter)

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